The Storm God

Chapter 4070 Odin's thoughts! (Please subscribe!)

Odin finally sealed the Reality Gem, that is, told Bai Xiaofei the space coordinates of the ether particles, after all he is the King of Gods, the Lord of the Nine Realms!

Naturally know which is more important.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei didn't completely take the Reality Gem for himself, but just borrowed it.

It will be returned when it is used up.


Odin also said.

If Bai Xiaofei needs help, he can also provide some help here, and it is right to use this opportunity as training.


Bai Xiaofei stopped and was speechless.

Xin said: "If it's you, plus the Destroyer Armor, it's okay. After all, you are a god king, and your ability should not be underestimated..."

"But if you want to take this opportunity to train your son..."

"Forget it then!"


well known.

During this period, Thor and Loki were still very young and rebellious.

Loki is better, although his vision is not good, but he still has some brains after all, but Thor is not good, he is completely one-sided, and almost occupies his entire brain.

Except reckless, it is reckless!

If he was really by his side, it would definitely be a big pit.

It's okay to drag the oil bottle, maybe it will be a disservice. Although he has accepted a little favor from Odin, Bai Xiaofei will not wrong himself because of it.

He could only politely refuse and said, "Let's forget it. The enemies we encountered this time were too terrifying. If something unexpected happens, it will be bad."


Odin is no fool.

Where can't you hear the meaning of Bai Xiaofei's words?

This is to tell him clearly that your two sons are not qualified to participate in this war at all. It's not that they dislike them, but that there is no way to guarantee their safety if they go there.

To this.

Odin also expressed his understanding.

After all, the infinite gems are used, which shows how powerful the enemy is.

As for the level of Thor and Loki, as a father, Odin is still a bit close, and he just mentioned it in passing.

Since it doesn't work, forget it.

Anyway, it's not that there are other training opportunities, not bad this time.

"It seems that a new guest has arrived."

Odin changed the subject and said, "Since that's the case, then I won't disturb your plans. If you need anything, feel free to find me, and I'll leave first..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

next moment.

Mirror space shattering is lifted.

God King Odin, driving the Rainbow Bridge, returned to Asgard.

at the same time.


Another figure wrapped in infinite power and photon energy fell from the sky, broke through the clouds, and came directly towards S.H.I.E.L.D.

Captain Marvel has arrived.



After God King Odin returned to the Golden Palace, he immediately summoned his two sons.


Thor, the god of thunder, is dressed in a divine costume and holds a meow hammer.

He was still blond, and he looked energetic at the moment, like a lion, exuding vigorous energy and drive all over his body.

to the opposite.

Rocky, who was dressed in green, looked a little quiet and low-key. The two moved and remained still, and their personalities were two extremes, which could be regarded as complementary.

at this time.

The two stood in front of Odin, somewhat puzzled. The current Nine Realms are relatively stable. I don't know what the father called them to come over.

Is the crown prince confirmed?

With that in mind.

Loki felt slightly nervous, was it me or him?

Thor, the god of thunder, thinks more simply. He is full of muscles, and what he wants to do most is to show his bravery.

in short.

It's just that I'm bored and want to find a fight.

Therefore, when he learned that his father had summoned him, he immediately flew over waving the Meow Hammer, and asked excitedly, "Did someone offend us in Asgard? Tell me who it is, and I will teach him a lesson!"


Looking at the eldest son who was not at all determined, Odin's face was full of displeasure.

this moment.

He couldn't help thinking of Bai Xiaofei.

They are all young people, why is there such a big gap?

If it wasn't for Thor's own birth, Odin really wanted to strangle the idiot in front of him who knew how to fight. You bastard, besides drinking and making trouble, do you know anything else?


With a cold face, Odin said in a deep voice: "I see that your training has been relatively slack recently, and your strength has not improved significantly, so I have arranged a task for you to sharpen it..."

"This task is very dangerous, and there are still great restrictions. If you don't have the confidence to complete it, you can choose not to do it. No one will blame you..."


Good guy.

In order to train his son, Odin even used the aggressive method.

The simple-minded Thor really fell for it.

"What mission?"

He immediately stated that no matter what the task was, he was absolutely capable and completed, and he never considered the possibility of rejection or failure at all.

on the contrary.

Loki thinks more.

But it's a pity, at this moment, he is too immature, how can he be Odin's opponent?

And Thor agreed, if he didn't agree, wouldn't it appear that he was inferior to Thor? Loki, who was dedicated to being the king of Asgard, naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity to perform, and immediately expressed his willingness to accept the task.


The poor two brothers were deprived of their divine power and all their weapons and equipment by Odin, and were sent to a strange planet to carry out the so-called mission.

Although it is called a mission in a beautiful name, it is actually survival in the wilderness.

The purpose is to train the hearts and abilities of the two, so that they know that without Asgard and their strength, they are nothing at all.

If you want to survive in the cruel environment, you can only rely on yourself!

In short.

For two unworthy sons.

It can be said that Odin took great pains. If there was no Bai Xiaofei as a comparison, he might be able to tolerate it, but with the comparison, he would be pierced.

That's why he made up his mind and launched his own training plan in advance.


about this point.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know that at this very moment, he was in S.H.I.E.L.D., explaining the origins of himself and others with Auntie Surprise who descended on Earth.

And the borrower's plans and appeals.


Captain Marvel was very upset.

I was deceived, the earth has no major crisis at all, this is completely a trick.

And the purpose of the other party's deceiving me is to let me go with them to deal with a powerful enemy I have never heard of...

It just doesn't make sense.


Captain Marvel didn't believe Bai Xiaofei's words.

At one time, he thought that Nick Fury was deceived or brainwashed by Bai Xiaofei, and the future was even more ridiculous and absurd.


Turn around and want to leave.


Bai Xiaofei, however, had quick eyesight and quick hands, and directly enveloped S.H.I.E.L.D. in a mirrored space, preventing Captain Marvel from leaving.

"what do you mean?"

Captain Marvel frowned, looked at Bai Xiaofei displeased, and said in a deep voice.

It's not that she doesn't want to help, it's mainly because Bai Xiaofei's favor is too ridiculous, Captain Marvel has his own responsibilities, so naturally he doesn't want to waste time on Bai Xiaofei.

But seeing what the other party means, I have to help if I don't want to help...

This is going to be tough.

With that in mind.

Aunt Surprise, who is more impulsive, couldn't help clenching her fists, and began to gather a large amount of photon power all over her body, almost entering a fighting state.

"Means nothing."

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Captain Marvel's anger, and said with a smile, "I just want you to stay a little longer and listen to my explanation..."

"Even if you don't believe me, at least give me a chance to prove it?"

"It's too hasty to leave as soon as you arrive."


Captain Marvel was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

She had to admit that what Bai Xiaofei said made some sense, her anger subsided a little, and she asked, "Then how do you plan to prove it?"


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