The Storm God

Chapter 4080 The backbone! (Please subscribe!)

Odin is very sincere.

It was completely out of good intentions, and wanted to give Bai Xiaofei an idea.


Bai Xiaofei has his own concerns.

First of all, it is the influence of the time flow. I am afraid that because of my own intrusion, the subsequent plot will undergo huge changes, and a butterfly effect will occur.


It is the threat of Ultron.

After all, the opponent is already one step ahead, and is no longer limited to killing existing humans, but has a bigger plan, and actually obtained infinite gems from past history.

It is difficult to guarantee that Ultron will not come here, and thus learn about Bai Xiaofei's plan from Odin. If this is the case, then Bai Xiaofei will be completely passive.

But this worry is only for a moment.


Bai Xiaofei thought of more.

First of all, he is neither the Virgin nor the Savior. He can only do what he thinks is right as much as possible, instead of taking all the responsibilities.

It wasn't his responsibility at all, but he couldn't bear it, so he took action to stop it.

If you imprison yourself because of this, you will be inferior. As the saying goes: blackening is three times stronger, whitewashing is seven times weaker, why?

It is because there are too many worries.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to do this, even if he knew he had a bottom line, he still did.

Ultron can ignore the chaos of history, but Bai Xiaofei can't. This is the main reason why he keeps a low profile as much as possible.


Bai Xiaofei also knew.

You must not be bound by this.

After all, his ability is limited, and it is impossible to completely prevent Ultron from messing around. Think about it, he is extremely low-key here, carrying out his own plan, which has no effect on the surface...

But on the back foot, Ultron used quantum technology to travel to the past, and then wantonly changed the past, using the butterfly effect to change the future...

No matter how powerful Bai Xiaofei is, he can't stop him.

On the contrary, he made himself wronged for no reason.

Why bother.


From the beginning.

Bai Xiaofei also prepared for the worst.

Just like now, it’s fine if Odin doesn’t ask, but since he asked, why not tell him? It is naturally best that Ultron does not affect the change of this timeline. If it is bound to be damaged and affected, it is Ultron who did it, or Bai Xiaofei who did it, what is the difference?

Bai Xiaofei is not a good stubble.

So, after being silent for a while, he briefly told Odin about his plan, to the effect that at the current stage, he should try his best to recruit a group of reliable and powerful helpers.

Like your son Thor.

I plan to make a set of infinite stone sequences for him to play with, otherwise I am afraid that his strong physique will be in vain. As for how much he can learn from it, it depends on Thor's own ability.


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's plan, Odin immediately gave affirmation and support, and he was not stingy with his praise. Looking at Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I knew that, Mr. Bai, you are not a mortal, and you will definitely not let Trust I'm at a disadvantage..."

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand the person. Here, I thank you first. Thor is following you. As a father, I am very relieved..."

"If there is any difficulty in planning, just tell me."

"I will do my best to help you complete it."


Odin is clearly not stupid either.

This matter is of great benefit to Thor. As God King Odin and Thor's father, he got such a big advantage for no reason, so he naturally has to show it well.

It means that the resources of Asgard, as long as you can use them, just open your mouth.

Those from other countries in the Nine Realms are also fine.

at this point.

God King Odin is still very confident.

After all, he is the Lord of the Nine Realms. If he speaks, he will not believe that other worlds will not cooperate, and Asgard will lose face.

If someone doesn't believe it, Odin will definitely prove it to the other party.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile.

He naturally knew Odin's intentions, but in the face of a master like Ultron, there were no general resources at all.

after all.

Infinity Stones are not a decoration.

When someone thought of it, the Ulu metal artifact in your hand directly turned into a lump of flying, how the hell can you fight it?


Only Infinity Stones can fight against Infinity Stones.

What Bai Xiaofei can do now is to collect as many sets of infinite gems as possible, arm the top combat power in the head first, and form the backbone.

In the follow-up, we are considering the rest of the second echelon, the third echelon, and so on.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it. With Ultron's personality, all his subordinates would have a full set of infinite gems. What if someone wants to rebel?

Although Ultron is strong, it is not absolutely invincible.


What special cards does he have.

But at the very least, based on the analysis of the intelligence data that Bai Xiaofei has, there is a high probability that Ultron will not give his subordinates a full set of Infinity Gems, only a few at most.

That is.

In terms of backbone strength, Bai Xiaofei still has a certain advantage.

At the very least, he is very generous, unlike Ultron, who is suspicious and wary of his subordinates. This is not only because of caring, but also because of the nature of Ultron.

You know, he is not a real biological existence, but an artificial intelligence. And its original intention is to destroy all intelligent creatures.

Under this premise.

It is impossible for Ultron to have any loyal subordinates, even if there are, they are puppets.

Bai Xiaofei was different. Although he was also worried, he was relatively generous. He was not afraid that the team members he called would cause internal strife or something.

As long as this can be guaranteed, it is not impossible to turn into a unparalleled sharp blade to fight against Ultron's evil alliance, and even use this as a breakthrough point to win.

Bai Xiaofei looked at Thor, and said seriously: "Thor, I heard that you have a lot of contacts. If so, please say hello to your friends, and help me find and pay attention to the clues of the Soul Gem..."

This world is completely different from the plots of other Marvel worlds that Bai Xiaofei knows.


Loki was not adopted by Odin at the beginning, but returned to the king of the Frost Giants, which caused Loki to become the current version of the Frost Giants.

Not only that.

Among the Nine Realms, within the Milky Way.

Many familiar characters have also become Thor's friends, even the executioner of Ragnarok, the flame lord Surtur is no exception.

It can be seen that the level of social cow b syndrome in the inconspicuous version of Thor is high.

But it is also because of this that it has also led to many changes in the plot. For example, Thanos, who wants to engage in family planning, has no such thoughts in this world.

The soul gem is completely gone.

Don't worry about the rest of the Infinity Stones, the location is almost the same, except for the Soul Stone, Bai Xiaofei has no clue at all.


Bai Xiaofei could only ask Thor, the God of Thunder, for help.

Who makes this guy have so many friends? Just say hello, and a large number of friends will help you find it, how much time and energy can be left for Bai Xiaofei.

Most importantly, this world is not the past, but the present.

So Bai Xiaofei can do whatever he wants, not worrying about affecting the future at all, because the future of this world is already full of uncertainties.


Although Thor is usually a little out of tune, he is not a fool.

At this moment, he also realized the seriousness of the problem and the importance of the Infinity Gem. He patted his chest and assured him: "Mr. Bai, don't worry, I will help you find the Soul Gem. On my body!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

At this time, Odin also spoke: "The Reality Gem, that is, the ether particle, I will send someone to fetch it for you later. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Time Gem are in Midgard, and it is not too difficult..."

"Go out to Thor's friends to help find the soul, and the only thing left is the power gem and the soul gem. Do you have any clues for these?"


Odin's one eye was full of surprise.


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