The Storm God

Chapter 4062 Two-pronged approach! (Please subscribe!)

And no matter how dazed Tony was.


Just back to the future.

Su Rui couldn't wait to turn on the device, connect to the satellite, and was going to check to see if his shuttle execution had any impact on the future.

The same is true for Heqi.

In fact.

There is no need to be so troublesome, because as soon as he came back, Bai Xiaofei's powerful divine sense had already swept across the earth, quickly browsing almost all the data and information.

He can be very sure, what the three of them were like when they went there before, and what they are still like when they come back now...



The only difference is that a Tony Stark was brought back.

This also shows that there is no butterfly effect in this cosmic world, and the laws of space and time it follows are the same as the shadow version that Bai Xiaofei is familiar with.

That is: go back to the past, the past will become the future of the present.

for example.

The Tony in front of him is the playboy version who has not yet become Iron Man, and belongs to the past 2010, but Bai Xiaofei brought him to the present 2011.

in the future.

Tony is dead.

Killed by Eric the Leopard.

But now, the Tony in the past has been brought to the future by Bai Xiaofei. According to the space-time theory without the butterfly effect, the Tony in front of you can completely stay here and live.

The only difference is that Tony in the past has lost a year of experience for nothing.

as well as……

Might let everyone who knows Tony is dead.

It feels incredible!


Those are not important, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't care, he just needs to know if his guess is right or not.

And it turns out.

His guess is not wrong. It is possible that Ultron has also known the mysteries of the quantum field, and then intercepted the infinite gems from the past time and space to make a set.

He even developed his own team organization.

This is very troublesome.


Just a multiverse is enough to find a needle in a haystack.

Now that there is an infinite past timeline in the quantum realm, it will be even more difficult to find the existence of Ultron and others, and to completely eliminate them.

These messy questions, even Bai Xiaofei, just think about it and feel extremely overwhelmed.

in addition.

There was still one thing Bai Xiaofei couldn't figure out.

Even if Ao Chuang regained mastery of the entire set of infinite gem sequences and has the ability to snap his fingers, it shouldn't be so scary.

Because Bai Xiaofei is definitely weaker than Ao Chuang in terms of himself and the Infinity Gems, logically speaking, it should be enough to reverse the effect of the opponent's snapping fingers.

But the fact is.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't, he didn't even have a clue.


Not at all.

The only possibility that Bai Xiaofei can think of now is that Ultron may have some deeper research and improvement in the field of quantum technology.

Because everything in the quantum universe is not affected by the infinite gems.

If Ao Chuang can perfectly integrate and match the power of infinite gems with quantum technology, then it is possible to nullify Bai Xiaofei's power of gems!

Even if it's just a guess, it's terrifying.

Just thinking about it makes Bai Xiaofei feel a headache, because this feeling of being behind and being led by the nose is really uncomfortable!


It wasn't just Bai Xiaofei who was depressed.

Hei Qi, who was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, quickly became serious.

Only Su Rui was still lagging behind in studying various data.

I really answered that sentence.

Sometimes, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing. I believe that after Su Rui reacts, he will definitely not be in a better mood.

Just like Tony.

His mind turned quickly.

After experiencing a brief period of confusion, Tony immediately realized that his appearance did not seem to be just a tool man.

"Tell me, what are you trying to do by bringing me over from the past?"

This world, to be precise, is the future world. Tony is dead. Although Tony in the past has not been baptized and became Iron Man, this does not prevent his clever brain from realizing the seriousness of the matter.

He firmly believes.

People like Bai Xiaofei pulled him from the past to the future, and told him in advance that he must have some special purpose in the future.

It can't be just to scare yourself, can it?

"It's nothing."

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

He was very satisfied with Tony's reaction, and said calmly after hearing the words: "I just want you to get back on track and do us a little favor by the way."

"This deal should be a good deal for you, right?"

"Of course, you can also refuse."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei shrugged, expressing that he and others are very democratic and will never impose their will on anyone: "If you don't want to, we can send you back and continue to enjoy the rest of your fate and life... "

"The premise is that some part of your memory must be erased."

"Then your choice is..."


Tony is just a mortal though.

But his extremely clever brain can make him exert a powerful strength comparable to that of a god.

Facing the enhanced version of Unlimited Ultron that is making a comeback, even Bai Xiaofei feels pressured, so he must find some powerful teammates for himself.

Observers can create multiple versions of the Avengers, and Ultron can create its own organization. Similarly, Bai Xiaofei can also imitate cats and tigers, recruit enough helpers, and fight against some evil forces!


in this regard.

Bai Xiaofei still has a considerable advantage.

At the very least, he is an outsider. Compared with the natives like Ultron, he knows more about the plot and can make more reasonable analysis and arrangements.

This is an advantage that others cannot match!


According to the current situation, Bai Xiaofei's advantage is not very great, because Ultron's script has completely deviated.

Not to mention Bai Xiaofei, it is estimated that Marvel's creative screenwriter will also have to kneel down.

To deal with Ultron, the best way Bai Xiaofei can think of is to gather more potential helpers, and Tony is one of them.

after all……

According to the plot of the movie.

Well, under the setting of this multiverse version, the plot of the movie does not seem to have much reference value, but it remains the same.

In a word.

The birth of Ultron is almost 80% related to Tony. It is not an exaggeration to say that Tony is Ultron's father.


It should be understandable to ask Lao Tzu to beat his son, right?

Don't say anything else.

At the very least, when it comes to analyzing and tracking Ultron, as well as scientific research and inventions, Tony alone can surpass many other people.

This is called professionalism.


Tony was silent.

He is not stupid, after knowing his tragic future, how could he be willing to go back to the past and wait for his fate to come?

Although he is also very unhappy about being used by others, and feels like driving ducks to the shelves, but in comparison, he still prefers to live.

Besides, Bai Xiaofei's attitude is quite good.


Without much hesitation and consideration.

Tony readily chose the former and agreed to stay and help Bai Xiaofei and the others. As for the fact that I lost a year of experience for no reason...

It doesn't seem to be a big deal compared to the death of a year later.

Speaking up.

I even earned it myself!

Thinking of this, Tony felt a lot better immediately.


He asked Bai Xiaofei curiously: "Then Mr. Bai, what do you plan to do next? Do you continue to recruit troops, or start to build your defense steadily?"

Bai Xiaofei heard the words, but he chuckled and said, "Why don't you do both?"

Tony: "..."

Depend on!

It seems that I still think of you simply.

My fault!


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