The Storm God

Chapter 4055 Strange event! (Please subscribe!)


The space magic halo flashes.

The figures of Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi walked out of it. The place where they appeared was Bai Xiaofei's exclusive room here. Without Bai Xiaofei's permission, no one dared to enter.


There is a lot of his private research in it.

The protection is also extremely strong, if someone breaks in rashly, the end will definitely be miserable.


Looking at all kinds of unknown experimental products in the room, Dr. Heiqi, who was well-informed and could see extraordinary among them at a glance, couldn't help but marvel.

"Just some small toys."

Bai Xiaofei smiled modestly: "If you are interested in anything, just ask, I will send it to you directly, don't be polite to me."

With his current net worth, these things are nothing at all.


Hei Qi was not polite to Bai Xiaofei either, hearing that he was really in the room, and began to seriously study Bai Xiaofei's various experimental studies and collections.

To know.

He has never seen most of the things in it, maybe there are some good things in these novel things that can help him improve quickly.

Hei Qi came out this time to practice.

And practice...

It doesn't have to be a fight.

The research on novelty can also help Heiqi accumulate and improve himself.

"Then you are studying here now. I went outside to see the situation. I stayed there for a while, and I don't know what the situation in Wakanda is now..."

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile.


Hei Qi waved his hand, indicating that you are free.

Then I developed a strong interest in a special item on the table.

Bai Xiaofei smiled, turned and left.



As soon as he left his private research room, Bai Xiaofei's extremely powerful spiritual sense immediately keenly sensed that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere in the Wakanda palace.

What's even more strange is that there are no guards outside the research room.

This is very abnormal.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei's identity is very special in Wakanda.

His research room is even more important than the research room of Black Panther's younger sister Su Rui. Usually, there are many guards on guard to prevent people from entering by mistake and causing unnecessary troubles.


Now there is no guard outside but empty.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei immediately opened his divine sense.

The huge spiritual power swept across the entire Wakanda palace almost instantly, but to Bai Xiaofei's surprise, the entire palace is now empty!


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being even more surprised.

what's the situation.

Where has everyone gone?

Even if something happened, it wouldn't mean that there was no one there, right?

Could it be that it was invaded?


It doesn't feel like it.

Not to mention the natives of T'Challa the Black Panther, Uncle Locke of the fantasy team, how come they all disappeared?

The key point is that there is no trace of a fight in the entire palace.

It was as if everyone had suddenly evaporated from the world.

Except nobody.

The rest of the things are all fine.

What's going on?

next second.

Bai Xiaofei expanded the scanning range of his divine sense.

Not only the palace of Wakanda, but the entire territory of Wakanda was scanned by him in an instant.

But the result is still the same.

In the whole of Wakanda, except for animals and plants, there is no living person!


outside of Wakanda.

To be precise, there are many Midi fighters and armed forces outside Wakanda's protective shield, and it seems that they have been stationed here for a long time.

It may even have been fired, because in some places on the shield, there are still many eggshells of weapons, and the burn and destruction marks left after firing.


Seeing the Midi army outside, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly stunned: "These guys, why did they come to Wakanda? And it seems that there is more than one country's military power..."

Among the large armies on the outskirts of Wakanda, Bai Xiaofei even saw the flags of the Bang Country and the Island Country, obviously wanting to come with Midi.


Their armed forces are too weak.

There is no need for a single soldier on Wakanda's side, just a protective cover is enough to make these bandits lose their temper completely.


Bai Xiaofei didn't take these people seriously either.

He first checked the monitoring situation of Wakanda in the technology center of Wakanda, but did not get any useful information.

The content in the monitor is almost the same as what Bai Xiaofei guessed.

All of them suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

last second.

Everyone is still working normally.

As a result, in the next second, people suddenly disappeared one by one. It was extremely weird, and it was very similar to the plots in some ghost movies.

The same is true for Uncle Locke and others of Dream Team.

The few people in the picture seemed to have noticed something before they disappeared, but they disappeared suddenly before they could react.

that feeling...

It was as if the painting had been erased abruptly with an eraser.


Only this scene.

This made Bai Xiaofei realize that this matter is not simple.

Of the robbers outside, one is fine, all are fine, but in the end, only the people in Wakanda were caught in an accident...


The enemy is coming for Wakanda.

Moreover, the opponent's strength is extremely powerful and terrifying, otherwise, Uncle Locke and the others would not have been dealt with so easily, without even a little time to react.

So here comes the problem.

Who is the other party? What is the origin?

So much, is it for Wakanda, or for yourself? If it was directed at oneself, it wouldn't be possible to loot all the vibrating gold mines in Wakanda, right?

But if it is directed at Wakanda, it is even more unexplainable.

Although Wakanda's technological capabilities are relatively strong, it is limited to the scope of the earth. Even if it breaks the sky, it is impossible to provoke such a terrifying enemy, right?

"never mind!"

"I can't think of any results in my imagination, I'd better go outside and ask those robbers if they have any clues, although there is little hope..."


next moment.

Bai Xiaofei appeared in the core command base of the army outside Wakanda, and the commander inside was also Bai Xiaofei's old acquaintance - General Ross.


This so-called familiarity refers to another world.

General Ross in this world doesn't know Bai Xiaofei at all, so General Ross was shocked by Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance.

Also very jealous and fearful.

"Who are you?"

He said sternly.

General Ross really wanted to call out to the soldiers outside to escort him, but he was shocked to find that no matter how he shouted, there was no response from outside.

As for the others in the room?

Good guy.

One by one, they all stood still in place as if they had been hit by a hold spell. In the entire room, only Bai Xiaofei and General Ross could move normally.

"General Ross, don't make a fuss, I stopped everyone else, and now we are the only two people in the world who are free to move around..."

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense with General Ross, so he went straight to the point and said, "I don't bother to care about your banditry. I'm here to ask you something..."

"W-what's the matter?"

People are knives and I am fish.

What else can General Ross do, of course, cooperate as much as possible.

No one wants to die after all.

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, releasing a strange power in his eyes, staring at General Ross, and asked: "Let me ask you, what happened in Wakanda? Why is there no one alive? Have you found any abnormalities?" Condition?"

"No, no..."

General Ross's lonely eyes were slack, and he was hypnotized by Bai Xiaofei's power almost instantly, and then he answered everything he knew truthfully.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."


These trash don't know either!


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