The Storm God

Chapter 4072 Memory blockade! (Please subscribe!)


The notoriously extra-legal place in the universe.

The surface here is disordered and chaotic. Whether it is a wanted criminal in the universe or an interstellar predator, they can all appear here in a grand manner, and there is no law to restrain them.

But that's just the surface.

The void is not really without order, otherwise it would have been chaotic. And the person who made the rules was the famous collector-Tanya Tiwan.

Here, money comes first.

As long as you have money, you can do anything in the void, murder, arson, robbery and extortion are trivial matters, even if you bombard indiscriminately in the downtown area, it doesn't matter...

The premise is that you have enough money to pay the fine.


Bai Xiaofei is inside the huge skull in the void, and his purpose of coming here is to buy the star map coordinates of the planet Morag.


He can tear apart the space and teleport directly there.

But the universe is too big.

Doing so will consume a lot of his energy, Bai Xiaofei is so stupid, since there is a ready-made, labor-saving method, who would foolishly waste his energy.

What's more, in this void, he can not only obtain the star map, but also inquire about the Chitauri and Thanos.

Putting it in other places, when it comes to Thanos, others may not dare to say anything because of various scruples, but in this place of nothingness, as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Not for a while.

Bai Xiaofei successfully got everything he wanted.

According to the information provided by several different sellers, the Chitauri at this time have been completely conquered by Thanos and have become his lackeys.

at the same time.

As for whether Thanos has a mind gem in his hand...

This is unknown.

after all……

Thanos is no fool.

What a treasure the Soul Gem is, it will definitely not be known to others except for our own people, but Bai Xiaofei is not worried.

Is there, after you get the power gem, don't you know if you go over and have a look?

And the whereabouts of Thanos have also been known by Bai Xiaofei.


He left the void.

In a flash, it directly appeared on the barren planet Morag.

The Morag star was once glorious, with the ability of interstellar exploration and colonization. But for unknown reasons, the developed civilization was suddenly destroyed, and the planet Morag became a forgotten abandoned planet.

In the movie, Xingjue succeeded in dancing for the first time, and this is the planet where the crowd overwhelmed him for the second time. The power gem is hidden on this planet.

Its carrier is called the cosmic spiritual ball.

The abandoned Morag star is dilapidated and desolate. The climate is complex and changeable. The surface of the planet is full of rocks and large areas of land collapse. From time to time, there is a backlog of groundwater.

The movie does not explain how Star-Lord learned that the cosmic spirit ball was hidden in the temple of Morag, and how he found the temple.


This is not difficult for Bai Xiaofei.

A thought swept across, and everything on the surface of the entire planet of Morag was directly seen by Bai Xiaofei. No matter how deep the temple was buried, and no matter how powerful the device that isolated the power gem was, it would never be able to resist Bai Xiaofei's triggering of the infinite gem. resonance induction.


He locked a certain position.

The next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's figure came to the coordinate point of the induction, and once he came out of the dilapidated and weathered palace, its former glory and magnificence could be vaguely seen through half of the ruins.

There is no need to use the Eye of Primordial Mist.

With only the scan of his thoughts, Bai Xiaofei can also discover that there are still countless traps and traps hidden in this forgotten temple and palace.

Doubi Xingjue can settle it, and Bai Xiaofei naturally doesn't pay attention to it.


In order to maintain the coherence of the subsequent plot.

Bai Xiaofei didn't intend to destroy these mechanism devices, but kept his whole body blurred, just entered the temple unscrupulously, and came to the depths of the palace ruins.

The inside is completely opposite to the dilapidated outside world. It is very well preserved, except for a little dust, and the long time seems to stand still here.

Countless and complex hollow patterns are carved on the stone gate and the walls, and between the gaps, there is a trace of energy flowing at a constant speed.

The planet Morag has been deserted for many years, but the energy array of the temple ruins can still continue to operate, which is really unimaginable.

But still that sentence.

These things are just decorations in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Blurred, crossed, and in the blink of an eye, Bai Xiaofei came to the deepest part of the temple palace. In the stone room, the cosmic spirit treasure was suspended on the column platform, and several high-density energy light curtains enveloped and protected it, completely isolating it from the outside world. .


Without any hesitation or inkblotting.

Bai Xiaofei stretched out his right hand, directly ignoring the energy light curtain, letting it burn on his arm, and easily took the cosmic spirit ball out of it.

The energy light curtain tried desperately to stop it, but it was completely useless, they couldn't even hurt Bai Xiaofei's clothes, it was extremely pitiful.

no way.

This is poor technology.

In the movie, Xingjue uses strong magnetic attraction, while Nebula relies on his own mechanical body. No matter which one it is, the energy light curtain is useless.

Not to mention facing the even more perverted and terrifying Bai Xiaofei.

If Bai Xiaofei could completely turn this thing into nothingness with just one glance because he was not worried about the development of the plot later, it would be so troublesome.

The sealing device of the cosmic spirit ball has no technical content.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei thought about it, he opened it easily.


As the cosmic spirit ball was opened, the power gem exuding a billowing purple halo immediately appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei, and was immediately collected into the small world by him, so as to prevent the power fluctuation from being detected by others, thus triggering a series of chain reactions.

next moment.

As soon as he thought about it, Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared directly on a miniature fighter plane of a small spaceship of the Chitauri.

This was a goal he had explored long ago.


And now, this spaceship fighter has entered Thanos's Sanctuary spaceship along with the large force, ready to attack other civilized planets.

Thanos is sensitive, it's good if he doesn't have a soul gem, if he has it, he will most likely detect Bai Xiaofei who broke in suddenly, just to be on the safe side, Bai Xiaofei can only act in a low-key manner.

He turned into the appearance of an alien in the spaceship, and while walking towards the outside of the spaceship, he unfolded his spiritual power and carefully scanned the specific situation inside the spaceship.


Bai Xiaofei discovered the location of Thanos and the four generals of Hei Yao.

Ebony Throat meditated in closed room in the room, as if he was exercising his mind power; Black Dwarf fell asleep on the bed, snoring loudly...

As for General Deathblade and Proxima Neighbors, they were having a good time, the scale was so big that Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but secretly blush, thinking, good guy, it's you aliens who can play, cowhide!

As for Thanos...

He stood alone in the core area of ​​the spaceship, looking at the stars in the vast universe outside with blurred eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that he might be thinking about family planning, right?


Those have nothing to do with him.

At this moment, what Bai Xiaofei cares more about is the strictly protected and hidden Infinity Gauntlet in the safe next to him.

as well as……

An Infinity Gem bursting with golden brilliance.


"The soul gem is really here with Thanos, it will save a lot of trouble now, otherwise the vast universe is so big, God knows when I will find it..."

"Time stands still!"


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed.

Then he was not polite, and directly launched the big move of the time system.

The invisible power of time swept across the entire spaceship in an instant, freezing everything inside except Bai Xiaofei.

Thanos is also merciless.

next moment.


Bai Xiaofei's figure flashed, appearing directly in front of Thanos.


Memory block!

After a set of combos, the Soul Stone is immediately available, and by the way, the memory of the Soul Stone is also sealed by Thanos.

In case he suddenly wants to look at the Soul Stone in the follow-up, he will go through the gang, triggering a series of chain reactions.


Bai Xiaofei retreated resolutely, hiding his achievements and fame.


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