The Storm God

Chapter 4067 Doubt about sacrifice! (Please subscribe!)

Although Black Braised Egg is not a very good person, he has the title of Ma Ruifuke Xia, but he still knows exactly what to do when the big event is imminent.

Bai Xiaofei believed it.

Whether it is for righteousness or selfishness.

The other party will not act rashly.


After the arrival of Auntie Surprise, whether she can still maintain this is not certain. After all, now he is the weak side, very passive.

If someone supports you...



Time passed quickly.

Black Braised Egg did not play any tricks as Bai Xiaofei expected, or he himself knew that these so-called agents of SHIELD were no match for Bai Xiaofei and the two, so he didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

All in all.

The other party went and returned quickly, and after a while, he brought the Rubik's Cube to the office.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube exudes terrifying energy, and ordinary people cannot touch it, otherwise its power will be triggered and it will be transmitted to unknown existences in the universe.

The Red Skull of Hydra used his own experience to tell the world the lesson of this blood.


It was placed in a safe.

Although the safe looks ordinary, it has a strong black technology inside, which can block the gamma rays and other signals emitted by the Rubik's Cube, so as to achieve a concealed effect.


That's for ordinary people.

People like Bai Xiaofei are completely useless.

"You made a right choice!"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at Heihalan appreciatively, and said with a smile, and immediately, with a thought, the safe in Nick Fury's hand floated in front of Bai Xiaofei.

at the same time.

The safe quickly disintegrated in the air.

The cosmic Rubik's Cube inside was no exception. When it came to Bai Xiaofei, the square protective barrier had already been completely crushed by someone, revealing its true colors.

A power stone that exudes azure blue light.


Black Braised Egg was dumbfounded.

If it is said that he still had a lot of doubts and disbelief before, at this moment, when he saw the Rubik's Cube and Bai Xiaofei easily crushed the shell, he already believed Bai Xiaofei's words 70% to 80%.

At least.

This alone is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

The previous Captain Marvel has never done it, and Nick Fury doesn't know if it can be done. The Yuan Devouring Beast swallowed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube into its stomach, and finally vomited it out again, but what it ate was what it vomited out.

It is conservatively estimated that Gugu may not be able to break the outer shell of cosmic magic.

But Bai Xiaofei can.


No one needs to do anything.

With just one thought, it's easy to do...

With that in mind.

The black stewed egg couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Fortunately, I was not dizzy at the time, if I was really surrounded by people, the consequences...

It's unimaginable!

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei had already held the space gem in his hand, sensed it carefully, and after confirming its unique nature, he turned his head to look at Master Gu Yi:

"Why don't you take it first to absorb its power?"


Master Gu Yi was taken aback for a moment.

Afterwards, he quickly understood what Bai Xiaofei meant. He wanted to use the power of the space gem to replace the power of darkness in his body...


The side effects of the power of darkness are enormous.

Even if it is as strong as the ancient one mage, he has to carry it hard in order to maintain his sanity and not be blackened. Now that there are other powers to replace it, the ancient one mage will naturally not refuse.

after all……

The power of Infinity Stones is inexhaustible.

She completed the transformation of her own strength a moment earlier, and she could get rid of the shackles and torture of the power of darkness earlier, and she could even use this opportunity to go a step further.


next moment.

The ancient master put the space gem into a special magic weapon.

After that, she didn't choose a place, so she started to meditate, cast spells, absorb the power of the space gem on the spot, and fight against the dark power in her body.

And during this period.

All kinds of mystical visions that happened to Master Gu Yi made the black stewed egg dumbfounded and shocked.

That expression, it is obvious that the three views have been completely shaken, almost collapsed.

Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to the reaction of the black marinated egg, but sat leisurely on the side, thinking about the hijacking plan of other infinite gems.

According to the setting of the shadow version of Quantum Shuttle, they go back to the past and use the previous infinite gems. If they want to not affect the future and generate another time branch, they must not have too much influence on the past.

For example.

You can kill Captain America, but if you can think of a way, whether it's to find someone to replace Captain America, or bring him back from the dead, and continue the development after that, then there won't be a big problem.

on the contrary.

It is possible to give birth to a new time branch, or even a butterfly effect.

That is.

A perfect closed loop must be achieved.

In Bai Xiaofei's plan, the Time Gem and the Space Gem are the easiest to obtain. After all, they are all stored on the earth, and they are purely ready-made.

But the Reality Gem, Mind Gem, and Power Gem, especially the Soul Gem, are not so easy to obtain.

after all.

The development of this universe is only in 2011.

Iron Man was not born, and still is, and everything about the subsequent development is unknown. Loki did not come, and Chitauri's invasion is also unknown.

If nothing else, the Soul Gem should most likely be in the hands of Thanos. The easiest way to get the Mind Stone is to snatch it from Thanos.

I just don't know what the level of Thanos in this world is?

Of course.

With Bai Xiaofei's current strength.

Coupled with the help of Master Gu Yi, even if Thanos is a comic version, it is estimated that there will be no big waves, and it can be solved easily without Daxin.

The power gem is almost not difficult on the desolate planet of Morag, and it can be said to be the easiest one to obtain, followed by the reality gem.

Five thousand years ago.

The Reality Gem was hidden in a different dimension by God King Bohr.

Normally, no one would perceive its location. Only when the nine stars gather together, will there be a trace of flaws due to the special magnetic field between the stars.

Bai Xiaofei is powerful, and he has a whole set of infinite gem sequences. It is not difficult to find the real gems, and he can do it with a snap of his fingers.

Finally, there is the soul gem.

In Marvel's setting, the soul gem needs to sacrifice a beloved soul in order to get the soul gem one by one.


This so-called true love doesn't have to be a lover, it can also be a close friend, or a relative, anyway, as long as it is a living creature with a soul that has a pivotal status and meaning to another.

Such a setting is a bit outrageous.

Bai Xiaofei was also very curious, where did the soul of the sacrificed person go? The world of the dead, or incarnated into a soul gem?

Is it necessary to sacrifice to get the soul gem?


Bai Xiaofei frowned and thought to himself: "If that's the case, then how did the first person who got the soul gem know about this setting? Could it be that it was a mistake, and my beloved accidentally died? , and then things spread?"

"Then the question is, since the soul gem has been obtained by sacrifice, shouldn't it be enough to snatch it? No matter who snatched it, as long as it is not destroyed or returned, it will always exist. The sacrifice Where did the saying come from?"

"This is clearly contradictory!"


Bai Xiaofei's intuition told him that the sacrifice of the soul gem is likely to be a huge pit, and to get it, the difficulty will be the hardest, bar none.

And it's not limited to this cosmic world.

The same goes for other parallel universes.


Someone has already redeemed the soul gem sacrifice in advance.


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