The Storm God

Chapter 4054 Make a comeback! (Please subscribe!)

singularity space.

Bai Xiaofei here is unaware of what happened on the earth.

He and Hei Qi have always been immersed in the new field of knowledge, completely forgetting about other things around them.

until a certain moment.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

Hei Qi's magic knowledge has finally been almost digested by him, and Bai Xiaofei's magic level and strength have also been greatly improved because of this.

If it can be fully integrated, it is estimated that the effect will be greater.

But unfortunately...

reached his level.

Subsequent improvement cannot be achieved only by comprehension and study.

Must practice!

the same way.

The same goes for Hedge.

Hei Qi has also basically understood Bai Xiaofei's concept of three-element normalization theory, and successfully divided the power in his body into three different types.

But it will take some time and continuous practice to digest it completely, and it will not work behind closed doors.

"Go out for a walk?"

Bai Xiaofei saw Hei Qi's movement, so he suggested.

When I think about it, there is already a Doctor Strange on the earth now, if there is another dark version, two supreme mages meet...

He finds it interesting.


Change to before.

Hei Qi may not agree.

But it's different now, Bai Xiaofei has given Hei Qi a new hope and goal, and he will naturally no longer shut himself up in this singularity space, drawing the ground as a prison and doing nothing.

Because only by going outside and seeing different worlds and characters' deeds can he have room for further improvement and strengthening.

In order to revive his girlfriend, Hei Qi is willing to give everything.

"do you have any good advice?"

Heck asked.

It is no problem to go out, but where to go, he is more confused.

Especially after knowing the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, Hei Qi has no goal for where he should go.

after all……

Other parallel universes also have their own existence.

Hei Qi is gone, what about the other self? It's fine if you don't see it, but if you do, how embarrassing would it be?


These are trivial matters.

Hei Qi didn't care too much, but the matter about Christine was a major problem that he couldn't ignore.

Even if he knows that the Christine in another parallel universe is not his own Christine, because the same person will inevitably arouse Hei Qi's sad memories.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Why don't you go to the world I'm in first, as far as I know, you in that world are still single, and you and Christine are just friends..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but pause a little, and suddenly he had a ridiculous idea that he was teaching Heiqi, and going to green Heiqi himself.

God is pitiful.

Bai Xiaofei didn't expect this, it's just that he doesn't seem to embarrass Hei Qi.


Hei Qi was silent for a moment.

Finally nodded, and agreed: "Alright, let's go to the world you are in first and have a look. If you guessed correctly, it should have been modified by your useless power of infinite gems, right?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "It was the zombie apocalypse before, I used the power of gems to restore it to the situation before the apocalypse."

"Not only my world, but also the world of Black Widow Natasha."

"I'm just soft-hearted..."


Don't forget to boast about yourself at the end.

To this.

Heiqi was noncommittal.

What he was more concerned about was that Bai Xiaofei was not stopped by the observers when he did this? Or blocked it, but failed...

If so, what will happen next?

To know.

According to common sense.

After the end of the world, there is basically no future in that world, just like my own world, but once the ending is rewritten, it means that it is full of infinite possibilities...

Think here.

Hei Qi couldn't help but become more and more curious.

It's really hard to go to the world where Bai Xiaofei is right away.


at the same time.

Another parallel universe.


The prison where Eric the Leopard was held, the strong vibrating gate, was suddenly destroyed by a more powerful and terrifying force and opened.

follow closely……

A strange figure in a black robe came in from the outside.

"Eric, I kept you waiting."


Eric the Leopard was imprisoned and was not abused. After all, no matter how he made mistakes, he was also a descendant of the royal family of Wakanda.

Sentenced to indefinite imprisonment, is already the heaviest punishment.


Whether there is any other purpose is another matter.

Anyway, now Eric the Leopard is ushering in his own new life. The moment the prison gate was destroyed, he knew that his counterattack was about to begin.

And the person who came to rescue him was none other than Ultron!


When Eric the Leopard was sent back to his own world by the observer, he brought back a mechanical head of the Ultron body.

And inside, there is a piece of Ultron's program code stored.

That is.

The real Ultron is not completely dead.

And he was brought to his own world by Eric the Leopard. When he was captured by Wakanda, the head of the Ultron body fell into the hands of Midi.

The plot behind it is also very easy to guess.

When the Midi military saw the head of Ultron's body, with such a high technological content, they immediately invested in crazy research, and with the cooperation of Ultron, they successfully deciphered a lot of advanced black technology.

Not long.

The Midi Army conveniently and successfully reproduced the new mechanical warrior designed by Ultron, and after passing a series of tests, it immediately invested in a large number of manufacturing.

It's not that they are stupid and have no defense at all.

But in this world, Midi has already done similar things, and what he did was to remind the larger mecha, but it was done by the dead Tony.

Because of Eric the Leopard's calculations, the information of the Mech Warrior has been leaked, and many countries have their core technical information, which can be reproduced and improved with a little effort.

In order to cope with this situation and maintain his overlord status, Midi is naturally not to be outdone, and always wants to create more powerful weapons.

The technology that Ao Chuang showed them was undoubtedly the pillow sent over when they fell asleep.

Poor Midi, who thinks he has taken advantage of a big advantage and is a windfall, but he doesn't know that all of this is a conspiracy by Ultron, and they are just a group of sad pawns.


Ultron's core-level code easily broke away from the restriction of the head of the body, and was transmitted to one of the newly built bodies using the Internet.

after that.

Ultron continued to upgrade and transform his new body, making it extremely powerful. When the time was right, he invaded SHIELD and snatched the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem.

In process again.

Ultron also mercilessly massacred a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Phils, Hawkeye Clint, and Black Widow Natasha, all of whom were killed on the spot, with no survivors.

Poor black corned egg, after all, he didn't even have time to press the interstellar transmitter left by Captain Marvel, otherwise Ultron would suffer as soon as the aunt arrived.

With the space gem, Ultron has enough confidence, so he came directly to Wakanda, preparing to rescue Eric the Leopard and serve as his ally.

After the previous defeat, this time, Ultron has learned a lesson.

He knows very well that no matter how strong he is, he can't do it alone. Hei Qi's single-handedly leading the five pits is the best proof, so this time for a comeback, Ao Chuang is going to create his own team.

Eric the Leopard is the first member.

There will be a second one after that.

and more!


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