The Storm God

Chapter 4058 The clues are interrupted! (Please subscribe!)

The dimensional world is grotesque, colorful and colorful, and it also contains endless dangers. If you don't pay attention, you may fall into it completely and never come out again.


Even if they are as strong as Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi, they dare not be careless.

In the endless time and space and the turbulent flow of the dimensional storm, the two of them passed through it like an electric current, passing through countless intricate passages like spider webs, looking for traces of magical breath.


The two also saw creatures of other dimensions and dimensions, and even the development of civilization, from the miniatures in certain passages.

It's just that neither of them cared.

after all……

They are not here for sightseeing, but to follow up clues. Otherwise, you can explore as much as you want, maybe you can get some benefits.

that's all.

The two walked through the endless passage for an unknown amount of time.

Finally, a strange dimensional space appeared in front of the two of them. All kinds of weird scenes, like a kaleidoscope, came into view, making people dazzled.

"these things……"

Hei Qi frowned and reminded Bai Xiaofei: "Be careful, these things seem to affect people's minds, don't be affected by them!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

In fact, needless to say, Bai Xiaofei felt it too.

Even Bai Xiaofei, who has the eyes of primordial vision, can see far more clearly and deeply than Hei Qi, but he is so kind, Bai Xiaofei is too embarrassed to say anything.


The two began to carefully examine this dimensional space.

According to the clues traced by the light wave, this is the last place to stay, but after observing the punch, the two of them did not see the figure of the mage of the Holy of Holies.

I don't know if the clue is broken, or the mage is completely gone.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Bai Xiaofei found a familiar object in a hidden corner, and after a closer look, it turned out to be the exclusive magic weapon of the Kama Taj system—the Suspension Ring.


Bai Xiaofei took one.

The invisible power came to him wrapped in a hanging ring.

After a careful investigation with his spiritual sense, he immediately knew that the owner of this hanging ring was actually the supreme mage Strange, also known as Doctor Strange.

Not only him.

Hei Qi also felt it.


He frowned, looked at the hanging ring in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "According to the breath left on it, the other me should have left not long ago..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded in agreement.

But the question also came, where did Doctor Strange go? No one knows, because the clues are broken here.

And because of the different dimensions, here, the power of the infinite gems seems to have been affected to a certain extent, and cannot function perfectly.

That is.

The two can only rely on their own brains to deduce clues and find answers.

But it is a pity that apart from the dazzling special products, there is nothing else here, and the aura of combat magic has completely disappeared without a trace.

Finding out the answer is easier said than done!


Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly.

After putting away the hanging ring, he could only say to Hei Qi: "The clue has been broken, it seems that we can only find another way, do you have any other ideas?"


Heck shook his head.

Like Bai Xiaofei, he was clueless and helpless.

It's not because of poor ability, but because there are too few clues.

Don't know where to start.

It’s hard to come here, but there is no clue, it’s like you chased a coordinate to the vast sea, but found that there is nothing here, only a vast ocean...

Anyone would be confused and depressed.

"And you?"

Heck asked back.

Bai Xiaofei was silent for a while, and finally replied: "At this point, we can only take one step at a time. According to my opinion, it is better to go to the universe where Ultron was born, although there is not much hope... "


Hei Qi nodded to express his understanding: "Then go, anyway, there is no good way now, if there is no clue there, then go to the world of Eric the Leopard, or the world of other people, and search one by one. , I believe there will always be gains!"

"I hope so!"

Bai Xiaofei also knows that at this moment, what you earn is time, maybe if you go a little later, you won't get anything.


Decided where to go.

Neither of them left any ink marks and set off directly.

They first left this special dimensional space, and then cast the traversal spell, and went to the local universe where Ultron was born.

And what the two of them didn't know was.

Not long after they left, a black light suddenly flashed somewhere in that dimensional space, followed by a familiar figure, and walked out of it.

That man is Doctor Strange.


At this moment, Strange did not appear to be the image of a sage in the past, and there was an evil and sinister look in his eyes.

Between his brows, there is even a strange and special rune imprinted with fiery red and coquettish.

Not only that.

Even the red cloak behind him.

It seemed to be affected by some kind of special power, not only the shape changed, but also a dark and terrifying aura surged all over his body.

With the current image of Strange, he looks like the villain in the movie.


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi came to Ultron's local universe.


This is the end of the world scene.

Nuclear winter, full of ruins and radiation, empty and dead. Not only the earth is like this, but other interstellar civilizations in this universe are no exception.

Even worse than Earth.

And all this.

It is all given by the defeat of Infinite Ultron.


With a snap of his fingers, Bai Xiaofei changed everything, using the power of the Infinity Gem to restore the earth to the way it was before Ao Chuang destroyed the world.

Of course, this is not for the Black Widow, but Bai Xiaofei is going to use this universe as his back garden, and take time to do research and so on.


The two descended again.

But it turns out that the world doesn't seem to be affected in any way. There were cars coming and going on the street, and the crowds were constantly flowing. The whole scene was full of prosperity.

Divine thoughts swept across.

Bai Xiaofei even discovered that all the superheroes in this world were there, not one was missing.

Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, even Ancient One and Strange were not affected...


This discovery made Bai Xiaofei stunned.

Damn, what's the matter?

It shouldn't be!

If Ultron did all of this, then with his pissing nature, shouldn't he do nothing to these people? Could it be that we guessed wrong from the beginning?

He truthfully told Heiqi everything he had observed.

Hei Qi was stunned when he heard the words.

I must have guessed wrong...

Who did everything before that?

"What next?"

Hei Qi looked at Bai Xiaofei, expressing that he had completely lost his mind. Bai Xiaofei frowned, smiled wryly and said, "I don't even know."


"Go ask Master Ancient One? Or go directly to the world of Eric the Leopard? Is it caused by Ultron? I want to go to that world, and we should see the outcome."

"If it's still like this world, then maybe we all guessed wrong."


Hei Qi was silent for a moment.

In the end, he chose the latter, saying: "Since there are no problems in this world, let's not bother, so as not to implicate innocent people..."

"... also good!"

Bai Xiaofei also knew that Hei Qi felt ashamed of Master Gu Yi. Although he was not the ancient one of this world, the two had the same effect, so he didn't want to meet him.

He nodded and said nothing more.

after all.

What Hei Qi said is also reasonable.

If the world suffers another doomsday disaster because of the two of them, that would be a bit too much. Instead of that, it would be better to go to the world of Eric the Leopard.

And in comparison, the latter is more in line with the current situation.

So the two turned around and left.

next moment.

Then came to the cosmic world of Eric the Leopard.


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