The Storm God

Chapter 4079 Odin's support! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said: "I'm Thor's friend, I have dealt with Infinity Ultron together before, this time I came to see him, I have something to discuss..."


When Heimdall heard this, he immediately put away his great sword.

at the same time.

In his mind, a message from God King Odin immediately came: "Heimdall, this person is not an enemy, let him come..."


God King Odin also felt Bai Xiaofei's arrival.

Not only that.

He also made an immediate gesture of welcome.

While instructing Heimdall not to act recklessly, he also dispatched a team of people to prepare for the reception in front of the Golden Palace. After all, the other party is not weaker than his decision-making power.

Must be given enough respect.

As for Thor?

All right!

I don't know where this unfilial son went to fool around.

Speaking of Thor, Odin felt extremely tired. There was nothing he could do. The brat was too wild and out of tune at all. Although his connections seemed to be pretty good, most of them were friends.

If it weren't for the support of the mother of the earth, I'm afraid it would have been disrupted long ago.

Before that, Odin was still worrying about how to educate his unworthy son so that he could correct his evil ways and inherit his throne.

And Bai Xiaofei's appearance immediately gave God King Odin an idea.


"I can hand Thor over to this person. The feeling he gives me is bottomless. If I can learn a little bit from him, then I will make a lot of money!"

"But the most important thing right now is to get Thor back!"

"After all, he is the righteous master!"


God King Odin thought in his heart.

Afterwards, he ordered Heimdall to quickly search for Thor's traces and tell Thor about what happened here. Regardless of whether Thor agrees or not, he must be brought back.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has already arrived at the Golden Palace.

Bai Xiaofei was still a little embarrassed about the huge welcome battle made by God King Odin, and apologized again and again: "Your Majesty, Thor and I are friends, and I came to ask him for help this time. It's not good for you to do this." Is it suitable?"


Bai Xiaofei's modesty gave God King Odin great satisfaction.

Seeing Odin raised his head and laughed, he said, "There is nothing inappropriate. You are one of the most respected guests of our Asgard. Of course, you must be treated well."


"Let's not talk about that, let's go, follow me into the palace, I have already had people prepare our Asgard's food and wine, let's have a good chat first..."

"I have sent someone to look for that boy Thor, and he will be back soon..."


Odin was very enthusiastic.

Faced with His Majesty's gracious invitation, Bai Xiaofei naturally couldn't refuse, and followed him into the Immortal Palace. Before talking about anything, he ate and drank first.

After a while.

The two sides are talking happily.


There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar figure appeared in front of the two of them. The person who came was the prince of Asgard with long hair, a suit of divine armor, a passion like fire, and mighty like a lion——



"Mr. Bai..."


Thor waved the Meow Hammer, flew into Asgard, first saluted his father Odin, then strode up to Bai Xiaofei, and asked excitedly and curiously: "What wind brought you here? You? What about the ax version of me?"

Good guy.

Feelings are still thinking about another self.

He said ten sentences to Bai Xiaofei, and almost eight of them contained the version of Thor, the Storm Axe version, which made Bai Xiaofei stunned.

Depend on!

I am right in front of you.

Even if you have a romantic relationship with another self, please restrain yourself.

But there is still your father watching!

as expected.

When God King Odin saw his son, he was so impolite, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and his eyes were full of anger.

As if he felt Odin's "love", he didn't care about Thor, and suddenly came to his senses, and quickly apologized to Bai Xiaofei with a smile: "That...Mr. Bai, I'm sorry, I'm just too curious, just tell me, he How are you doing now?"

No wonder this Thor misses another version of himself so much.

Compared with his own life, the other party is really miserable. His father died, his mother died, his brother died, his sister died, and almost all the people in Asgard died...

If it was him, Jubi would have gone crazy long ago.

Every time I think of this, Thor, the god of thunder, feels extremely sympathetic to himself, the other self, you are really not easy!

Now that I saw Bai Xiaofei, I couldn't help asking.


How would Bai Xiaofei answer these questions?

Is it possible to tell him, oh, I don't know, because the guy you cared about disappeared, along with everyone in Asgard?

This person is a deep fryer!


Say it or say it, but when you score.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want this guy to disturb his state of mind, so he could only smile sarcastically, and said: "Ah, um, it's pretty good. After I go back, I'll use the power of the infinite gem to help him recover the past." everything..."


It's not like he's lying.

At most, he had said half of what he had said, and the rest of the matter had not been said.

Seeing that the rightful lord is coming, Bai Xiaofei will naturally not continue to linger here, after all, no one knows what Ao Chuang will do next.

It is a little bit to be able to fight for it.


He immediately changed the subject.

Said to Thor, the god of thunder: "Thor, I am here to ask you for help, because Ultron has made a comeback, and this time the crisis is bigger than last time..."

"The observers have lost all audio. I suspect that Ultron is brewing a bigger conspiracy, so this time, I will form a stronger version of the League of Legends..."

"Will you help me?"


What he said did not mean to hide from Odin, because this matter is not enough, that is Thor's own father, and I asked back, what are you doing?

Can Thor not tell Odin?

Instead of this, it is better to let the other party know from the beginning.

as expected.

Bai Xiaofei's move immediately won Odin's favor, and before Thor could speak, he spoke first: "Help!"

"This must be helped!"

"Thor, anyway, you have nothing to do right now. Mr. Bai helped you before. This time it's your turn to repay Mr. Bai. I order you to go all out to assist Mr. Bai against Ultron and defend the multiverse. safety!"

"This time, wear the Destroyer!"


Good guy.

Kiss dad, kiss dad.

Last time, I didn't know it at all, and it was too late.

This time, now that he knew, Odin would never be stingy, and directly sacrificed the artifact destroyer he used to fight against the god group.

Obviously, he didn't want his son to be in danger.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei knew it in his heart.

Then he cast a grateful look at Odin, meaning that His Majesty can rest assured that I will try my best to ensure Thor's safety.

Odin understood instantly.

Then, he asked Bai Xiaofei curiously: "Mr. Bai, I don't know how far your situation has developed this time? What's your plan?"

"Although I can't leave Asgard and fight side by side with you, I may be able to help you with ideas and suggestions..."


His Majesty the God King said so.

There is no way, the son is still counting on others to help with education, as a father, he naturally has to work hard, otherwise why should others help you?

Just because of that little thing before?


I really want to say that.

After careful calculation, it is really hard to say who owes whom!


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