The Storm God

Chapter 4077 The first set of gem users! (Please subscribe!)

"Not only that……"

Seeing Captain Marvel's surprised expression, Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied, smiled slightly, and explained: "This is just the power of a single Infinity Gem..."

"If you combine them, the power is beyond imagination. When all six are collected, it will be like the legendary Aladdin magic lamp, with almost omnipotent and peerless power. Whatever you want, just snap your fingers That's it!"

"Just like this..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's thoughts of pretending to be aggressive suddenly flared up.

A finger snapped out.


Captain Marvel was shocked to find that the space where the two of them lived had directly turned into a vast ocean, and those cosmic stars were the giant nautical ships in the ocean.

Such a weird and fantastic scene, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Captain Marvel would never believe it anyway, even if these changes are only limited to some local areas.

after all……

If the whole universe is turned into this way, there will be great chaos.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care how shocked Captain Marvel was.

On the sidelines, he continued to snap his fingers, changing the partial cosmic scene and astral form, repeatedly bombarding Captain Marvel's mental capacity.

While explaining in a deep voice: "Have you seen it? This is the power of the six infinite gems gathered together. It is almost like a god of creation. He can change the world as he wants, even people are no exception!"

"And in the future, the enemy I'm going to deal with has such power in his hands, even more powerful and terrifying than this, so I will travel there, looking for reliable helpers and infinite gems to fight against him..."

"Because only Infinity Stones can fight Infinity Stones."


After a sincere talk.

Captain Marvel finally came back to his senses, saying that he had completely believed Bai Xiaofei's words, and asked curiously, "Then what are you going to do?"

meaning is.

The enemy is so powerful and terrifying, how do you deal with him?

"I don't know yet."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, and said truthfully: "That guy was defeated by us once, this time he made a comeback, he learned how to fight, and gathered a group of teammates, he was very difficult to deal with, and he also took the initiative..."

"My idea is to first find a group of reliable teammates and a group of infinite gems to arm yourself, so that even if you suddenly encounter an enemy attack, you will not be helpless."

"Among my teammates, there are only a handful of people who can withstand the reaction force of the infinite stone, and you are one of them."


When Captain Marvel heard it, he couldn't help being stunned.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and said blankly: "You mean, let me take charge of a set of infinite gem sequences?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He explained: "The combination of six infinite gemstones is extremely powerful, and the reaction force is not something that ordinary people can bear, especially the method of internal fusion that I created. If the physique is not up to standard, I am afraid it will be exploded on the spot... "


Captain Marvel became even more curious when he heard the words, "What is the method of internal fusion?"

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand to create a light curtain, using actual video materials to demonstrate it: "The usage of the six infinity gems was initially the infinity glove, and through special forging techniques and magic means, they are systematically integrated , use it to exert its greatest power..."

"Later Ultron got them, because they are mechanical life forms, which are different from human beings, so they can be directly embedded in the body, which can be regarded as a half-fit state."

"Whether it is the first type or the second type, there is a fatal flaw, that is, it is easy to be picked away by someone who exposes the infinite gemstones, thus losing the complete body."

"In order to avoid this, I created the body fusion method, which is to integrate all six infinite gems into my body. In this way, unless the enemy can destroy my body or use some special means, it is absolutely impossible Snatch the Infinity Gem in my body..."

"Just like me..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's body suddenly began to glow.

In the light, one could faintly see six infinity gems in his body, each of which was pressed by Bai Xiaofei to different parts of his body.

Upon seeing this, Captain Marvel couldn't help reaching out his hand curiously, wanting to grab it.


Her hand, however, penetrated directly.

It was as if Bai Xiaofei's body was illusory, and he couldn't get the infinite gems at all.

"so amazing!"

Captain Marvel is also very smart.

In just a moment, she understood the brilliance of the method of body fusion, and she couldn't help but look bright, and her confidence in the future terrifying war increased greatly.

"Is this method easy to learn?"

After the excitement, Captain Marvel asked the most critical question.

"You don't need to learn, I can directly embed them in your body. The only thing you have to do is to understand the power of infinite gems as much as possible."

Bai Xiaofei explained with a smile: "After all, Infinity Stones are dead, but people are alive. This thing is like knives and guns. In the hands of different people, the power it can exert is completely different."

"If you want to maximize the power of Infinity Gems, you must continue to learn and exercise. Otherwise, even if you have Infinity Gems but don't know how to use them, you will only be abused!"


Captain Marvel nodded in agreement.

Then he said seriously: "Don't worry, I will never let you down."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Of course I believe in you, otherwise I wouldn't ask you for help. Since there are no doubts, can we go back to Earth now?"

To know.

The Ancient One mage is still waiting on Earth.


Captain Marvel nodded.



The sanctuary, the chamber of secrets.

The ancient mage is using the power of the space gem to wash himself, so as to fade away the dark power absorbed from the dark dimension.

After this period of hard work, Master Gu Yi has already succeeded for the most part. As long as she is given some more time, it is not impossible to be completely successful, and even go further.

And at this moment.

A burst of familiar spatial fluctuations suddenly came from the Holy of Holies.

"Come back so soon?"

The Ancient One opened his eyes.

You don't need to guess, you know that the familiar spatial fluctuation must belong to Bai Xiaofei. In other words, the opponent has already found all the infinite gems.

next moment.

Ancient One Mage appeared in the living room.

Sure enough, I saw Bai Xiaofei with a smile on his face, and Captain Marvel with curious eyes: "Is this the magic base of the earth?"

"It's pretty much the same thing."

It wasn't Bai Xiaofei who answered, but Master Gu Yi.

It wasn't the first time the two met, but it was the first time they met in the Holy of Holies. As the landlord here, Master Gu Yi said that he would do his best to be a landlord.

Bai Xiaofei shrugged, it doesn't matter.

It just so happens that he also has something to discuss with Master Gu Yi. There is almost no difference between here and other places, and it doesn't matter.

Captain Marvel didn't have any opinion.


The three of them came to a secret room.

Bai Xiaofei went straight to the point, and said: "Master Gu Yi, I have collected all the six infinite gems in this universe now, what I mean is, the users of this set choose Captain Marvel, what do you think? "

"no problem!"

Mage Gu Yi seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, without any surprise or surprise, he nodded in agreement: "Her physique is very special, and she is extremely powerful. It is more than enough to control a whole set of infinite gems, but I don't know if she can perfectly display her abilities. Some power?"


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