The Storm God

Chapter 4075 Red Skull's request! (Please subscribe!)

Sigh finished.

Bai Xiaofei began to study this special space.

He discovered that this was not his own spiritual world, nor was it another dimension, but a special existence that he had never seen before.


That's not to say.

Bai Xiaofei was teleported to other places, but a trace of the source of the soul, which was connected with a special existence, and then produced various visions.

The soul gem is also obtained because of this.

"Sacrifice array?"

In just a split second, Bai Xiaofei had a guess.

Then he couldn't help but said depressedly: "It seems that this sacrificial formation is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. If there is no accident, it should come from a higher realm..."

Think about it too.

If not, who can play with the emotions and souls of others.

Forcibly set the rules, and directly used the infinite gems as a bargaining chip. If it is said that such an existence is not a super boss, Bai Xiaofei is the first to not believe it.

At least.

Now he can't do this.

The most important thing is that he now has a complete set of infinite gem sequences, but in the end he was taken to this special space in a unpredictable way.

This is outrageous!

It is enough to show that the opponent's strength can definitely beat the current Bai Xiaofei.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, the other party doesn't seem to be in the state, or his own existence is nothing to the other party.


Bai Xiaofei didn't receive any special treatment either.

Before he researched and understood it, the whole person had completely returned to reality. He started directly from the ground, and he also had the soul gem in his hand.


It was the dumbfounded Red Skull.


Red Skull now feels that the whole person is stupid.

what did he see

The guy in front of him actually created a life out of nothing, and then deceived the planet with it, and obtained the infinite gems easily...

Buy cakes!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be impossible for him to believe it even if he was killed.

He was so shocked that even his own curse had been lifted, but he still stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei before he could react.

Bai Xiaofei also noticed the strangeness of the Red Skull.

Although the other party has nothing on the surface, the essence is a little different. It seemed to be restricted by something before, but now that layer of shackles has been untied.

It is expected to be the curse of the soul gem.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about this.

What he cares more about is undoubtedly the mystery of planet Vormir. According to the analysis of the situation just now, the rumors about this planet are probably true.

The shape of the mist-like planet and the weird soaring laser beam are likely to be connected to Marvel's world of the dead.

And the sacrificial circle is the key to a transaction.

Through the Soul Gem and the entire set of Infinity Gem sequences, one can obtain certain relevant permissions to make deployment and arrangements for some of the souls included in the world of the dead.

Like bringing the dead back to life or something.


Except for the soul as a bargaining chip.

At the same time, the reason for making such a rule is probably to make users understand and cherish the preciousness of life, so as not to abuse the power of infinite gems.

But alas.

This thing seems to be a bit mentally retarded, and the restrictions of the rules are only limited to the acquisition of the soul gem of the planet Vormir, and after obtaining it, there are no restrictions.

It's so cheating!

It gave Bai Xiaofei the feeling that his master had died and only a part of rigid procedures remained.


If Bai Xiaofei was in charge of this, he would never allow such a loophole to happen.

Because it's totally superfluous.

If you really want to maintain the balance of the universe and make people cherish the preciousness of life, then go from one to the other, no matter who uses it, you have to test it.

Only the first person to obtain it will accept the test, but the subsequent ones don't need to...

Isn't this a scam?

Of course.

If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government.

Bai Xiaofei was just complaining, he was in a lot of trouble now, so naturally he wouldn't think about things beyond his ability for an existence far more powerful than himself.

The key is that there is no benefit at all.

Why bother.

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei turned around and was about to tear apart the space to find Captain Marvel.

But at this moment.


The Red Skull suddenly said, "Mr. Bai, can you let me go with you?"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Go with yourself?


He looked at Red Skull suspiciously, "What do you mean? Let me take you for a ride, or... do you want to hang out with me from now on?"

"Of course the latter!"

Red Skull showed a flattering smile, hehe said: "Your strength is extremely powerful, you are definitely the strongest person I have ever seen, this is definitely a great opportunity for me, if I miss it, I will Absolutely regret it."

"Also please sir have pity on me and let me follow beside you."

"I would give everything!"


Decide directly on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei looked at the excited look of the Red Skull, his expression was cold, and his heart didn't fluctuate at all, because as far as he was a player, he was no different from an ant.

That is.

Yes, yes, no, no loss. The point is, what value can the other party create for oneself, you can't raise a free-spirited one, right?

He was about to say no.

This is not a garbage collection station.

But keep on.

Bai Xiaofei thought about it for a while, "By the way, my own small world, the world of the dead I created, just needs a spokesperson for the world. Although this Red Skull has no ability and is quite ambitious, he has one more incomparable than others. The advantages……"

"His appearance was born for the dead. It would be a pity if he didn't use it. Moreover, these guys will not die after being transported by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. They can also become the guardians of the soul gems, which shows that there are also some chances and destiny. of……"

"Why don't you just stay and try it out for a while?"


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei immediately changed his mind, nodded with a smile and said: "Well, you are quite pitiful, since you have got rid of the curse now, then follow me!"


A contract appeared out of thin air.

"Owe it!"

Bai Xiaofei said in a tone almost commanding.

Tough, domineering, beyond doubt!


Red Skull was slightly taken aback.

Obviously, he didn't expect that following the new boss, he still owed a contract.

However, considering how awesome the new boss is and how weak he is, he didn't hesitate at all, and followed the rest of the instructions directly, using his soul power to sign his name on it.

It is worth mentioning that what Red Skull wrote on it was not the previous name, but directly used Red Skull as his new name.

Most likely, he himself had forgotten his order.

after all……

There are no living things on Vormir.

Over the past few decades, he has been alone at the altar, alone, without anyone to talk to, and he is already very good if he has not become a genius.

How many of them still remember who they are?

Of course.

No matter what the Red Skull wrote.

That doesn't matter, as long as it's voluntary, there's nothing wrong with it.

As long as there is any violation of the contract, there must be some punishment. It is impossible that it is useless because the name is not written.

Considering that this is the past, it will inevitably affect the future development.

Bai Xiaofei thought about it, if the Red Skull would follow him from now on, then in order to maintain the continuity of the future, there must be a substitute to replace the Red Skull as the guardian of the soul gem here.

next moment.

With a wave of his hand, a brand new red skull was created out of nothing in an instant.

Looking at the other self, created so easily, even if the original authentic Red Skull already had some understanding of Bai Xiaofei's abilities, he couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment, shocked.

The stand-in Red Skull also mischievously imitated the deity's appearance, his eyes widened, and he looked at the other party with a bewildered and shocked expression.

Red Skull: "..."


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