The Storm God

Chapter 4056 The observer lost contact! (Please subscribe!)

Although it had been expected, Bai Xiaofei was still a little upset at the moment. Of course, no matter how upset he was, he wouldn't vent his anger on a mortal.

General Ross' words are credible though.


Bai Xiaofei still hacked into all the equipment in this base, frantically searching for some useful data information, but unfortunately he still found nothing.


Through the database of the Midi military.

Bai Xiaofei knew about another rather strange thing.

Except for Wakanda.

All over the world, there have also been bizarre cases in which some people suddenly disappeared, and some of them are even famous superheroes all over the world.


Iron Man Tony Stark.

Captain America.


Black marinated eggs...

Etc., etc.

Not only that, the Hydra bases hidden in some hidden areas were also invaded almost at the same time, and the biggest loss was Dr. Zola's consciousness storage device.

Not one left, all destroyed.


When he heard the news, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but immediately thought of a person in his mind - Ultron, the strongest artificial intelligence life!

There is no other reason.

This pertinence is too obvious.

If it's just Chaoying, it's okay to say, but those consciousnesses of Dr. Zola are buried deep in some bases that haven't been seen for a long time. God knows when they will be seen again.

You said that someone provoked whom, why would someone dig the ground three feet and kill him?

Think again.

Ultron was killed by Dr. Zola (viral level status) before...

The result is not difficult to guess.


Isn't Ultron killed?

Isn't it dead?

But even so, he shouldn't have such a terrifying ability...


Could it be that he has collected the infinite gems again! ?

this moment.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Bai Xiaofei's mind, and he almost immediately thought of the key to the problem, this is the world of the infinite multiverse!

Although Bai Xiaofei has snatched the Infinity Gems in Ultron's local world, there are still many sets of Infinity Gems in other parallel universes.


The world of Eric the Leopard.

The reason why Leopard comes to mind is purely because among the members of the original multiverse version of the Avengers, that guy was the only villain.

Moreover, he was the only one at the time who was more interested in Ultron's body and its level, and even carried a trophy of Thor, the head of Ultron's body, with him.

Although the head is not from Ultron's native world, it is also an accomplice that Ultron copied with infinite gems and used to destroy the multiverse.

At first.

Bai Xiaofei didn't take Eric the Leopard seriously at all, because in his eyes, the other party was just an ant.

But now it seems.

All these incidents and troubles are probably caused by him.

"Depend on!"

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but curse secretly.


He let go of his consciousness completely.

The tyrannical force swept across the entire earth almost instantly.

Then, Bai Xiaofei's face darkened instantly. Scanning with his consciousness, he discovered that many people in the world had disappeared.

And these disappearing people, like Wakanda, are not all carefully selected, because at some point in the future, they are very likely to grow into superheroes and contribute to the protection of the world.

"Zola Algorithm!"

There is no doubt that if the man behind the scenes is really Ultron, then he probably also got Dr. Zola's Zola algorithm when he destroyed Dr. Zola.

after all.

This thing is no secret.

In the US team 2, the insight plan has already exposed the Zola algorithm to the world. With such a powerful technology, Midi will naturally not let others go.

And with their current technology, it is impossible to stop Ultron's invasion.

Through the Zola algorithm, calculate all the existences that threaten you, and then use the power of the infinite gems to wipe them out...

What a move to kill them all!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was convinced too.

Unexpectedly, Ultron would make a comeback and improve so fast, and when he was no longer there, he would cause such a big trouble.

Really underestimated him.


With such a big commotion, the big head should have discovered it a long time ago. Even if he didn't discover it at the beginning, when Ultron traveled through the parallel universe to do things, he should know something was wrong, right?

Why didn't you make a move to stop it?

Could it be...

Even the observers were killed?

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei was startled for a moment, he quickly activated his power, and began to concentrate on sensing the presence of the observer, but the result turned his face in shock.

No matter how Bai Xiaofei searched, the observers who should have sensed it, just like those who disappeared, completely disappeared.

If Bai Xiaofei wanted to sense and find the observer before he recovered his power, it was equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack, then with the blessing of the whole set of infinite gems, it was like having the other party's private contact information, and he could call to find the other party at any time.

But now...

Bai Xiaofei called the observer, but told him that the number was empty.

This problem is serious.

"Hey Qi!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, he immediately found Hei Qi, and hurriedly told Hei Qi about the outside affairs and his own speculation.

Finally, he asked: "You are quite familiar with the Observer, what do you think of the current situation? Could it be that the Observer is out or something, that's why..."


Heiqi frowned and shook his head.

Of course he knew what Bai Xiaofei meant, and Hei Qi knew about the observer. The observer would not leave that "working space" easily.

after all……

That thing involves the safety of the entire multiverse. If it is used by someone with a heart, God knows what terrible things will happen.


It is not only a place where observers work, but also an important strategic place that observers must guard no matter what. Without special circumstances, they will never leave easily.

Just like last time.

And this time...

to be honest.

Heiqi didn't know why.

But guessing based on the existing situation, it probably won't be a good thing.

"It's useless to just guess here, we'd better go and see for ourselves, maybe we can find some clues from it!"

Heck suggested.


However, Bai Xiaofei kept silent, and said bitterly: "You think I don't know this? But the problem now is that I can't sense the existence of the observer at all!"

"Not only the observer, but even the special dimensional space where he worked seems to have disappeared out of thin air. If there is no accident, the cliff is what Ultron used to completely hide it!"


Hei Qi opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

After a long while.

Then he stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei, and said in a daze: "Then what should we do now? The observer can't find it, and his place of work has also been hidden. Looking for a needle in a haystack in the infinite multiverse!"

Observers are powerful.


The place where he works is also extremely special. Through that space, he can easily observe the world development of the infinite multiverse.

Without these, Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi would not be able to quickly find the location of Ultron in the multiverse. This is equivalent to coming to a strange environment without any guides, navigation, maps and other auxiliary tools.

Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi, the only available method is to explore by themselves.

One can imagine.

Such efficiency is absolutely incomparably slow.

Not to mention whether they can find Ultron by doing this, even if they do find it, they don't know that it will be the Year of the Monkey, and the day lily might be cold by then!

With that in mind.

Hei Qi and Bai Xiaofei were under a lot of pressure.


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