The Storm God

Chapter 4063 Transfer the earth! (Please subscribe!)

Ultron is strong!

Especially the enhanced version of the comeback, even Bai Xiaofei feels very scary.

As an ordinary person, it is definitely impossible to prepare with two hands, because it is already very difficult to do it with one hand, but Bai Xiaofei is different.


He himself is strong enough.

The background is also very strong.

Even if you can't fight, you can choose to run away, which can be said to be innately conducive to being invincible.


Whether to escape or not is another matter.

However, with Bai Xiaofei's strength and hole cards, there is a high probability that there is no problem, after all, he has cheats on him.

Coupled with the addition of the entire set of infinite gem sequences, there is naturally enough confidence.

Otherwise, Ultron would not have to spend so much time hiding in the dark, doing all kinds of tricks, sneak attacking, and looking for teammates...

In the final analysis, it was because of fear of Bai Xiaofei.

This is relative.


Bai Xiaofei knows the advantages of the plot.

Even though Ao Chuang took the lead and took the lead, Bai Xiaofei didn't lose too much. As long as he followed up steadily and took advantage of his understanding of the plot, he could still come from behind and overtake on curves.

Tony is one of them.

except him.

Bai Xiaofei can also take pictures of cats and tigers, use quantum technology to travel through time and space, find out key figures from different periods, and form the strongest group against Ultron.

Ao Chuang engages in sneak attacks and kills those potential threats, isn't it just to be afraid of them?

Then Bai Xiaofei did the opposite.

Did you get it.

I'll find it again!

And there are more found than lost!

When the two sides confront each other, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe that Ultron doesn't have a headache. Of course, the premise is that these people must be able to live to that time.

For other people, there may be no way to keep them safe.

After all, Ultron is too stubborn.

Maybe you just found these people on the front foot, and the old Yinbi suddenly appeared on the back foot, and then wiped them out again, directly making your efforts useless.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.


He has his own little world.

In his own small world, even if Ultron has infinite gems, it is impossible to kill Tony and others across the world.

If this is the case, then Bai Xiaofei doesn't have to work hard, just lie down and wait to die.

Anyway, I can't beat it, and I'm still struggling with the ball!

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have ink marks and tricks.

He directly told Heqi, Tony, and Suri about his plan.

To this.

Hei Qi was no longer surprised.

After all, he knows how awesome Bai Xiaofei is. The special concept and tricks of the small world may seem unbelievable to others, but it is reasonable and normal to put it on Bai Xiaofei.

But Tony and Suri are different.

You know, they are all scientists. They don't believe in ghosts and gods, but believe in their own wisdom. They are already scientific. Anything that cannot be explained by science is due to insufficient technology.

But now...

When they heard that Bai Xiaofei actually had a complete small world, no matter how much they told themselves to calm down, they couldn't keep their expressions under control.

The whole person was stupid on the spot.


The two couldn't help thinking of a person, to be precise, a god.

That's right, Thor, the God of Asgard.


compared to God.

They are more inclined to call it aliens.

But Bai Xiaofei, in front of the two of them at this moment, they can't classify him as a human being, because no matter whether it is an earthling or an alien, they can't build a complete small world in their own body.

And according to Bai Xiaofei, this so-called small world is actually no different from the universe world everyone lives in...

This is even more outrageous.

So far, Tony and Su Rui looked at Bai Xiaofei as if they were looking at a monster, with expressions of shock, awe, and disbelief in their eyes.

But more, it is the endless light of seeking knowledge and exploring.

as if...

The satyr sees the beauty.

I really wish I could do it on the spot, as long as Bai Xiaofei agrees, the two of them can immediately start researching someone, and take a good look at how a universe is put into Bai Xiaofei's body.

In fact.

Not only them, but even Hei Qi was very interested in Bai Xiaofei's small world. After all, before practicing magic, he was also a firm materialist.

After becoming the supreme mage, Heiqi's research direction changed.


No matter how it changes.

There is no difference in essence, that is to be full of curiosity and awe for all unknown things, and then want to study and understand.

This is the evolutionary instinct of living things.

Without this human being, it is impossible to have today's achievements, no matter if this person is an ordinary person, a scientist, or a magician...

If possible, Hei Qi also wants to have his own small world.

Because, in the small world, I am a god, and everything there is respected by my own will, and there is almost no existence that can go against me in the small world.


Outsiders said otherwise.

The key depends on the strength of the opponent.

Heiqi's original world has completely collapsed and become a singularity of darkness and nothingness. If he can master the creation of the small world, then he can refine it into his own small world, thus completely turning it into his own. creation.

With the painful experience before, Hei Qi naturally doesn't want to be controlled by others anymore.

"How do we get into your little world?"

Thoughts return.

Hei Qi immediately asked the key point.

Bai Xiaofei smiled, and said: "You don't need to do anything, as long as I am willing and you don't resist, you can instantly appear in my small world."


"In the current situation, just a few of you are not enough."

"Since you want to play, then play a big one, and simply transfer the entire earth to my small world, so as not to cause trouble for Ultron in the future..."

"What do you think?"


The three of them were stunned when they heard this.

Not only people, but even the entire planet can be installed in their own small world? This is too scary!


Think about it too.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's small world is not small at all.

That is a complete cosmic world! If what he said is true, a mere earth is really nothing to the universe... a ball!


This is the earth!

It's not a globe or something, especially if you say you can fit it in?

At this moment, the three of them were not calm at all.


With their cognition, it is hard to imagine what Bai Xiaofei will do in order to transfer the earth to his own small world.

Even Heiqi is no exception.

Although he has a powerful enough method to swallow the energy that would destroy the entire galaxy, but after all, every line is like a mountain, and if you don't understand the small world, you have no right to speak.

No matter how many guesses he has, it's still the same.


Seeing the stunned and astonished three people on the spot, Bai Xiaofei smiled helplessly and said, "If you don't speak, I will take it as acquiescing?"


The three remained silent.

Obviously their focus is not here at all, but they all think about how Bai Xiaofei transferred the earth.

As a result, the next moment, Bai Xiaofei smiled strangely, and said with a grin: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I will disappoint you, because the current earth is already in my small world..."


As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three of them changed immediately.

Especially Heqi.

This is the end?

When did it happen?

The most important thing is that I didn't sense any abnormality at all.

This is outrageous!


Hei Qi immediately launched a magic detection.

But he was shocked to find that Bai Xiaofei did not lie. Although this place is still the earth, the surrounding environment has actually completely changed.

Not just Earth.

Bai Xiaofei, this terrifying guy, actually directly transferred the entire solar system into a completely unfamiliar space and starry sky.



It should be Bai Xiaofei's Small World.

A "small" world that is hardly any different from a normal universe!


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