The Storm God

Chapter 4059 The wretchedly developed Ultron! (Please subscribe!)

"It's really not normal here!"

After successfully landing, Bai Xiaofei didn't leave any traces, and the power of his spiritual consciousness swept across the world, and he immediately discovered all kinds of abnormal phenomena.


Wakanda's vibranium ore has completely disappeared.

And all kinds of superheroes around the world are either killed inexplicably, or suddenly disappear strangely, and then there are rapid upgrade iterations of various mechs...

The dazzling variety of mech fighters around the world even once made Bai Xiaofei think he came to the wrong world.

With Bai Xiaofei's strength and realm, it is naturally impossible to make mistakes.


The only exception is this world.


Hei Qi also sensed it with his own means, and then nodded in agreement: "The mages at the Holy of Holies are gone, including the time gem..."

"It's not just a time gem!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned, using the resonance of the Infinity Gems, he had an insight into the same power in the universe of this world almost instantly, but he didn't respond at all.

This shows that the six infinite gems in this world have been collected and taken away by people, otherwise there will be some reactions in how to hide them.

Just like Hei Qi next to him.

Although his Time Gem is protected by the Eye of Agamotto seal, Bai Xiaofei can still clearly feel the power of time it emits.

And this world.

But Bai Xiaofei couldn't feel the power fluctuations of any gems.

The only possibility is that they were taken to another world, not in this universe, or, the other party's hiding method is beyond Bai Xiaofei's cognition.

Either way, the situation is very bad.


In this world's Wakanda, although the original Zhenjin mine has disappeared, the people inside have not all disappeared mysteriously like Bai Xiaofei's world's Wakanda.

There are still many familiar characters.


Suri, sister of Black Panther T'Challa.

However, in this world, for some special reason, Suri has become the current Black Panther and King, and is leading the technical team of Wakanda, researching something.

next moment.

The figures of Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi suddenly appeared.


Suri's reaction was quick.

The moment the two of them appeared, there was a sense, and they reacted immediately.

Seeing her neck necklace and the black technology device on her wrist, countless nano-mechanical bugs quickly escaped, covering her whole body, and the latest generation of black panther battle suit was constructed almost instantly.

This scene is just like Iron Man.


The two are still somewhat different.

Even from Bai Xiaofei's point of view, Suri's black panther suit may be more technologically advanced than Iron Man's nano suit.

The most important thing is that the material of this battle armor does not seem to be vibrating gold, but another very special alloy material.

Although it does not have the characteristics of vibrating gold, it is quite powerful in terms of function.

simply put.

It's more like Iron Man.

On the premise of not relying on the performance of the equipment material, Su Rui obviously changed the style of the Panther armor into more technological functions.

Think of it as Black Panther's version of Iron Man.

after all……

There is no Iron Man in this world.

The playboy Stark, under the conspiracy of Eric the Leopard, has not been kidnapped and baptized by the Ten Rings Gang, and naturally he has not created the Iron Armor.

It didn't even complete its own sublimation and transformation.


Under the arrogance, Eric the Leopard relied on his superb fighting skills to fight back to the limit, and GG completely took the box lunch, which is really embarrassing.


In this world, Su Rui's battle armor does not involve copyright issues, because it is completely the first invention of others.

cough cough...

Closer to home.

Although Su Rui's Black Panther armor is very technological, but in front of Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi, it is still like a toy and paper, and they don't take it seriously.

"take it easy……"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and raised his hands, saying that he and Hei Qi had no malicious intentions, and then introduced himself: "We are travelers from parallel universes, and we are here to investigate Eric the Leopard and Ultron... ..."


Hearing the name, Su Rui was taken aback.

Immediately following her eyes, she revealed strong hatred and murderous intent, but she did not lose her mind because of this, the muzzles of the weapons in both hands were still aimed at Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi, and she said vigilantly: "You are aiming at Aoi! Created?"

"Ultron is not dead!"

Although Su Rui didn't reveal more, just asking this question was enough for Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi to confirm that Ultron was indeed not completely dead.

And Ultron seems to have done some bad things in this world.


There was no way Suri knew of its existence.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Seriously said: "Some bizarre events have happened in our two worlds. We suspect that all of this may be caused by Ultron..."

"After all, we have stopped his plot before and destroyed it for a while, but unfortunately, in the end, Eric the Leopard left a hidden danger..."

"Can you tell us, what happened here?"


Suri was silent for a moment.

In the end, he decided to trust Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi. After all, the two of them looked very difficult to provoke. If the other party really had any malicious intentions, Wakanda would have suffered a long time ago.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

This risk.

Suri thought it was worth the risk.


She put away her weapon and disarmed the Panther.

Su Rui pressed the bracelet, and a huge holographic display was projected in front of the three of them, showing what Eric the Leopard and Ultron were doing in Wakanda.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi's conjecture was correct.

Ultron is really not dead, and the culprit is Eric the Leopard.

Although Eric the Leopard was captured just after returning to this world, the head of the Ultron body was obtained by the military of Midi.

And with the other party's pissing nature, he naturally wouldn't regard that thing as a collectible. After returning, he immediately started deciphering and re-enacting it.


The tragedy happened like this.

The Midi military provided enough convenient conditions for Ultron's recovery, and then Ultron uploaded his own consciousness and successfully created his own brand new body.

And his first goal is the cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. and is being researched secretly, that is, the space gem.

With the addition of the space gem and the ability of Ultron itself, on the earth, it is almost half invincible.

After the resurrection, Ultron is no longer as turbulent as before.

Instead, I learned how to develop obscenely.


He rescued the imprisoned leopard Eric, made him his first ally, and ransacked all the original vibration gold mines in Wakanda.

As for why Ultron didn't destroy the people of Wakanda?

This should be attributed to Eric the Leopard. Although he is full of ambitions, he treats his own people very well.

Under his pleading, Ultron did not take action to slaughter, it was a face to Eric the Leopard, after all, without him, there would be no Ultron now.


The two left Wakanda.

Where exactly it went, Suri didn't know. She only knew that when Ultron reappeared on Earth, he had become unprecedentedly powerful and terrifying.

Including Eric the Leopard.

Not only that.

By Ultron's side, there are many more brutal and terrifying teammates.

According to Su Rui's data feedback description, Bai Xiaofei directly recognized the identities of some of them, such as the red-skinned Destroyer, the blue-skinned Cree, and the Skrull who can change their appearance...


After a wave of development in the universe, Ultron not only collected infinite gems, but also gained a group of powerful thugs and teammates.


The earth will be completely destroyed.

With a snap of their fingers, those righteous superheroes in the past immediately turned into fans of Ultron. They changed camps one after another and became part of the evil forces.

And like the supreme mage Gu Yi, and the god king Odin of Asgard, these super bosses who protected the world were directly killed by Ultron.

after all……

At this time, Ultron was almost invincible.


Looking at it, Hei Qi suddenly found a blind spot, and asked in confusion: "The time gem has always been on the ancient master, how did the one on Ao Chuang come from?"


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