The Storm God

Chapter 4074 Cross the sea! (Please subscribe!)

"what to do?"

"Is it true that I have to sacrifice my true love and soul in accordance with the other party's request in order to obtain the soul gem? If this is the case, then I am too shameless, right?"

"If you don't sacrifice, you have to find a way to crack it..."

"It's almost impossible..."


Bai Xiaofei was very confused.

Of course, more people are still not reconciled, thinking how powerful they are, and they still have a whole set of infinite gem sequences, but they still can't get a mere infinite gem...

Anyone who changes this will probably be dissatisfied.


Bai Xiaofei was quite upset.

With that in mind.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei wasn't in a hurry, so he didn't get entangled at all, but started researching directly on the spot, making it clear that he wasn't going to follow the rules.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei around the altar, groping around, groping here and there, studying it seriously, not intending to sacrifice at all, Red Skull only felt that it was too difficult for him.

But he couldn't stop the other party.

It was very hard.

After a while.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore.

So he raised Bai Xiaofei in a low voice and said: "Well, Your Excellency, if you don't want to obtain soul gems through sacrifice, then you can ask someone to help you..."


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard that.

But after that, he instantly understood what Red Skull meant. His so-called seeking help was actually to find a pair of lovers with strong bonds, or innocent people such as relatives and friends, and then obtain the soul gem through sacrifice. .


Bai Xiaofei came again with a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles following behind.


Someone has nothing to lose.


Bai Xiaofei had thought of this a long time ago, if he wanted to use it, why bother? At this moment, he was simply dissatisfied.

after all.

The soul gem that Bai Xiaofei wanted was not just this one.

But many.

Can other soul gems be obtained in this way every time, right? Although Bai Xiaofei is not the Holy Mother, but such a casual act of harming innocent people is still very contemptible.


What a research opportunity this is.

If the secret could be solved, it would be a kind of improvement and achievement for Bai Xiaofei, so he didn't do anything unnecessary.

What a dream.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't in a hurry, but the Red Skull beside him got impatient.

"That's all you want to get rid of?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, and while continuing to study and analyze, he asked back: "Although you are the guardian of the gem, if I really want to kill you, there shouldn't be any problem, do you believe it or not?"


Red Skull was silent.

Nima, how did he answer those words? If you don't believe it, Bai Xiaofei will definitely prove it to him; if you believe it, the other party will definitely say, I don't believe you believe me, so I must prove it to you...

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei's eyes and meaning made Red Skull very scared, and secretly scolded himself for being an idiot, wouldn't it be good to be a transparent person on the sidelines?

It's too much to do, it's really hard work now.

As everyone knows.

Bai Xiaofei was just talking.

After all, in future plots, the Red Skull still has a role and is very important. Killing him will inevitably trigger some chain reactions.


Not as a last resort.

Bai Xiaofei will not kill Red Skull by hand, just scare him.

The premise is that the other party has to know what is good or bad, if Red Skull is still forcing Lai Lai to shut up when Bai Xiaofei is researching, then Bai Xiaofei would also mind giving him a ride.

Just right.

After half a day of research, Bai Xiaofei also had a bold idea in his mind.

According to the setting of the movie, the Soul Gem seems to have a certain amount of wisdom, otherwise it would not curse the Red Skull to be its own guardian and gatekeeper.


Its wisdom is not sound.

Otherwise, after the soul gem materializes, it will not be easily taken away by others. Instead, it should be the same as getting it. Even if the soul gem is taken away, you must sacrifice your love and soul.

It turned out otherwise.

Only when it manifests, sacrifices are required, and then there is no need for it at all. Whoever grabs it belongs to him, and there is no difference in using it.

In view of this.

Bai Xiaofei thought to himself, is it possible to obtain the soul gem through deception?

Bai Xiaofei has a lot of soul power, his current soul power has almost reached the strongest purple-black level, and any trace of soul power separated by random is definitely much more powerful than ordinary Chaoying.

This level of soul power definitely meets the standard of sacrifice.

The difficulty lies in the fetters.

after all.

Not just any soul can obtain soul gems through sacrifice.

Only the soul of the beloved will do.

So here comes the problem.

How is this magic circle identified? Does the relationship between the sacrificer and the sacrificed meet the standard of emotional bondage?

Bai Xiaofei guessed that there must be some kind of special detection mechanism in this seemingly simple magic circle, which can accurately detect the intensity of this emotional bond.

That is.

As long as you can find it out, and try to decipher and deceive it, you might be able to deceive the world, and you can get the soul gem by sacrificing sporadic ordinary soul power.

In terms of soul power, Bai Xiaofei has no shortage at all.

It can be peeled and divided at any time, and can be shaped into any shape and identity at will according to one's own mind.

The crux of the problem lies in how to build the bond between the opponent and oneself, so as to deceive the detection agency of the formation, make it meet the standards, and finally succeed in the sacrifice.

Thinking about it for a long time.

at last……

Bai Xiaofei set his mind on the Infinity Stones.

The six infinity stones each have their own abilities, each of which represents a constituent power of the Marvel universe, infinite and powerful, very terrifying.

The power of the soul gem, coupled with Bai Xiaofei's own attainments, allows him to control undead, dead, and soul power at will.

There is no doubt about this.

in addition.

It's the soul gem.

The Mind Stone is the incarnation of cosmic consciousness, allowing users to enhance their spiritual abilities and enter the minds of all other beings.

Even spirits capable of reading, manipulating, modifying, creating and guarding life.

The power of a single gem is so terrifying, what if the two are combined into one, and even the reality gem's ability to modify reality is added?


Bai Xiaofei first used the soul gem to create a false soul out of nothing, then modified and controlled it, and then used the soul gem to infuse it with a unique spiritual consciousness...

In the end, use the Reality Gem to fully realize it and turn it into a real person.

In this case.

Would it be possible to deceive the sacrificial circle and obtain the soul gem?

After all, although its existence is created out of nothing, its essence does exist.

In terms of spiritual awareness and emotions, there is no falsification at all.

It would be fine if the intelligence of the sacrificial circle was quite awesome, but the key point is that it doesn't seem to be that intelligent.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly brightened.

Without any hesitation or ink stains, I immediately started to work.

I saw his eyes closing and opening, followed by an indescribable mass of soul power, which was created out of nothing, and quickly took shape, turning into a nearly solid female appearance.


With the palm of Bai Xiaofei's hand, a ball of golden radiance was injected into the female soul. It was the script material that Bai Xiaofei wrote especially for her.

It can be said to sacrifice for it, the kind that will never change until death.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe it.

This is not up to the mark?

at last.

Through the gem of reality, the reality is modified, and the female soul with strong emotional consciousness is directly embodied into a real life body.

Looking at her appearance, she is actually a female teacher from a certain island!


Bai Xiaofei hypnotized, shed a few crocodile tears in pain, and said goodbye to the female teacher, while the latter jumped off the cliff without hesitation, sacrificing his life as a sacrifice.

next moment.

The female teacher was buried on a cliff.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei also had a flash of energy, and when he came back to his senses, he found himself in a special space.

In addition to Bai Xiaofei, there is the female teacher created by Bai Xiaofei, but the female teacher's current appearance is a bit too unrestrained.

Unexpectedly, she was naked, and was looking at Bai Xiaofei with affectionate eyes, full of longing and demand, and looked at someone with a wry smile and was speechless.


"It seems that the other party was not only deceived, but also deeply deceived, and even dug out the identity and background of the female teacher I created..."

"Cowhide, I'm completely convinced!"


In addition to sighing.

Bai Xiaofei also discovered that in his hand, at some point, there was an extra infinity gem shining with orange light, which was the soul gem of his trip!

Looking at the brilliance of the soul gem, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but smiled wryly again: "This color really matches the female teacher perfectly!"


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