The Storm God

Chapter 4069 Wait for me here! (Please subscribe!)

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.


After a lot of hard work, Bai Xiaofei, who finally felt the abnormal existence of different spaces around the earth, was about to try to break through the gap and go in to have a look.

at this time.

With his spiritual power, he keenly sensed that a very powerful existence suddenly appeared outside SHIELD.

"This breath..."

"Could it be Odin, the god-king of Asgard?"

"Why is he here?"


Bai Xiaofei was slightly surprised.

next moment.

In his mind, a voice transmission from God King Odin appeared: "This young strong man, can you come out and see me, I am Odin, the God King of Asgard..."


Bai Xiaofei felt a little speechless in his heart, and secretly said: "You don't need to tell me, I know that in another world, I fought with you..."

"Director Nick..."

He stood up and said with a smile to the unaware black stewed egg: "Captain Marvel hasn't come yet, but an unexpected visitor came here first, I'll come as soon as I go, you and Master Gu Yi stay together Here, continue to wait for Captain Marvel..."

The voice did not fall.

People have completely disappeared.

Black marinated egg: "..."


Outside S.H.I.E.L.D.

On an empty land.

Wearing armor and holding the eternal spear, the god king Odin stands proudly in the world.

He seems to have used some kind of invisibility magic, so that the outside world cannot detect his arrival and existence, and only a powerful existence like Bai Xiaofei can not be confused by it.


It can be seen that God King Odin seems to want to keep a low profile.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei followed his will directly, and after flashing, waved his hand to form a super-large mirror space, completely covering this place.

inside the space.

Odin the God-King dispelled the invisibility spell.

Anyway, it was useless to Bai Xiaofei, with the mirror space as a cover, he naturally didn't need to do anything extra.

"Your Majesty the God King, you are the Lord of the Nine Realms, and you are busy with work. Why do you have time to come down to earth today, and you are still wearing armor..."

Bai Xiaofei wondered, "Could it be that you're here to find someone to fight?"

Although Odin hid it very deeply, Bai Xiaofei could still sense that there was a strong fighting spirit in the heart of this God King Odin.


Odin was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

It seemed unexpected that Bai Xiaofei's senses were so keen, but he quickly recovered, and said to Bai Xiaofei with a smile: "No, no, I just came here to ask some questions, um, something about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube..."


Bai Xiaofei knew it well, and said with a sneer: "I can't see it. Others don't know the true origin of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, so how can His Majesty the God King not know?"


Odin was slightly embarrassed.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei spoke so bluntly, he simply stopped pretending, his face darkened, and he said seriously: "Okay, if that's the case, then I won't beat around the bush."

"Young man, although I don't know who you are, I have to tell you that the power of the Infinity Gem is far beyond your imagination. If you are not careful, it will cause unimaginable disaster..."

"As the God King of the Nine Realms, I have the obligation and responsibility to protect this hard-won scene of peace, so please tell me your purpose of collecting them..."


Speaking of which.

The voice stopped immediately, and the words were all over.

Although I didn't say the following words, the meaning is very clear. If you don't eat the toast, you can only eat a fine wine. In short, don't make me rough!


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he immediately grinned.

This means that he is now at a higher level and has a better temper. Otherwise, in the past, not to mention anything else, Odin's strong attitude alone would definitely make Bai Xiaofei strike on the spot.

And now...

He just shook his head and smiled.

Then he said: "OK, I understand what you mean, although your strength is nothing to me, but for the sake of the overall situation, I don't care about it It's..."

"If you want to know, then I'll tell you the truth."

"I collect infinite gems, not for myself, but for other people. The purpose is to deal with a more terrifying guy..."

"When it's used up, it will be returned."

"So you don't have to worry."


To prove what I said was true.

Bai Xiaofei also showed Odin the set of infinity gems that Ultron had collected before, and explained: "Look, I actually already have a set of infinity gems. If you really want to do evil, you can A matter of snapping fingers, there is no need to do anything extra."


On the opposite side, God King Odin was completely dumbfounded.

It's not that he has never seen infinite gems, but Odin has never seen the whole set of infinite gems, he just heard of them.

Didn't realize...

The young man in front of him has already assembled a set!


Odin was shocked, but also immediately discovered the blind spot: "There are only six infinity stones, and they are unique. Where did you get this set?"

All right.

God King Odin's strength, although powerful, is only at the level of the heavenly father, and he is far from reaching that higher level.


He naturally does not know the mysteries of the multiverse.

From this doubt, it is reasonable.

"Snatch it!"

Bai Xiaofei's answer was concise and concise, and Odin was stunned for a while, with a face full of bewilderment and disbelief: "Snatch it? Who did you snatch it from? Can you snatch an existence with a complete set of infinite gem sequences? This How can it be!"

"And that doesn't explain the origin of the Infinity Stones."


Odin felt himself being teased.

His face turned red in an instant, if he hadn't been worried that he couldn't beat Bai Xiaofei, with his temper, he might have already started to teach the person in front of him a lesson.

He stared at Bai Xiaofei angrily.

Bai Xiaofei smiled very happily, and explained slowly: "You should have heard of the concept of multiverses, right?"


Odin nodded.

At the same time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately understood what was going on.

Suddenly said: "You mean, you come from other worlds in the multiverse, and this set of infinite gems was also snatched from that world?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "But the situation is far more complicated than you imagined, because it also involves time and space travel between the past and the future..."

"That's right!"

"I am not only from other worlds in the multiverse, but also from the future of this world, because at that time, the infinite gems of this world have been snatched away..."

"So I can only travel to the past, which is now, and borrow the current infinite gems to strengthen the team's strength and fight against that terrible guy."

"I say this, can you understand?"


Odin stood there blankly, staring, speechless for a long time.


All that Bai Xiaofei said was too shocking and astonishing. Even if he is the God King Odin, he still needs some time to buffer and bear it.

After a while.

Odin finally made a move. He squinted his eyes, looked at Bai Xiaofei, and said with a serious expression: "Mage Gu Yi is the helper you are looking for?"



Odin was silent again.

This time, however, the silence was not long.

He suddenly let out a long sigh, and then said with a wry smile: "Since Master Gu Yi has chosen to believe in you, then I have no reason to have any doubts..."

"after all……"

"In some respects, her strength is much stronger than mine. Since she is willing to help you, it means that the problem must be extremely serious..."

"As the Lord of the Nine Realms, I naturally can't sit idly by. Young man, is there anything I can do for you?"


The attitude changed instantly.

It was clear that he wanted to stand up and help Bai Xiaofei with Master Gu Yi.

"Don't tell me, there really is one!"

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately when he heard the words: "As the current God King, I think His Majesty should know where the Reality Gem, that is, the sealed place of the ether particle is?"

Although he can also rely on his own ability to find the sealed place of the Reality Gem, since there is a ready-made one, why not use it?

Odin: "..."

This guy.

I'm afraid he has already agreed that I will come, right?

Just wait for me here!


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