The Storm God

Chapter 4071 Reality at hand! (Please subscribe!)

"How about this……"

Seeing that Captain Marvel's attitude eased, Bai Xiaofei smiled immediately, and said, "In my plan, I'm going to go to other civilizations in the universe to find infinite gems..."

"That is."

"For a while, I won't go back to the future. Take advantage of this time, you can go back and deal with the follow-up matters first, and we will have another round after I leave the earth, so that you can see the power of other infinite gems..."

"That way you'll know if what I'm saying is true or not."

"how do you feel?"


A different dimension of reality gems.

The difficulty of finding it is the least difficult among the remaining infinite gems, and there is no need for Captain Marvel's help and witness, but the power gem, mind gem, and soul gem are different.

If you want to convince Captain Marvel to go to the future with yourself, you have to get her involved. Only when he proves himself, the other party will follow him wholeheartedly.

after all……

Aunt Marvel is a wonderful thing.

You are obviously a person from the earth, but you leave the earth alone and worry about the life and death of other planets. With such a personality, without sufficient convincing power, how can you help you?

Unless you make him realize that if you don't help yourself, those aliens she cares about will never have a good time and kidnap her for the overall situation.


Captain Marvel was slightly taken aback.

Obviously, he did not expect that the method Bai Xiaofei said to prove himself was actually like this.

After a short silence, she nodded and said, "Alright. If what you said is true, I will definitely not break my promise..."


We need to find a communication device for Bai Xiaofei.

Just like Nick Fury, you can contact her in time when you need it, so you don't have to worry about not being able to find her.


However, Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't bother, I have already memorized your energy information, and I can easily find you without the help of those foreign objects..."


Captain Marvel was speechless.

She almost forgot that the strength of the person in front of her was stronger than her own.

At the beginning, I didn't know where my own was. After seeing this, with the ability of the other party, it was much easier to find myself.

after all……

The opponent has infinite gems in his hand.

In the years of maintaining the peace of alien civilizations, it is obvious that Captain Marvel has heard more or less about infinite gems.


She didn't take it very seriously.

Otherwise, if Captain Marvel really had the heart, he would not have left the Rubik's Cube on Earth, but had taken it away with himself.

To know.

The earth at that time was still very backward.

Compared with those foreign objects, Captain Marvel obviously believes in his own strength and fists. Anyway, in these years, she has never encountered anything that she can't solve with her fists.

"In that case, I'll go first."

Captain Marvel came and went in a hurry, and soon flew away from the earth and disappeared. It made Nick Fury feel very uncomfortable.


After all, this is your hometown.

It's rare to come back once, why can't you stay for a day or two to see the changes in your hometown? Are alien civilizations that good?

Obviously jealous.


The reason for jealousy is more because I want to marvel at how powerful the captain is, but he doesn't belong to me. If someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. can be like her...


Even if it is only one tenth, or even one percent of the strength.

He, Nick Fury, would not have worked so hard in S.H.I.E.L.D. He racked his brains to design some Avengers plan, but finally met Captain Marvel, but he seemed like an outsider.

This kind of psychological gap is probably uncomfortable for anyone.


No one cares about his feelings.

After Captain Marvel left, looking at Mage Gu Yi who was still absorbing the power of the space gem, Bai Xiaofei didn't bother her, and with a thought, he also left S.H.I.E.L.D.

next moment.

He appeared in a special dark space.

Here is the place where the gems of reality are sealed and hidden, a special and independent space, with all kinds of huge rocks in sight, like cliffs, terrifying.

And the two largest ones, like hydraulic press plates, are superimposed on top of each other, leaving only a slight gap in the middle of the strange building, which is the exclusive vessel for sealing the gem of reality.

The Reality Gem seems to have a fluid of consciousness, wriggling back and forth in the gaps, as if it is struggling and wants to be free.

But alas.

The seal is too strong, without a host, it is very difficult to escape from prison with its own strength.

And these, to Bai Xiaofei, are nothing at all. Without relying on the power of the Infinity Gem, just a shock of thought power, the boulder used to seal the Reality Gem was directly blasted into slag.

The cell is destroyed, and the Reality Stone is instantly free.

Immediately soared into the sky excitedly, danced happily in mid-air, and then rushed directly to the only living creature in the surroundings——Bai Xiaofei.

This is for boarding.


Just approached Bai Xiaofei.

Then there is a terrifying power that binds the Reality Gem, making it impossible to store it.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying force of pressure began to squeeze crazily, causing the fluid form of the Reality Gem to be continuously compressed and reduced...


The ether particle, which was as huge as a piece of blood, was compressed into a tiny stone, and turned into a veritable gem of reality.

so far.

Of the six infinite gems, Bai Xiaofei has already obtained three. They are the Time Gem, the Space Gem, and the Display Gem just obtained.

at the same time.

In order to avoid causing too much disturbance and trouble.

Bai Xiaofei directly brought the Reality Gem closer to his own small world, otherwise, as soon as he left this special space, the leader of the dark elves who hadn't yet died, "Spicy Chicken Silk", would sense the presence of the Reality Gem and start a series of activities .

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to make such a big commotion.

Because the bigger the incident, the more troublesome it is to calm it down, and it may even completely branch the timeline and disrupt the normal time sequence, thus triggering a series of terrible consequences.

after all……

Quantum shuttle is not a panacea.

Time travel, time flow, and the butterfly effect, even though they are different, are interrelated and must not be sloppy.

In a word, keep a low profile as much as possible, not big guns!


Bai Xiaofei left the special space and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just at this time, Mage Gu Yi had already completed the first stage of power replacement, and when he saw Bai Xiaofei flashing back, he knew that there must be a harvest.

"This time?" Gu Yi asked.

"The Reality Gem, because of the dark elves, was taken into the small world by me, and the gems after that can only be found in the universe..."

"Master Gu Yi, do you want to come with me?"


Bai Xiaofei's plan is to get the power gem first, because it is the least difficult to find and obtain among the remaining three gems.


The ancient mage shook his head.

It's not that she doesn't want to go, but that she can't, because once she goes, there will be more ripples and related events.

This is definitely not a good thing for the time flow.


She can only keep a low profile as much as possible.

Just wait for Bai Xiaofei's return, and then travel to the future with Bai Xiaofei.

As for whether Bai Xiaofei can get the other three infinite gems, no matter what others think, Master Gu Yi is full of confidence in Bai Xiaofei anyway.

"All right."

Bai Xiaofei naturally knew the real reason why Master Gu Yi refused to join him, and he didn't insist on this, shrugging his shoulders and said: "In that case, I will leave alone, I hope that when I come back, you have completely Freed from the shackles of the dark power."


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