The Storm God

Chapter 4061 You are dead! (Please subscribe!)


Heiqi and Su Rui looked at the microscopic world in the quantum realm in amazement, and said in shock: "Is this the quantum universe? It's really beyond imagination..."

Suri is a scientist.

She knew that the universe was vast and boundless, but she never thought that the microcosm could be like this, even worse.

Immediately amazed.

But Heiqi is different.

He is the supreme mage, his thoughts, knowledge, and even experience are already superior to human beings, and he has a deep understanding of the universe and the dimensional world.

But when it comes to the quantum realm, Heiqi is also a novice.


Because the quality is excellent.

So I was able to adapt quickly, and asked the key question of this trip: "Mr. Bai, where are we going... No, to be precise, what time and place are we going to go on this trip?"

Time travel is no small feat.

Even though Bai Xiaofei was full of confidence, Hei Qi was still somewhat apprehensive.

after all.

He has experienced it himself.

As someone who has experienced it, Heiqi certainly doesn't want to cause more victims to appear because of himself and others.

"year 2010!"

Bai Xiaofei replied: "Didn't the concept of this world mutate when Iron Man was rescued? Then let's take the first step and snatch Tony Stark from Afghanistan!"

"The purpose of our trip is mainly to verify whether the butterfly effect is applied to this universe, so we don't need to do too many other things."

"Just take Tony away, so that the leopard Eric in the past can't touch Tony. If there is a butterfly effect, we should be able to feel it from the moment we return to the future..."

The voice just fell.

The three of them came to an extremely complicated fork.

Bai Xiaofei stopped, looked at the Mobius navigation instructions in his hand, then pointed to one of the narrowest passages, and said, "Here, follow me, don't get lost!"


The two knew the danger.

After being reminded by Bai Xiaofei, he immediately paid 120,000 points of attention.

Hei Qi even thoughtfully used the magic chain to connect the three of them together to avoid accidents.


Their operation is still very smooth.

next moment.

Under the leadership of Bai Xiaofei.

Everyone felt a flash of white light in front of their eyes, and when they recovered again, people had already appeared on a desert.

"This is……"

Su Rui looked around blankly, not daring to answer: "Did we succeed?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Long before Su Rui asked, he had swept across the earth with his divine sense, and confirmed that the current time and place were indeed the earth in 2010.

Still a playboy, Tony Stark, the arms king of the super rich businessman, is negotiating an arms deal with the local military.

Currently relocating.

at the same time……

the other side.

The members of the Ten Rings Gang, which had been planned long ago, had already started preparing for an ambush on the road.

And in Tony's convoy, there is Eric the leopard who knows the plan of the Ten Rings Gang lurking in it, but he did not declare in advance, but waited for the opportunity secretly, preparing to come forward at the critical moment.

The target is naturally Tony.


This time, he is destined not to succeed.

After Bai Xiaofei sensed the current situation, he immediately smiled coldly, his spiritual sense moved slightly, and with the terrifying power of spiritual consciousness, he directly wiped out all the spiritual consciousness of those members of the Ten Rings Gang who were ambushing in the air, and went to see God completely.

That is.

The opportunity to save people that Eric the Leopard had been waiting for would never come, and only Bai Xiaofei and the other three who had ulterior motives would come.

"let's go!"

Do it all.

Bai Xiaofei greeted Hei Qi and Su Rui, then directly tore apart the space, and stepped across the past, the two followed closely behind without doubting him.

next moment.

The three of them appeared on a rugged mountain road, and at the end of the mountain road, there was a group of armed convoys with live ammunition, slowly approaching here.

"There is a situation!"

The armed personnel in front of the convoy immediately spotted the three of them.

There was an exclamation.

The entire convoy stopped immediately.

The soldiers inside also quickly took defensive and fighting postures, watching the three people walking towards them vigilantly.


"Please explain your identities and raise your hands!"

"This is not a joke!"


Someone ordered loudly.

However, Bai Xiaofei and the others simply ignored it.

A divine thought swept over, and the world became completely quiet. Except for Tony Stark, everyone in the opposite team, including Eric, seemed to have been hit by a freeze spell, protecting their original movements in unison. Frozen in place and motionless.

that's all.

The three of Bai Xiaofei felt as if they had entered a land of no one.

Soon he came to a certain car in the convoy, and at this time, Tony, who realized that something was wrong, and it was super outrageous, also took a weapon from the soldier who was protecting him, Get out of the car in fear.


He saw the smiling Bai Xiaofei and the other three.


Tony was startled.

Subconsciously, he pointed the gun at Bai Xiaofei, but before he could speak, the automatic machine gun in his hand directly turned into a biscuit model.

Under Tony's firm grip, it immediately shattered into slag.


To see such an incredible scene.

Tony was dumbfounded.


This unscientific!

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense with Tony, looked at that familiar face, smiled and said to Tony: "My old friend Tony, it's nice to see you again..."


When Tony heard this, he couldn't help being even more confused.

old friend?

How come I don't know you?

Who are you!

Bai Xiaofei's words continued: "Don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions, we are here to save you..."

"There is an ambush ahead, and there is a big conspirator in the convoy. If we hadn't appeared, you in the future would have a miserable ending..."

"And our appearance may be the turning point of your fate!"

"Come with us."


After speaking, it doesn't matter what Tony's reaction is.

Bai Xiaofei's right hand directly pressed on the opponent's shoulder, the nanotechnology was activated instantly, and a brand new set of space-time travel clothes was immediately put on Tony.


In Tony's shocked and dazed eyes.

Bai Xiaofei immediately launched the quantum shuttle recall program, and the four of them instantly shrank infinitely, and finally disappeared completely.

follow closely.

The team members who were "frozen" all returned to normal because of Bai Xiaofei's departure, and then they found out bitterly that the person they had focused on protecting had disappeared.

All of them suddenly felt like they had seen a ghost.

Eric was even more miserable. He finally saw hope, but he didn't realize that he encountered such a strange and bizarre event...

It's really annoying to think about it!


the other side.

The three of Bai Xiaofei and Tony quickly returned to the future Wakanda.

After experiencing the shocking scene in the Quantum Realm and Bai Xiaofei's simple explanation, Tony at this moment has also slightly accepted his current situation.


Because of many things, Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, so Tony is full of doubts and puzzles now, for example, why did they save themselves?

Do you want to use your talents?

All right!

No matter which world's Tony it is, it will always be the Tony Bai Xiaofei knew, arrogant, arrogant, super narcissistic...

"Welcome to the future!"

Bai Xiaofei greeted with a smile: "Tony, this is Wakanda in Africa, a closed country, and the time is 2011..."


"One more thing. You at this time have been dead for more than half a year. Here are related news reports and video materials..."

"If you're interested, I can pack it all up and send it to you."


Tony's face darkened.

When he heard that he was dead, and it had been almost half a year, he was in a bad mood. His first feeling was that he was talking nonsense!


Following the news reports and video data that Bai Xiaofei showed him, Tony quickly realized that the other party was not lying.

That is.

All this is true, "I" is really dead!

Tony: "..."


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