The Storm God

Chapter 4068 The King of Gods Comes! (Please subscribe!)

"never mind……"

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and Bai Xiaofei is not a person who likes to stick to the horns, so if he can't figure it out, he won't think about it. At worst, he will find a hard-working mandarin duck or a good gay friend to take advantage of it.

Anyway, it's not impossible to get soul gems.


Bai Xiaofei's thoughts were directly placed on the Reality Gem, using his comprehension and attainment of the laws of space, he began to perceive whether there was anything wrong with the space magnetic field sequence around the earth.

Although it's not the time when the nine stars gather, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe in that space, there really isn't any flaw or gap.

If so, how did God King Boer find that space, seal the Reality Gem and hide it?

God King Boer can do it, so can Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

His current strength.

It's much more powerful than God King Odin, regardless of whether there are infinite gems or not.


at the same time.

When Bai Xiaofei secretly used the power of his divine sense to sweep across the cracks and weak points in the earth's space, what he didn't know was that the gatekeeper of Asgard, Heimdall, had also discovered the golden eyes of the earth. edge exception.

"So strong..."

Although Bai Xiaofei and Gu Yi didn't use much power, Heimdall's eyes are gifted with supernatural powers, and they can be seen at a glance.

The most important thing is that these two people also have time gems and space gems. No matter what they want to do, this has obviously touched Asgard's sensitive nerves.

To know.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been the treasure of God King Odin since ancient times.

Although it was deliberately placed on the earth to hide it, it didn't mean that Asgard really didn't care about anything.

Ordinary people are looking for the Rubik's Cube, and they may not care.

But if it's Bai Xiaofei and the two...

That's different.

next moment.

Heimdall directly told God King Odin truthfully about what he observed.


God King Odin's face immediately became serious when he heard the words.

Gein, one of the people Heimdall mentioned was a person he was very familiar with, the ancient one, the supreme mage of the earth!

God King Odin is naturally clear about Ancient One's ability and identity.

People who can appear by Gu Yi's side are naturally not ordinary people, but now they are together, looking for infinite gems...

This is worth pondering.

"Something's wrong!"

God King Odin turned his eyes slightly, and immediately thought of some possibility: "These two people may be collecting infinite primitives for a purpose..."

when young.

Odin was also once obsessed with the power of the Infinity Stones.

Later, due to some reasons, he finally gave up his original plan, and began to concentrate on taking care of the peace of the Nine Realms, creating a relatively harmonious and stable Nine Realms.

Treasures like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube were left in Midgard indifferently by him. It can be seen that Odin has completely given up his thoughts on Infinity Stones.

But this does not mean that he can sit back and watch others collect infinite gems.

Not that he is narrow-minded.


This stuff is too involved.

The power of a single infinity gem is enough to frighten people, let alone six, and after the six are assembled, the power is comparable to the god of creation, who can change everything in the universe as he pleases.

Regarding the existence of such uncontrollable super threats and variables, I believe that no one will be indifferent, because it is very likely that I am the one who has been changed.

Out of biological instinct, they will all be moved by it.

No matter what this kind of heartbeat is, what is the mind, just like the God King Odin at this moment, what he thinks is the stability of the entire Nine Realms, not wanting to replace it and take the Infinity Stones as his own.

"Heimdall, can you hear their conversation? They suddenly collected infinite gems. It shouldn't be a whim, and you didn't find any special abnormalities?"

After being silent for a while, Odin asked.


Heimdall replied helplessly.

After all, he has only one pair of eyes. Although he can use the power of Asgard to see through everything in the Nine Realms, it is not omnipotent. If he looks at one side, he cannot see the other side, just like the camera in Midgard.

Unless there are more than N cameras, cross-combined to form a joint monitoring, there must be a certain blind spot, and it is impossible to monitor all positions.


The appearance of Bai Xiaofei, the disappearance of Tony, and the changes of the Ancient One...

These are all outside Heimdall's "surveillance range". This time, the anomalies of Bai Xiaofei and Ancient One were discovered because Bai Xiaofei broke the protective shell of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the dark energy fluctuations caused by it attracted Heimdall's attention. Just saw it.

after all.

Heimdall was more than a fighter.

Similarly, he is also a super master who is proficient in dark magic, coupled with the natural supernatural powers of his eyes, this can make Heimdall stand out from the Nine Realms.


Odin is also aware of Heimdall's situation.

Therefore, he didn't blame the other party, but instead asked: "How is Thor and Loki's performance recently? Didn't they continue to mess around?"


Heimdall was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head.

Obviously, he lied.

Odin: "..."

He sees it through.

But he didn't tell the truth. After all, he was his own son and adopted son, and he had a very good relationship with Heimdall. As long as it wasn't too much, he would just turn a blind eye.


When Odin asked about the situation of the two of them, it didn't have any special meaning. It was just a simple question, as if he suddenly checked the surveillance at home to see if his brat was disabled.

Even if they find out, it is estimated that the average parent will not really want to do something, and most of them will pretend that they don't know anything.

Unless the brat has gone too far.


Another reason.

It was Odin who was going to go to Midgard himself, and ask the ancient mage and that mysterious and powerful young man why they collected infinite gems.

After all, this is his job.

Whether it's for the Nine Realms or himself, Odin must take it seriously. Just in case, he even prepared to put on the Destroyer armor.


Heimdall looked serious.

Seeing the actions of God King Odin, he also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he asked, "Do you need to gather the army?"


Odin shook his head and sighed: "Those two are not ordinary people. No matter how many troops there are, they are like ants in front of them. Going there will only increase casualties."


"It's also possible that we were thinking too much. Maybe things are not as bad as we expected. Your duty now is to keep an eye on their every move..."

"You have to prepare in advance."


After speaking, Odin cut off the connection.

And Heimdall stood at the control center of the Rainbow Bridge, staring at Midgard's S.H.I.E.L.D. with his eyes wide open, dedicatedly monitoring the actions of Bai Xiaofei and Ancient One.


at the same time.

A certain area of ​​the vast universe.

A bright streamer of light is traveling across the boundless sea of ​​stars, heading towards the Earth in the solar system.

This streamer is Captain Marvel.

Without the help of any spaceship, she was alone like this, with terrifying space power surging all over her body, she just shuttled across the universe and flew back to the earth at the fastest speed.

Such an ability is really terrifying, and it is worthy of Marvel's signature.


Aunt Surprised was still a step behind.

Just as she was still crossing the void of the universe and rushing towards the earth, God King Odin brought the Destroyer and landed on the earth.


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