The Storm God

Chapter 4083 Ghost possession! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was keenly aware of the key point of the problem, although he had known for a long time that in the world of Marvel, there were not souls and bodies.

Like Red Skull.

Or the dead Ancient One...


other ghosts.

It's the first time I've heard of it.

The most important thing is that the other party actually has the soul gem.

This is surprising.


Loki wiped the tears that had frozen into ice on his face, nodded and said, "We went to a planet called Savac based on intelligence clues..."

"There is dead silence there, like ruins, but there is indeed a hidden gem of the soul, but we went late, and by the time we found it, the gem of the soul had already been preempted by a ghost."

"The power of that ghost is not strong. Seeing that we are numerous and powerful, he didn't struggle too much. He quickly agreed to our terms and decided to transfer the Soul Stone to us..."

"Unexpectedly, all this is the other party's calculation. The moment Thor touched the Soul Gem, the ghost instantly possessed Thor's body..."


"Thor was completely controlled by the opponent, and then began to kill. We are not his opponent at all. After all, he has the soul gem in his hand..."

"In the end, I fully activated the Frost Treasure Box, almost freezing the entire planet, and sealed Thor in the very center, and only then did I get the chance to escape..."

"But others aren't so lucky."


After speaking.

Loki was full of guilt, lowered his head, and didn't dare to look at the Odin couple.

After the two learned the specific ins and outs of the matter, they were also silent and their faces were very heavy. After all, the controlled person is their son, the crown prince of Asgard.

Although Thor is controlled, it is an indisputable fact that he killed his own people and friends. If this matter is not handled properly, the consequences will be disastrous!

With that in mind.

His Majesty the God King also became anxious.

Looking directly at Bai Xiaofei, he asked: "Mr. Bai, this matter..."


Without waiting for Odin to finish speaking.

Bai Xiaofei nodded in agreement and said: "Your Majesty, leave this matter to me. After all, it was caused by me. No matter what Thor does, I will help him solve it."


His Majesty the God King solemnly said.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand, followed his gaze, looked at Loki, and said, "Tell me the coordinates, and I'll go and bring Thor back."


Loki is not inked either.

Hearing this, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly told Bai Xiaofei the coordinates of Planet Savac: "Mr. Bai, I'm not sure if Thor is still there now, after all, he is no longer him..."


Bai Xiaofei said it doesn't matter.

While tearing apart the space and locating the planet Savak, he said, "It doesn't matter if he is there or not, I will find him and bring him back safely..."

The voice did not fall.


The opening of the space channel is completed.

Bai Xiaofei walked in directly and disappeared in front of everyone.

God King Odin casually comforted Loki, told him to rest well, don't think too much, and left with Frigga.


He called Heimdall to his room.

"His Majesty!"

Heimdall had also heard about Thor being controlled. He came to Odin at this moment, knelt down, and blamed himself: "This is all my fault, if I..."


Don't wait for him to finish speaking.

Odin directly interrupted: "Heimdall, I'm not so stupid as to be indiscriminate. I can't blame you for this matter. After all, the other party has the Soul Gem, and even Thor has it. Not to mention you..."


His Majesty the God King is also very clear that it's not that Heimdall didn't work hard and helped watch Thor and the others, but that damned ghost used some special means to shield Heimdall's perception.


It is impossible for Heimdall to watch Thor go on a killing spree.

Odin said: "I called you here this time, not to inquire about crimes, but to let you take a good look at the civilized world around the planet Savac, is there anything unusual..."


Odin also knew that it was impossible for the enemy to stay in place and wait for Bai Xiaofei to find him, and he might have gone somewhere long ago.

Based on the analysis of the other party's behavior, even if they go to other planets, they probably won't be honest, so I want Heimdall to take the trouble to help him take a look, so that Thor can be found earlier and the matter can be resolved.


Heimdall responded.

After that, he stayed in Odin's room, staring at a pair of golden eyes, and kept observing the civilized world in the cosmic sea of ​​stars.

Whenever the divine power is consumed too much, Odin will spend a little divine power for it, so that Heimdall can work more persistently.


at the same time.

On the planet Savac, Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared.

As far as I can see, as Loki said, this place is full of mess and ruins, like the end of the world, incomparably dead and desolate, even worse than Morag.

At least people's homes are deserted and deserted, but at least some small animals are still alive.

But here it is different.


Bai Xiaofei's powerful spiritual sense scanned it all around, but he didn't find any living creatures, it could be said that it was a Death Star through and through.


next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's figure disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was in a relatively empty mountainous area, surrounded by traces of the war, and some alien body remains could be vaguely seen.

no doubt.

These corpses belonged to those friends of Thor.

Maybe they never imagined in their dreams that they died at the hands of their best friends in the end, and it was so miserable.


Frowning, he glanced around.

Bai Xiaofei sighed, following his thoughts, the power of the Infinity Stone was activated, and these aliens who were brutally killed by the blackened Thor were resurrected one by one.

until then.

Only then did Bai Xiaofei know who these people were.

Golem, Nebula, Frost Giant, Thor's team of good friends, etc., and even some Skrulls...

After their resurrection, their memory still stays at the moment of death.

He looked terrified and desperate.


They saw Bai Xiaofei.

Then he quickly came back to his senses, not daring to say anything: "Bai, Mr. Bai, you saved us? But we have all..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Expressing that things like resurrection from the dead are nothing at all, he went straight to the point and said, "Do you have any information or clues from Thor?"


Everyone shook their heads.

They said that Thor was still on this planet before he died. As for where Thor went after his death, I really don't know.


Nor is it exceptional.

Just like the daughter of Thanos - Nebula.

Her body has been transformed by Thanos's machinery, and almost 70% of her body is made of mechanical parts.

Even if a person is dead, these mechanical parts can still maintain some functions for a certain period of time, such as the video recording of the eyes.

Nebula checked his memory bank, and soon found that before Blackening Thor left, the other party had said to himself that the power of a gem was still too weak, and the next step was to find the power gem.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly stunned: "It seems that the other party knows a lot, that's enough, leave the rest to me, and you don't have to worry about it."


It doesn't matter how everyone reacts.

Tear the space directly, and traveled to the planet Morag.


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