The Storm God

Chapter 4064 Invite Gu Yi! (Please subscribe!)


Tony came back to his senses, and suddenly said: "If we are all in your small world at the moment, then what is your situation?"

All right.

At this moment, he doesn't understand again.

Because it is unscientific.

The small world, the transfer of the earth, etc., although unimaginable, can still be analyzed with normal logic and scientific perspective...


you yourself in yourself...

What the hell is this?

It is clearly a paradox.

Not only did Tony not understand, but so did Suri.

On the contrary, Hei Qi was thoughtful, and without waiting for Bai Xiaofei to explain, he opened his mouth and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a clone of Mr. Bai, or something like a projection, not his real body ..."

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled lightly: "That's exactly the case. The me at this moment is indeed not the main body, but just an incarnation of the will of the main body. It can also be understood as a projection or something like that."

"The main body is still in the original universe."


The three were silent again.

This time, they all understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning: "From now on, you all stay here well, and I will come to find someone!"

no way.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to take them to fly, but that at this moment, whether it's Tony, Su Rui, or Hei Qi, they are all a little bit worse.

Heiqi is better, after all, his strength lies there.

Tony and Suri were almost completely for display, they couldn't help Bai Xiaofei at all.

Rather than bringing a bunch of oil bottles, it's better for Bai Xiaofei to act alone. He can attack when he advances, and he can accept when he retreats. Even if he encounters any accident, he can protect himself without any worries.

To this.

Hei Qi expressed his understanding.

Tony and Suri were depressed and helpless, wishing they were too weak.

I can't do it even if I want to take revenge.

I'm really not reconciled!


Nor were they discouraged.

Because Bai Xiaofei's plan is very clear, two-pronged approach, even if they can't act together with Bai Xiaofei, they still have a mission to stay here.

For example, to strengthen one's own strength and accumulate capital against Ultron.

These tasks are equally important.

after all.

Ultron has also learned to be smart.

It is no longer like before, only knowing how to fight alone, but gathering a group of super little accomplices. If you want to fight Ultron, you can't do without the help of Tony and others.

in short.

In the Super League team, whether the ability is strong or not is not very important, the key is whether you can find your own position.

As long as you find the right position, it can play a role.

After that, things became much simpler. The two, who were clearly aware of their abilities, quickly accepted their identities and jobs.

One is in charge of logistics.

The other is responsible for research and development, providing firepower output equipment.

As for Heiqi?

All right.

His task is simpler.

That is to go to Bai Xiaofei's deity planet, practice and comprehend in closed-door training in the Tongtian Tower, and if you have gained something, go to the trial tower...

In short.

Bai Xiaofei has already arranged enough courses for him, and it is absolutely possible for Hei Qi to master the knowledge he has acquired in the shortest possible time.

And Bai Xiaofei.

He was not idle, and immediately started the quantum shuttle journey.

Only this time, without the earth, he can only use Wakanda in his own small world as the starting coordinate to travel.

at the same time……

This is also Bai Xiaofei's attempt.

He wants to see if the earth has deviated from the original universe, and whether quantum technology can still allow him to successfully travel to the original past timeline.

after all.

Although the earth is gone.

But Bai Xiaofei's body is still in that universe.

In theory, it shouldn't be a problem.

The difference is that.

Before, it was Bai Xiaofei who shrank into a fixed quantum channel, but now, Bai Xiaofei reversed the quantum channel and directly acted on his own body.

The effect is exactly the same,

As for whether it will be successful, to be honest, Bai Xiaofei is not very clear, so he needs to experiment.

If he really succeeds, he will be able to solve a lot of troubles, and he will no longer have to worry that he will be attacked by the enemy when he travels to the past, making it impossible for him to return.

Unless Ultron is so powerful that he can forcibly enter Bai Xiaofei's small world, ignore the rules of the small world, and destroy everything.

But speaking of it, if the other party is really awesome, no matter how hard Bai Xiaofei tries, the result will probably be the same.

Closer to home.


In the next second, Bai Xiaofei, who was standing among the stars in the universe, suddenly shrunk in size, and was sucked into the quantum channel opened in reverse.

that feeling...

It's as if the planet is collapsing from the core, it's extremely weird.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei's guess was not wrong. Even if he moved the entire solar system including the earth to his own small world, the quantum shuttle was not affected, but directly based on this universe. .

And this time.

The time node that Bai Xiaofei traveled through was also the past 2010, but the target was changed to someone else.

For example, the current Supreme Master Gu Yi.


Regardless of whether the earth is alive or dead, she is busy helping a group of aliens.

These two characters are both excellent and super powerful. Whether they are used as combat aids or tools, they will definitely be of great help.


The premise is that Bai Xiaofei can persuade them to help him.


The time is 2010.

Location, New York, Holy of Holies.

Bai Xiaofei came uninvited, and with a wave of his hand, he broke the camouflage spell cast by the mage on the outside of the Holy of Holies and strode in.

And the moment he stepped in.

In Karma Taj's practice holy land, the ancient mage who was teaching his disciples seemed to have sensed something, and without a word, he traveled directly to the Holy of Holies in New York with a space magic.

Master Gu Yi and Bai Xiaofei directly met face to face.

"Who are you……"

"Bai Xiaofei!"

Looking at the puzzled Master Gu Yi, Bai Xiaofei smiled and said, "Long time no see, this time I'm here to ask you for help..."


Upon hearing this, Master Gu Yi became even more puzzled.

Because she didn't know Bai Xiaofei at all, and when observing the long river of time, she had never seen anything about Bai Xiaofei.

And even more than that.

From this moment on, Gu Yi couldn't even perceive any movement in the future.

That is.

The future was completely changed because of the appearance of this person in front of him.

And the extent of the change is so shocking and outrageous that even the Ancient One mage who owns the time gem cannot observe even the slightest bit.

This is outrageous!

Bai Xiaofei saw the doubt and ignorance of Master Gu Yi, so he didn't play tricks on her, and immediately explained: "I come from the future, and I am a traveler from another parallel universe. The enemy is too powerful, so I can only go back Go to the past and look for you who are still alive as helpers..."

In one sentence, it explains a lot of problems.


Your future self is already dead.

I am an outsider, but I am not a bad person. In order to save the world, I did not hesitate to travel through parallel universes and time and space to seek help from you in the past...


Please don't be ignorant!

Ancient One: "..."

If it were an ordinary person, she would not easily believe these words.

Even if she believed it, she would definitely not leave. It wasn't that Gu Yi didn't want to help, but that she also had her own responsibilities. Once she left, this time and space would be invaded by demons from outside the territory.

Both sides need her, so we can't save one and give up the other, right?

This is obviously unfair.


Facing Bai Xiaofei.

Gu Yi rarely hesitated.

She could tell that Bai Xiaofei was very strong, maybe even the strongest she had ever seen so far, none of them.

Because she couldn't see through Bai Xiaofei at all.

Even the other party finds it difficult. It is conceivable what kind of horrible and terrible disasters the earth will encounter in the future.

in comparison.

Although the time and space here also needs her.

But it is not absolutely necessary all the time. With some preparations, Master Gu Yi can still leave for a period of time and follow the other party to help in the future.

after all……

Demons from outside the territory also have to rest, right?

Just like that, after a long silence, Master Gu Yi listened to Bai Xiaofei's eloquence, finally nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

"But you have to help me strengthen the guardian circle of this time and space first, so as to prevent the earth from being invaded by extraterrestrial demons after I leave."

"Isn't that too much to ask?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Of course, this is very reasonable!"


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