The Storm God

Chapter 4065 The second target is amazing! (Please subscribe!)

The role of the Holy of Holies.

Bai Xiaofei knew very well that he was using its special location to build a super defensive circle for the earth, to protect against the invasion of demons from other dimensions.

And just to maintain this magic circle, you need a certain number of mages.

after all.

The circle is dead.

Over time, various problems will inevitably arise.

Therefore, someone must take care and maintain it all the time. In case the evil spirits send a younger brother to destroy it, a mage is needed to protect it.


The mages are also responsible for dealing with all kinds of supernatural and ghost magic.

In short.

In addition to studying, each of them is maintaining the magic circle, or studying magic, or subduing demons and demons, it can be said that they are too busy to die.


If there are no special circumstances, mages will generally not interfere with the messy things that happen in the physical world.

Like an alien invasion or something.

It's not that they are high-minded or cold-blooded, but that they are also very busy and really can't control it.


The earth is not given for nothing.

Among other things, Asgard, the lord of the Nine Realms, is enough to deter most of the young people. If they don't even intervene, it means that the problem is not serious.

in the movie.

When the aliens invaded the earth in Avengers, the mages never took action.

Unless those short-sighted Chitauri want to attack the Holy of Holies, the ancient first-class mages will passively launch a counterattack, because the Holy of Holies is related to the earth's defense circle, and there must be no mistakes.

And at this moment...

Bai Xiaofei is helping Mage Gu Yi to strengthen this super defensive circle.

"You also know the magic of Karma Taj?"


Bai Xiaofei replied: "I also practiced in Karma Taj, and later encountered other circumstances, so I have the current state..."

"Of course, it's not this world, but other parallel universes."

"I see……"

Gu nodded, expressing his understanding.

As for the future and the development of other parallel universes, she didn't ask any questions out of curiosity, maybe because she wasn't interested, or she simply didn't want to know.

Because that's how people are.

Once you know too much, you may have different ideas.

What's more, these also involve the future and the development of parallel universes. Those who are not in a good mood may have already turned black and become super villains.

In order to prolong life and protect the earth, Mage Ancient One even absorbed the power of the dark dimension, and was always bewitched by evil. That is to say, she has a firm mind, so she did not become black. Otherwise, as an ordinary person, she probably couldn't bear it long ago. .

For example, Baron Zemo, one of the disciples of Master Ancient One.

Actually, just because the Ancient One absorbed the power of darkness and used it to protect the earth, he couldn't accept it at all, thinking that the other party was all wrong, and his own concept was right...

Really ridiculous.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei wasn't there at the time, otherwise he would definitely give him a big ear, and then asked with a sneer, "Who the hell are you?"

Closer to home.

Although Master Gu Yi is not interested in the future and other things, he is full of strong curiosity about the amazing magical power that Bai Xiaofei displays.

Especially some of the magic, even she can't see through it.


The most important thing is.

Bai Xiaofei's magic did not contain any dark and evil elements, which gave Mage Ancient One new hope.

In all fairness.

If there is no other way, why would she be willing to absorb the dark power to maintain her life and protect the earth.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Especially when dealing with demons, if you don't pay attention, you will be set by the other party.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine the bitterness and suffering involved. Coupled with the incomprehension of others, the mood can be imagined. As time goes by, it will only become more uncomfortable.

Ancient One mage is no exception.


She saw new hope from Bai Xiaofei, so she was naturally unwilling to follow the old path, after all, no one wanted to be abused.

Except for M, of course.

Bai Xiaofei saw the intention of Mage Gu Yi, and while casting spells to strengthen the defensive circle, he said with a smile: "Master Gu Yi, if you are interested in my magic, feel free to ask, as long as I can teach you, I will teach you everything. Never hide anything!"

This is his promise.

It can also be regarded as a reward for the ancient one mage.

after all……

compared to these.

Bai Xiaofei gets more, one can't be too greedy, otherwise the road will only get narrower and narrower, only by treating him with sincerity can he have friends all over the world.

not to mention.

Master Gu Yi is Bai Xiaofei's first magic teacher.

Even if the current Gu Yi is not that Gu Yi, they are all Gu Yi after all. Hei Qi has already taught him, so he is no different from Gu Yi.


Gu Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Then he nodded with a smile and said, "Then I will trouble you."

No thanks.

Because she knows, there is no need to talk about this between the two parties.

It seems too raw.


She changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Bai, besides me, you should have found other helpers, right? Can you tell me about their situation? "

After all, we are all teammates. Even if we haven't met each other yet, let's get to know each other a little while we have the time. There's nothing wrong with it.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Just at this time, he had already completed the ninth reinforcement of the defensive circle, but just in case, he still worked tirelessly to apply the tenth reinforcement circle to it.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei also began to talk about his plan with Gu Yi: "So far, I have invited Tony Stark from this universe and this year, and then you, Mage Gu Yi, after the matter here is settled, I'm going to find S.H.I.E.L.D...."


Gu understood in an instant: "You want to call that person back?"


She knows Big Mom Marvel.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Captain Marvel's physical fitness is very strong. Even without any help, he can fight against Thanos and Infinite Ultron. With some external assistance, his combat power can definitely rise to Extreme sequence, this is very beneficial for us to fight against Ultron!"

"external force?"

Master Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what it meant, and said in amazement: "You mean, let her wear the infinite gauntlet?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Bai Xiaofei said in his heart, as expected of the supreme mage, he can be called the strongest generation, with a little bit, he can quickly understand everything in it, cowhide!

"However, the gloves are too low. In order to prevent the gems on them from being picked up by the enemy and breaking the full body state, I also specially designed a built-in application method for them. The power will not be affected at all. In terms of safety Absolutely no problem!"

"Like yourself?"

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi finally understood why Bai Xiaofei's power made her completely unable to see through it, because this guy had already built a whole set of infinite gems into his body.

No matter how strong I am, I can't see through the mysteries of the entire universe.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei's own strength is also very terrifying. When these two are superimposed together, it is definitely not as simple as one plus one.


Bai Xiaofei smiled modestly.

Then he said: "So far, I have two sets of infinite gems on hand. One of them is what I got from defeating Infinity Ultron before. I didn't expect the other party to come back..."


"Speaking of which, it's all my fault."

"Blame me for being too careless."


Speaking of which.

Full of self-blame.

When Gu Yi heard the words, he quickly comforted him and said, "I don't blame you for this, everything has its destiny, even if you are not careless, if Ultron is supposed to make a comeback, it will rise in other ways, So you don't need to blame yourself, and we're not trying to find a way to stop him now?"

"That's right!"

The ancient one mage is the ancient one mage, the speaking art skill is MAX, Bai Xiaofei felt much better when he heard the words.

Then he glanced at the Eye of Agamotto on Master Gu Yi's chest, and said, "I might have to borrow your time gem at that time, I hope Master Gu Yi doesn't mind."


Gu Yi nodded with a smile, indicating that there is no problem.


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