The Storm God

Chapter 4073 Sacrifice array! (Please subscribe!)

Of the six infinite gems, Bai Xiaofei has already collected five, leaving only the last one, which is also the most difficult to obtain - the soul gem.

Bai Xiaofei knew where the soul gem was.

Vormir star.


That is the center of the universe.

It is connected to a mysterious kingdom of death, and generally few people will go there.

Although there is actually no danger there, it is related to death after all, so it is generally believed that going there is almost equivalent to death.


The planet Vormir is also known as an ominous place, a place of death and so on.

Bai Xiaofei's next stop is Vormir Star.

In the vast universe.

There are many ways for stars to exist.

Most of them are entities, and there is also gas, but the existence of the Vormir planet is even more weird. From the appearance, this planet is not a complete spherical shape. There are still pulses emitted from the part, shooting towards the unknown existence.

It was as if it was shot by some kind of pulse, and then began to annihilate and gasify. But for some special reason, it was forbidden at this moment.


in addition……

Not far from the planet Vormir, there is another star that has been permanently "total solar eclipsed" by a planet, making almost most of the planet Vormir in darkness, with only a sliver of light that can shine on the remaining on the half solid sphere of .

And the interior of the Vormir planet has a very special environment and topography.

The movie only showed the tip of the iceberg, and when Bai Xiaofei arrived in person, he was shocked to find that the terrain here is more like hills with no distinction between high and low, except for the edges and backs that store water.

Mixed with the special climate, as well as dark sunlight, it also looks very beautiful, giving people an inexplicable sense of twilight and sadness.

There is only one majestic and extremely high mountain on the entire planet, standing in the center of the sphere.

And there.

It is the place where the soul gem is sacrificed.


Space ripples appear.

Bai Xiaofei's figure directly crossed countless distances and appeared on the top of the mountain.

Here, there are two majestic buildings, arranged in a "U" shape as a whole, and on the opposite side, there is a cliff that was cut off directly by a knife and an axe.

On the edge of the cliff is a semicircular special magic circle.

Looking down from a high altitude, the semi-circular magic circle and the cliff-like sacrificial place seem to be connected with a complete prototype magic circle.


After reaching the summit.

The first thing Bai Xiaofei encountered was the guardian here——

Red Skull in spirit state.

The former Hydra leader!

"Who are you……"

Looking at Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared, Red Skull was a little confused and puzzled.

Because of the curse, he gained eternal life and knew all the people who came here to find the soul gem, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't know the origin of Bai Xiaofei.

He could only faintly detect a little bit of relevant information about Bai Xiaofei.

Such as life, gender, strength...


Like the origin of identity or something, it can be said to be a blur, and nothing can be seen.

This was the first time he had seen such a situation since he became the guardian of the soul gem, and he couldn't help being very surprised and amazed.


Looking at the red skull in a black robe, rippling with strong soul power and aura, a gleam of light flashed in the depths of Bai Xiaofei's eyes, and he saw through the opponent's state instantly.

Then, Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Red Skull, it's better to meet you than to be famous. I never thought that after being teleported away by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, you would end up in such a state. Destiny is truly amazing."


Red Skull was silent.

In the face of other people who came to look for the soul gem, he might be able to put on an air of coercion, put on a show, and maintain a cold attitude, but in the face of Bai Xiaofei, a terrifying existence, Red Skull didn't dare to have any idea of ​​arrogance.

"Are you here to find the soul gem?"

Red Skull changed the subject and went straight to the point.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

While talking, he walked towards the U-shaped megalithic building, and said in his mouth: "I heard that the soul gem is special. If you want to get it, you must sacrifice your true love and a soul. I don't know if it is true?"


Red Skull followed behind Bai Xiaofei, not daring to move forward.

Hearing this, I was even more depressed, and said to myself: "This is my line, why don't you play the cards according to the routine, you have said all the lines, what am I doing?"


He dared not express it, for fear of being beaten.

Red Skull's intuition told himself that although he was the guardian of the soul gem, he was not invincible, especially in front of Bai Xiaofei.

If the other party really wants to do something to him, his end will definitely be very miserable.

Even more miserable than now!


He didn't dare to neglect, he nodded quickly and replied.

Concise and concise, I dare not say a single word if I need to say anything, for fear of revealing something and angering the person in front of me by talking too much.


Bai Xiaofei curled his lips with a sneer, but he didn't believe it. While carefully scanning the boulders in front of him, the semi-circular magic circle, and the sacrificial place on Yadi, he displayed the power of his spiritual consciousness and the eye of primordial vision, trying to see through the Nature.

At the same time, he said: "I don't think it's just because of this. For example, the curse on you. If I'm not wrong, after the sacrifice, you should be freed, right?"


Red Skull was stunned when he heard that.

Apparently, Bai Xiaofei didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei saw through everything, and felt astonished to die. He wanted to explain something, but he didn't know where to start.

For a moment, he froze in place, speechless for a long time.

Bai Xiaofei also ignored the dazed Red Skull, and continued his actions. On the surface, there seemed to be nothing to be seen here on Vormir Planet.

But in fact.

But that's not the case at all.

In the special vision of Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng eyes, he found that the semicircle magic circle on the cliff formed a perfect connection with the sacrificial place on the cliff.

That is.

The two are one with each other, and the combination of two is a complete formation, and the bridge and key to connect each other is the emotional resonance and the power of the soul.

in short.

Only those who have a strong bond with each other can activate this special magic circle through sacrifice. Otherwise, if only one of them is satisfied, it will have no effect at all.

Not only that.

This special development is also connected with deeper secrets.

The semi-foggy star structure of Planet Vormir, as well as the terrifying scarlet pulse that soars into the sky and shoots to nowhere, are also closely related to this magic circle.

Its design structure and connection method, as well as its operating principle, made Bai Xiaofei think of the teleportation array in the world of cultivating immortals.

Although there are differences between the two sides, they are also similar.

Go deeper.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't detect it.

The core of the formation seems to involve some kind of even more terrifying mystery, so that when Bai Xiaofei tried to approach the decryption, he would be counterattacked and repelled by huge pressure.

That is to say, his strength is strong enough, and his soul power is extremely tenacious. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been shocked to death long ago, but even so, it still made Bai Xiaofei's soul tremble and was almost injured.

"Good guy!"

"It seems that the rumors of the Vormir planet seem to be true. The place where the pulse is transmitted may be the legendary kingdom of death..."

"There must be terrifying powers living in it, and the magic circle of planet Vormir, as well as the special sacrifice, are the rules set by it..."

"If you want to obtain soul gems, those who are not strong enough, seem to have to obediently follow the other party's rules and offer your love and soul."


Bai Xiaofei frowned, feeling very upset.


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