The Storm God

Chapter 4057 Looted! (Please subscribe!)

a long time.

Hei Qi suddenly said, "How about... let's go to Asgard first?"

As the Lord of the Nine Realms, Asgard is still quite strong. Even if Odin falls, he must be much stronger than Earth.

no way.

Who makes people have a good background.

Now, the elites on Earth seem to have all been obliterated by Ultron, so what about Asgard? With Ultron's urine, it is impossible to let Thor go.

after all……

In the multi-version Avengers that besieged Ultron back then, one of the members was Thor, the God of Thunder. Although I don't know the God of Thunder in this world, I hate the house and the crow.

Dr. Zola is the best proof.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He thinks what Hei Qi said is right, the most urgent task right now is to see what other teammates are.

next moment.

A dark blue space door flashed.

This was created by Bai Xiaofei using the power of the space gem, and it directly leads to Asgard.

The two passed through and came directly to the vicinity of the Golden Palace.


See what you see.

But it was dead silent.

There is no one there, and the scene is almost exactly the same as Wakanda.


See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei frowned immediately.

at the same time.

His spiritual power swept across Asgard in an instant, but the result made Bai Xiaofei feel very heavy.

"Looks like we're late!"

Heiqi obviously also learned about the situation in Asgard through his own means, and frowned: "Ultron seems to have used the same method to wipe out Thor and others..."

"Not only that!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly: "All the collections in Asgard's treasury have been swept away, and even the core transmission device of the Rainbow Bridge has been taken away..."


Hei Qi was dumbfounded.

His eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension: "Why is this? If it was really made by Ultron, with his ability, it seems that he can't use those things, right?"


In the treasury of Asgard, there are many super treasures that can be called artifacts for ordinary people, and even some so-called gods, but those things are a bit rubbish for Ultron, who is suspected to have six infinite gems up.

It's like getting used to the extremely comfortable luxury car, so naturally you won't be interested in the extremely backward two-wheeled cart.

Hei Qi was puzzled by the act of looting the treasury.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about this, and said casually: "He did this just to weaken our strength..."

in short.

Even if the other party really doesn't need it and doesn't like it, he will definitely not leave it to others.

To know.

In the previous battles, Heiqi had no pitfalls.

Mere mortals can play unexpected roles in that level of battle, let alone some more powerful guys, or treasures.

After suffering a loss, Ultron will naturally not make similar mistakes again. This made it clear that it is better to kill the wrong than to let go, to prevent all future troubles.

Earth's Wakanda, with potential superhero players, all vibranium...and now Asgard again, and the Vault, and the Rainbow Bridge.

It is clear.

Ultron is blocking all possibilities to strengthen the enemy.


This is just the guesswork of the two.

I don't know whether this is the case, but there is one thing that Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi can be sure of. The other party has done things so terribly, and their troubles are really difficult to solve.

"Let's go!"

"There is nothing here except an empty shell. Even Ulu Metal has been taken away just like Zhenjin. Staying here will not help..."

"Let's go back to Earth and see what's going on in the Holy of Holies."


Heck suggested.

Although before, they have explored.

But Heiqi believes that no matter how powerful Ultron is, it is impossible to wipe out everyone in an instant.

after all……

Earth mages are good at other things, but their ability to escape is absolutely top-notch.

Seeing that the situation is not good, even the lowest-level mage can immediately cast space magic and escape from dangerous places. If the strength reaches a certain level, they can even go beyond the limitations of dimensions and dimensions and go directly to other worlds for refuge.


The mage in the Holy of Holies may still have some residual power.

Even if they really couldn't help Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi, they might be able to learn all the details from each other.

That's more than anything.


at this point.

The helpless Bai Xiaofei could only go back to Earth with Heiqi.


The situation is far worse than expected.

The two came to the Holy of Holies. The situation here is almost the same as that of Wakanda and Asgard. If there is anything to say, it is that the looting here is cleaner.

after all.

There are so many good things here.

The collection of magic books, magic tools, and even some bullshit treasures left over from ancient times is as rich as Asgard's, and even worse.

but now.

It's empty here, and it's "cleaner" than Wakanda and Asgard.


Bai Xiaofei was feeling emotional and depressed.

At this time, Hei Qi suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some traces left by some strange magic in a certain position.

"What's this?"

Heiqi performed magic and studied it carefully, but his face was full of bewilderment.

Obviously do not see its origin.


Bai Xiaofei leaned over to take a look, but suddenly showed surprise, and said in surprise, "This is... the breath of combat magic!"

"you know?"

Hei Qi looked at Bai Xiaofei in surprise.

Bai Xiaofei nodded and explained: "The elf under my command is a born magician, and has many different types of magic in his hands, combat magic is one of them."

Speaking of which.

He paused for a moment, then looked at Hei Qi, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this combat magic will be very compatible with the Kama Taj magic..."

With a smile in his eyes, he obviously meant something else.


Heiqi is so smart.

I understood it almost instantly, and my face couldn't help but sink slightly, very speechless.

He really wanted to open his mouth to refute the following, but suddenly realized that he had no way to talk about it, because what Bai Xiaofei said was right, Karma Taj's mages were all mages, but all of them liked to play close combat, even Gu Yi. Supreme Mage.

However, he soon came back to his senses, and said seriously: "Mr. Bai, you mean that the mages in this world have also communicated with your subordinates, and they probably escaped danger through combat magic?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

But then he shook his head again, frowned and said: "I can't guarantee whether I have escaped from the danger, after all, I don't know who has learned combat magic, but based on my analysis of the potential of combat magic, if If this person can cultivate it to the highest level, he can awaken to become a god of battle, possessing a terrifying body that is almost invincible, and can easily cut through the void..."

"These breaths and traces are too shallow, and they don't seem to be left at that level, so I can't guarantee the specific situation..."

"However, one thing can be confirmed, that is, there is at least a certain reaction here, unlike other places, where people disappear before they react..."

"I can try to trace the clues of this magic breath and see if I can find it, but I guess the success rate is not high, after all, Ultron is not a fool."

"If it's really that easy to find, I'm afraid the other party is in danger!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei released billowing energy light waves from his hands. These light waves were like elves. After staying in the magical atmosphere of the combat system for a while, they tore apart the void and dimensions, and plunged into the infinite dimensional world .


The owner of the magical breath is not in the current world, but has gone to a special existence in the infinite multiverse world.

"There is a door!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he said in great surprise: "I can still trace some traces of magic breath, which means that the other party hasn't hung up yet!"

"Very good!"

Hei Qi was also very excited when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Let's go, let's chase after the clues, maybe it's not too late, otherwise Ultron will really succeed, and it will be troublesome!"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't have ink marks either.

In response, they directly tore apart the dimension of space, turned into a stream of light with Hei Qi, and followed the trace of the light waves, and entered the infinite dimension together.


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