The Storm God

Chapter 4078 The third target Thor! (Please subscribe!)

Ancient One mage is not questioning.

Instead worry.

You know, she was originally playing with technology, and she had thousands of disciples under her command, regardless of her aptitude, the key was to look at her temperament and temper.

She also knows something about Captain Marvel.

to be honest.

It is the deepening of destiny.

This is not comparable to ordinary people, but infinite gems are different.

If you want to bring out the true power of this thing, you can't just rely on brute force. Unfortunately, this Surprised Mama is best at breaking tricks with force.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei knew better.

Because, in some Marvel animations, the impulsive Auntie Surprise even once caused various major events, causing extremely terrifying and terrifying effects.

If there are infinite gems, Aunt Surprise still doesn't know how to restrain herself...


In case she really messed up.

God knows what terrible consequences will happen.

Although Bai Xiaofei is confident that he can prevent it, and even if Aunt Surprise really strays, she can forcibly correct it, but Master Gu Yi is still worried.

Hence this question.

Firstly, it was worried that Auntie Surprise was not capable enough to display the power of the Infinity Gems, which would lead to the defeat of the battle.


It's about Auntie Marvel's personality.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Master Gu Yi believed that Bai Xiaofei would understand it.

As for Aunt Surprise, what do you think?

Gu Yi didn't care.

"No problem!"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, gave Mage Gu Yi a smile without worry, and said: "We still have time, in my small world, there is a trial tower, which can fully temper ourselves, and go back to the future to fight Before, you could all enter my small world and do pre-station training and improvement..."

"I see."

Master Gu Yi immediately understood, and Bai Xiaofei had already thought of a countermeasure: "Then there is no problem, everything will go according to your plan."

Captain Marvel nodded in agreement.

As for Master Gu Yi's question, she didn't feel offended at all, because in fact, even she didn't have much confidence in herself.


When he came into contact with Infinity Gems before, Captain Marvel would not think that this thing is just like this. It sounds like a lack of knowledge, and it sounds like a waste of money.


Hearing Bai Xiaofei say that the pre-station training can still be carried out, Captain Marvel was also slightly relieved, and at the same time understood that this was the benefit and welfare given to him by the other party.

Even if the Infinity Stones are returned in the end, the improvement and experience gained from Bai Xiaofei will not disappear with the departure of the Infinity Stones.

With that in mind.

Captain Marvel looked at Bai Xiaofei with gratitude.

It means, this favor, I wrote it down.

"It should."

Bai Xiaofei laughed.

Then he changed the subject and said: "Now that the Infinity Stones have been obtained and the people are up, I think it's time to leave, so I'll trouble the two of you to stay in my small world for a while, and when you go back to the future, what troubles will you encounter?" matter, I will ask you to come out again..."


The two nodded, expressing no objection.

next moment.

Master Gu Yi and Captain Marvel were taken into the small world by Bai Xiaofei.

In the trial tower.

Bai Xiaofei also specially set up an environment of the highest standard level for the two of them, allowing them to train to their heart's content and improve their strength.

In theory.

Once the Infinity Stones leave Marvel, they lose the power they had.

But because of Bai Xiaofei, his small world can also absorb the power of the Marvel universe anytime, anywhere.

to be honest.

Bai Xiaofei is a connection hub.

As long as he agrees, the infinite gems can continue to function, otherwise, once the entry of external power is disabled, the infinite gems will completely become a display.

By doing this, Bai Xiaofei can also use the power of the Marvel universe to enhance the development of his own small world, thereby speeding up the improvement of his own strength.

Furthermore, Hei Qi, Mage Ancient One, and Captain Marvel can continue to use the power of the Infinity Gem, comprehend its mysteries, and improve themselves.

It can be said to accomplish several things in one fell swoop.


Bai Xiaofei found the black marinated egg from S.H.I.E.L.D.

This guy is notoriously thoughtful, and now that he knows so much that he shouldn't know, it's hard to guarantee that he won't have any thoughts.

Just in case.

Before leaving, it is better to take some insurance.


First seal the memory of the black marinated egg.

As long as he keeps everything as usual, basically there will be no chain reaction.


Bai Xiaofei finished everything.

Then, without any hesitation, he directly opened the quantum bridge, heard the quantum shuttle, and returned to the future 2011.

follow closely.

Without stopping, Bai Xiaofei once again used his power to travel through the universe and came to the parallel universe where the incomprehensible Thor is.

That's right.

His third target candidate is His Royal Highness the Prince of Asgard.

Among the Marvel characters that Bai Xiaofei is familiar with, there are only a handful of people who have the ability to wear the Infinity Gauntlet, and Thor is one of them.

in the movie.

The reason why Tony and others don't let the fat house version of Thor wear the infinite glove, but let Banner's version of Hulk wear the wish to restore the disappeared person is not because he is not strong enough.

Rather, he knew that if Thor put on the Infinity Gauntlet, with the mentality of the other party, the thoughts in Thor's heart would be messed up.

This will only make things messy and out of control.


Will fall back to the next best thing.

Even if the wise Hulk may be a bit short, at least Hulk has Banner's mind and is still very calm, which can ensure the progress of the plan to the greatest extent.

Although Thor, the god of thunder in this world, seems to have developed a little weirdly, his strength is completely undisputed, otherwise the observers would not have asked him to deal with Infinity Ultron.


Observers also seem to regret it.

The main reason is that this guy is a little out of tune, and he seems to be unqualified, but he chose it himself, and he has to admit it even when he cries.

It turns out.

The inconspicuous version of Thor, although a little funny, is still good enough to take on the big responsibility, so Bai Xiaofei thought of him.

The main thing is Thor, the Storm Ax version of the zombie universe, which has disappeared, and Bai Xiaofei can only settle for the next best thing.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei only hopes that this parallel universe has not been murdered by Ultron.


Then you have to choose someone else.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei was lucky this time.

At least on Earth, he didn't find any anomalies. If there were any, it would be the damage caused by Ultron's previous invasion.

But humans are capable of self-healing.

Now, almost all of the tragic situation after the war has been repaired, and most of the Ultron bodies that were killed have also been recycled and transformed into other products.

It is also worth mentioning that the Supreme Mage in this world's most sanctuary is not Ancient One, but Strange Doctor Strange.


He is not on Earth now, he may be busy with other things.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stop there.

After locking the coordinates of Asgard, he went straight to the Rainbow Bridge and saw Heimdall who was dedicated to his duty and stood at the transmission device.


Heimdall's reflexes were good.

He found Bai Xiaofei's trace almost immediately, and then he raised his hand and slashed at him with a big sword, but Bai Xiaofei easily blocked it with a finger: "Heimdall, don't be so excited, I have no malicious intentions, I am here to Looking for Thor..."

"Who are you……?"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so powerful, he blocked his attack so easily, and seemed harmless, Heimdall was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that the person in front of him was probably the other parallel universe that His Royal Highness had mentioned before. friend.


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