The Storm God

Chapter 4082 Thor blackened! (Please subscribe!)

"I'm not too sure either……"

Master Gu Yi shook his head and explained: "The future is chaotic, indistinct, I can only feel endless horror and evil, as if I am in the abyss of hell..."

"only you!"

"It's full of light and hope!"

"That is a terrifying scene that I have never seen before, and I dare not imagine. It is far more terrifying than any horror I have experienced. Mr. Bai, the future depends entirely on you."

"This is a big gamble!"


Master Gu Yi had a serious expression on his face.

The sudden huge pressure made Bai Xiaofei feel very uncomfortable, he said to himself: "Dizzy, Ultron's problem hasn't been solved yet, another more ruthless one..."

"Do you want to be so foolish!"


Master Ancient One didn't look like he was lying.

Moreover, the Time Gem was handed over so simply, Bai Xiaofei didn't have much to say, so he could only agree first. As for the future...

Take one step at a time.


Bai Xiaofei asked curiously: "Mage Gu Yi, without the time gem, is there really no problem here? Do you want me to strengthen the magic circle in the Holy of Holies for you?"

"Need not!"

The ancient master smiled and shook his head, and said: "The power of the time gem is extremely powerful, but it is not omnipotent. Most of the resistance to foreign evil spirits is our own. As long as I am still alive, those evil spirits and heretics will never think about it." Invade Earth!"

The words are full of confidence.

Very domineering.


Bai Xiaofei looked at the confident Mage Gu Yi, but his eyes were complicated, and he said to himself, "Then what if you die?"


He didn't dare to say that.

It's not that he's afraid, but rather impolite. After all, the development of this world is completely different from the Marvel plot that Bai Xiaofei knows.

Maybe there won't be any Doctor Strange at all.


Bai Xiaofei shrugged helplessly.

Since Master Gu Yi had already said this, he couldn't say anything more. After thanking him, he tore apart the space and returned to the Asgard Immortal Palace.


Of the six infinite gems, Bai Xiaofei has already collected five.

Only the last Mind Stone remains.

Follow the itinerary.

With the strength of Thor and others, they are almost coming back soon.

As long as the information is correct, it is estimated that there will be no major problems, so Bai Xiaofei did not go out for the next time, but stayed in Asgard, waiting for the return of Thor and the Soul Stone.

that's all.

Five days passed.

At noon that day, Rainbow Bridge finally responded.


Somewhat different than expected.

It was not Thor who was sent back from the Rainbow Bridge, but Thor's good friend - the Frost Giant version of Loki, and only himself.

None of the rest of the people who went with him came back.

Not only that.

Loki was still covered in injuries, and looked very miserable. When he was sent back by the Rainbow Bridge, he was so angry that he looked like he was about to die. Fortunately, he was sent back in time, and the people of Xiangong started emergency treatment, otherwise he might not survive.

"what happened?"

When Bai Xiaofei got the news, Loki had completely fallen into a coma.

However, before he fell into a coma, he had already briefly explained what happened to the Odin couple, although because of his injuries, Loki didn't tell the whole story.

But the Odin couple still understood what Loki wanted to express with just a few words from Loki-Thor was controlled by the guy with the mind gem.

The teammates who went to look for the soul stone on this trip were almost all killed by the blackened Thor. Loki also relied on the treasure of the frost giant - the frost treasure box, to freeze almost the entire planet in one fell swoop. Time to flee.


I'm afraid Loki will have to kneel there too.

As for who the enemy was and what abilities they had, Loki passed out completely before he could say anything. If he wanted to know more, he had to wait for him to wake up.


After hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning slightly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the process of searching for the soul gem, so he was surprised and surprised.

"Let me come!"

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei proposed to let himself rescue Loki.

He wanted to know what was going on there as soon as possible, otherwise with only the technology of Asgard, he would probably have to wait. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to waste time.

not to mention.

Thor was also the helper he was appointed to find.

Now that the helper had an accident, was controlled by others, and became a murderer, whether it was for the Soul Gem or Thor, Bai Xiaofei couldn't stand by and watch.


Odin knew that Bai Xiaofei was awesome.

So when Bai Xiaofei said that he wanted to treat Loki, he was only a little taken aback, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Frigg didn't have any objections either.

As a mother, she worried about her son more than anyone else.


Bai Xiaofei came to the treatment room.

As far as the eye can see, the Frost Giant version of Loki is really miserable. His ice-blue skin is almost completely scorched black. It doesn't take much thinking to know that it must be caused by Thor's lightning.

Not only that.

There are still many fractures and other injuries on his body. It is estimated that they were hammered by Miao Miao. The most serious one is undoubtedly the ribs in the heart.

If it was any heavier, Loki might be gone.


Although these injuries were terrifying, Loki's vitality was also quite tenacious. The Odin couple and others obviously used many special methods to save Loki's life.

But he was seriously injured. If only relying on Asgard's means, it might not be possible for Loki to wake up within ten days and a half months.

However, such an injury is a trivial matter to Bai Xiaofei.


I saw Bai Xiaofei's thoughts moved.

On his left arm, circles of emerald green magic circles lit up. This is the unique brilliance of time-based magic. Combined with the power of the time gem, it can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

And as Bai Xiaofei's left hand rotated counterclockwise, the injuries on Loki's body that were visible to the naked eye were quickly returned to the intact state before the injury.

This scene.

The Odins were stunned.

"Is this the power of time?"

"So strong!"

The two were shocked.

At this time, as the injury improved, Loki also opened his eyes.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei and the Odin couple in the room, and taking another look at his intact body, Loki was taken aback for a moment, then immediately understood that he had been rescued.

next moment.

He hastily sat up.

Anxiously said to Bai Xiaofei and the Odin couple: "Mr. Bai, Your Majesty the God King, Queen Frigg, Thor is under the control of the enemy, we must send someone to rescue him now, otherwise God knows he will do it again What is more terrifying!"

"What's going on?"

Bai Xiaofei asked, and at the same time, a soft thought force was released towards Loki, calming the other party's anxious mood, so that Loki could calm down quickly.

When the Odin couple saw Bai Xiaofei make a move, they nodded their heads one after another, signaling to Loki not to worry, come full and explain the matter clearly.

Otherwise, it is useless to worry.

The most important thing right now is to figure out the ins and outs, how Thor was controlled, and what happened to you when you went to find the Soul Stone.

How did it become like this?


Loki calmed down his emotions, and then blamed himself: "It's all because of our arrogance, thinking that with our strength, we can capture it with one hand, but it turned out to be unexpected, but there was an accident, that damned ghost unexpectedly attacked us. !"

"Thor was unfortunately controlled by the other party with the power of the mind stone, and then began to kill. We suffered heavy casualties, and only I escaped back..."


Loki became more and more excited.

In the end, he seemed to think of those companions who were killed by Thor, his face was full of tears of remorse, and the color of self-blame was beyond words.


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