The Storm God

Chapter 4081 A light! (Please subscribe!)

Odin also looked for infinite gems back then, but later changed his mind and gave up completely, so he naturally knows the difficulty of finding infinite gems.

He never expected.

Bai Xiaofei actually knew the whereabouts of all the Infinity Stones.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing, he explained: "In other parallel universes, I have already collected a set of infinite gems..."

"Except for the difference in the mind stone, if there are no accidents in other infinite stones, there should not be much difference or change in this world..."

That's all for now.

Odin was also very sensible when he heard the words, and he didn't continue to ask about the specific whereabouts of the Infinity Stones.

He said he would do what he could to help.


Rainbow bridge.

Use it however you want.

Of course.

This thing is a magical tool for other people to drop by, but to Bai Xiaofei, it is a bit tasteless. After all, the special effects of the Rainbow Bridge are too exciting.

Not low key at all.

And the location of the Infinity Gems is very special. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not use the Rainbow Bridge to rush on his way. Not to mention the trouble, he would expose his whereabouts and cause unnecessary trouble.

To know.

Among the cosmic forces, not all of them are good people.

Otherwise, Captain Marvel would not be so busy running around the universe that he would not care about his home planet Earth. Although Bai Xiaofei wasn't afraid, he didn't want to make trouble either.

To this.

Odin also expressed his understanding.


He just left.

The sealed place of ether particles is currently only known to Odin.

It is a secret, and he will not tell others unless there are special circumstances. Therefore, Odin can only be responsible for the acquisition of ether particles. Can't live.

After Bai Xiaofei told Thor some precautions, he left Asgard and went to the planet Morag, planning to search for the power gem first.

It turns out.

Although the development of this world has been changed, some things are still very faithful to the plot, such as the cosmic spirit ball, which is still hidden in the temple on the planet Morag.

Got the power gem.


Bai Xiaofei didn't stop, tearing apart the space again, and came to the planet Vormir.

Here, he saw the Red Skull again.

No nonsense.

Ignoring the Red Skull's instructions, Bai Xiaofei used a trick to deceive the world, successfully deceived the sacrificial circle, and successfully obtained the soul gem.

But it's different from last time.

this time.

Bai Xiaofei didn't accept the Red Skull who was also shocked to the ground, but turned around and left, leaving the disappointed Red Skull silent and sad.

How can I leave this ghost planet if no one takes it with me.

Red Skull was desperate.


the other side.

Odin's movements are also fast.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei left with his front foot, he led a group of people with his back foot and started to move.

The ether particles, as well as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube collected and studied by the Earth's SHIELD, were soon obtained by Odin in different ways.


When he borrowed the time gem from the supreme mage Gu Yi, His Majesty the God King was rejected.

The reason is also very simple.

The time gem was taken away by you, what shall we do?

Odin: "..."

How about I help you?


The Ancient One mage smiled politely.

But Odin felt that he was offended. Although the Ancient One mage did not show any disdain throughout the whole process, he could see disbelief in the other party's eyes!

To this.

His Majesty the God King was very angry.

But he has to admit that in some respects, he is indeed not as good as Master Gu Yi, but he is also a god king, the well-known master of the nine worlds.

Can't you give me some face?

"Feel sorry!"

The attitude of the ancient mage is very firm. No matter what Odin says, he just does not agree to lend the time gem to Odin: "Your Majesty, you should go back."

"If you want the time gem, please ask Mr. Bai to come here in person."


Without any choice.

His Majesty the God King could only turn around angrily and leave.

And the other side.

Thor was not idle either, and quickly contacted his cronies and friends to help find the location of the Soul Gem within the universe.

Although most of these friends of his are not very reliable, seeing that Thor is so serious that he even offered a huge reward, each of them took this matter to heart instead of perfunctory.


One of the friends really used his own channels to inquire about the clues about the Mind Stone. Thor was overjoyed when he learned about it, and immediately took the Rainbow Bridge to the target location.

Thor just left here.

Bai Xiaofei took the power gem and the soul gem back to Asgard.

Odin sensed Bai Xiaofei's return, and immediately called him in front of him, and then handed the Reality Gem and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to Bai Xiaofei.

"The time gem is in the hands of the ancient one, that woman is a bit stubborn, no matter what I say, she refuses to lend me the gem, and asks you to go in person..."

Odin said depressedly.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard the words: "Let me go there in person?"

He is a little strange, why?

Is it possible...

What incredible future did Master Ancient One see?

Surprised, he didn't think too much, took the Reality Gem and the Space Gem, and left Asgard and came to Earth.


In Bai Xiaofei's hands, he has already collected the Space Gem, Reality Gem, Power Gem, and Soul Gem, and he still needs the Time Gem in the hands of Master Gu Yi, and the missing Mind Gem.

Thor has found the Mind Stone.


Bai Xiaofei was going to meet the Gu Yi mage in this world to see what the other party was thinking. His intuition told himself that if Gu Yi wanted to meet him, he should have something to discuss.

as expected.

When he saw Master Gu Yi, the other party gave Bai Xiaofei the Time Stone without saying a word, and said, "Mr. Bai, your strength is stronger than I expected..."


Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

what's the situation?

Judging from the meaning of these words, Master Gu Yi seems to know a little about himself?

Master Gu Yi looked at Bai Xiaofei's puzzled expression, and explained with a smile: "A large number of Ultron mechatronics appeared on the earth before, and from that moment on, I had a premonition of the coming disaster..."

"Although Ultron was wiped out by you later, the disaster did not end because of this, but it became even more terrifying. For this reason, I specially used the power of the Time Stone to observe the future development..."

"What do you see?"

When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he was very excited and asked quickly.

Master Gu Yi shook his head, and sighed: "Almost nothing, the future is chaotic and dark, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation..."


"Among the endless darkness and chaos, I could faintly see a figure. He was like a light, which made me see hope..."


Bai Xiaofei said in a daze: "Um, Mage Gu Yi, wouldn't you say that the figure you saw was me?"

His eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Although Bai Xiaofei has seen similar abilities, for example, Doctor Strange has observed more than 14 million futures through the power of the Time Stone...

But that's just the cinematic universe.

Now this is not the case, but a world where infinite multiverses are connected together. It is unexpected that the strength of the Ancient One Mage is so terrifying.

Even the future Bai Xiaofei can observe...

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised and suspicious.


Master Gu Yi nodded and said affirmatively: "That's right! The person I saw is definitely you, you are our only hope!"

Bai Xiaofei asked curiously: "Master Gu Yi, what do you see me in the future? What exactly is the disaster you are talking about?"


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