The Storm God

Chapter 4060 Quantum Shuttle! (Please subscribe!)


Heiqi was very puzzled.

In his cognition, there is only one set of infinite gems in a parallel universe.

The time gem has always been on the body of the ancient one. It stands to reason that no matter how powerful Ultron is, there can only be five. However, in Su Rui's data and video data, this is not the case.

Ultron, who was insignificantly developed, turned out to be an infinite perfect body!

This is very unscientific!


Although Su Rui is very good at science and technology, he doesn't know much about super artifacts like infinite gems.

Facing Hei Qi's doubts, she also had question marks all over her face.

Obviously don't understand what the other party is talking about.

"What's the meaning?"

"You mean, there can only be one gemstone with similar attributes? It's impossible for two infinite gemstones of the same type to appear at the same time?"

"Could it be that Ultron snatched it from another parallel universe?"


Su Rui's comprehension ability is still very good.

Although I don't know much about Infinity Gems, I can still analyze a lot of useful clues and information from Heiqi's words.


Hei Qi heard the words, but immediately shook his head and said: "Each set of infinite gems has its own special characteristics. Although the functions and attributes of infinite gems in different universes are the same, they cannot be matched and combined to form a perfect sequence..."

"Unless his set is all from other parallel universes."

"But it's also unlikely!"


Having said that.

But in fact, Heiqi didn't have much confidence in his own deduction.

Because before, Ultron had chased them back to his own universe without the soul gem, and started the final battle with everyone.

That is.

Ultron can no longer be measured by common sense.

Even if you don't have a complete sequence of infinite gems on your body, just relying on the power of five gems is enough to cross the barriers of the multiverse.

According to this analysis, then Su Rui's guess may come true.


Ultron with five gems added to his body.

First, he went to other parallel universes, robbed the time gems of other worlds, or a whole set of infinite gems, and then returned to this world to deal with the ancient one mage and God King Odin.

As for the helpers around Ultron, it is also possible that they are not from the local universe, but from other worlds in the multiverse.

If that's the case, it's going to be a big problem.


What Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi have to face is not just Ultron's boss, but many troublesome characters who may come from other multiverses.

Moreover, these helpers may also have infinite gems on their bodies!

So far.

Hekkeyton felt a lot of pressure and smiled wryly.

The same is true for Bai Xiaofei, but thinking about it on the bright side, at least they can be sure that their guess is not wrong.

Ultron is probably the murderer behind all these bizarre events. According to Su Rui's information, many doubts before can be well explained.


Some doubts are still unexplainable.

Just like the observer.

To know.

The observer's big head is very powerful.

It can be called the strongest microscopic group in Marvel.

none of them!

How did Ao Chuang hide from the sky, start from scratch, and make a comeback?

Could it be that the observer dozed off?

All right.

Even dozed off.

It's impossible to sleep to death all the time, right?

After the observer discovers Ultron's comeback, as long as Ultron has not gathered all six infinite gems to form a complete sequence, even if he can't defeat Ultron, he can fight, obstruct, or ask Hei Qi and Bai Xiaofei for help. problem?

The result was not!

This is very strange, especially afterward, the entire body of the observer, including the place where he worked, seemed to have disappeared, making Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi completely unable to sense and find its location.


Bai Xiaofei also has a complete set of infinite gem sequences.

He also thought about snapping his fingers to restore everything to normal, but it failed completely. Just like the Black Widow Natasha's sacrifice, the Infinity Stones can't bring her back to life.

in short.

Those bizarre events seem to have exceeded the scope of the infinite gems, or involved some higher levels.


Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly brightened, and he thought of another possibility: "No! Besides the parallel universe, there is another way to get the whole set of infinite gems!"


Hearing this, Hei Qi immediately cast a curious and puzzled look: "What method?"

"Quantum Realm!"

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes and said solemnly: "Through the Quantum Realm, we can realize the purpose of traveling through time and space, going back to the past or the future..."

"And at different time stages, there will be six infinite stones of different periods, some of them are on the earth, some of them are not..."

"The most important thing is that the Quantum Realm is an extremely special existence, and everything in it will not be affected by the power of the Infinity Stone."

"Maybe even the observer can't observe the things inside. If so, maybe it can explain all the doubts."


Hei Qi's eyes widened with a dazed look on his face.

And Su Rui, as expected of an existence whose IQ is comparable to Iron Man Tony, understood Bai Xiaofei's explanation almost instantly, and immediately found the key point:


"According to your statement, if Ultron really traveled back to the past, wouldn't what they did affect the future?"

"For example, if he went back to the past and killed me when I was a child, then I shouldn't have the me now, right? But reality doesn't seem to be affected!"

"It doesn't seem to make sense, does it?"


Obviously, Suri is a fan of the butterfly effect.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head when he heard the words, and explained: "This is the normal situation, the key still depends on the setting of the world, if the world does not support the butterfly effect, then the phenomena you mentioned will not happen..."


Suri was puzzled.

Bai Xiaofei could only explain patiently: "In short, if you travel to the past now, then the past world will become your future..."

"What you do in the future will naturally not affect you in the past. In other words, what has happened is destined to be unchangeable."

"The only thing that can change is the future!"


That's it.

The smart Su Rui suddenly realized: "You mean, our universe probably doesn't support the butterfly effect?"

"I can't guarantee that either."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head first, and said in a deep voice: "However, it is not difficult to confirm this point, as long as we go through the quantum realm, travel to the past, change some things, and then travel back to see if it has been affected. gone."


He also doesn't ink.

He directly summoned the space card, found out a set of small quantum shuttle equipment that had been designed long ago, and placed it in front of Suri and Heiqi.

"This is the quantum shuttle."

Bai Xiaofei distributed special time-traveling clothing equipment to the two of them, and explained: "Through it, we can time-travel to the designated time and place in the past..."


Hei Qi was shocked, not knowing what to do.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei would have such amazing technological equipment on him.

Su Rui's eyes were wide open, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and asked while wearing it: "Has your world developed to this extent? What is its working principle? During the time travel, will it Dangerous?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled, and explained casually: "The principle is actually very simple, it is the extension and expansion of old Dr. Pym's Pym particle technology."

"And this kind of technology, in fact, was created by Dr. Pym as early as World War II, but it was only gradually perfected and successfully explored later."

"With the ability of Ultron, through the military system of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Midi, I learned about Dr. Pym's information and captured him. It is not difficult to obtain Pym's particle technology..."


When the two heard it, they suddenly realized.

And this time.

The shuttle clothing and equipment of the three of them were also put on.

As Bai Xiaofei adjusted the settings on the instrument and left a physical clone to stay behind and perform follow-up operations, the three of them immediately shrank infinitely and successfully entered the world of the Quantum Realm.


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