The Storm God

Chapter 4084 Thor and Thanos! (Please subscribe!)

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei arrived on the Morag planet, there were bursts of deafening roars coming from afar, as if someone was fighting.

In the air, one can even feel the endless electric ions running wild. The weather of the entire planet has also changed drastically because of this.

Especially at the very center of the storm, a terrifying tornado connecting the sky and the earth was directly formed, billowing black clouds, wrapped in terrifying thunder and lightning, like a dragon devouring the heavens and the earth, threatening to destroy everything on the ground.

"This is the power of Thunder God!" Bai Xiaofei recognized in a split second that the instigator of all this was Thor, the God of Thunder.

"the other is……"

Turning his mind, Bai Xiaofei looked directly at the other person, followed by Wei Wei, and said in surprise: "... Thanos?"

See what you see.

It was Thor, the God of Thunder, who was holding the Meow Meow Hammer, and the Purple Potato Essence, who was wearing a battle armor and holding a tyrant's sword, was madly smashing to death. The surrounding terrain was completely destroyed by the battle between the two.

"How did the two of them get together?"

Bai Xiaofei was full of doubts. You must know that although the Thanos of this world is also a cosmic overlord, he is not a super villain.


It is also impossible for Nebula to become friends with Thor.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised, how did the blackened Thor provoke Thanos? Could it be because Thanos learned that his daughter was killed by Thor, so he chased all the way to the planet Morag, wanting to avenge his daughter?

never mind.

Thinking alone won't solve the problem.

Let's go and have a look.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei dodged directly, traveled through the space, and came to the center of the battlefield.

And at this time.

It just so happened that it was the blackened Thor who hit the head of Thanos with a hammer, and the latter's helmet suddenly fell apart and completely shattered, revealing the braised egg head that he had with Nick Fury.


Thor's hammer looks ruthless, but Thanos' defense is too strong.

Except for the shattered helmet, he himself did not receive any actual damage. Instead, Thanos, while flying upside down, counterattacked with a knife and almost chopped off Thor's hammer-wielding arm down.

crucial moment.

It was still the power of the Mind Stone, which turned into an invisible air wall similar to telekinetic power, protecting Thor's arm, otherwise he would be able to guest star as the Condor Heroes.

Speaking of this.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing in his heart, Marvel's severed hands are everywhere.

Even if it is changed to a parallel universe world.

Just like this one in front of you.


Thor looked angry.

Taking advantage of Thanos being smashed into the air and having nowhere to draw his strength in mid-air, his eyes widened, and with the help of the power of the Mind Gem, he magnified his spirit, and even used the energy in the universe to converge into a terrifying energy ray.

Then, like a cannon, it blasted towards Thanos desperately.

Poor Thanos was in mid-air, so he couldn't use his strength, so he had no choice but to resist this move. However, at the critical moment, he was smart enough to block the Tyrant's Blade in front of him.

next moment.

The figure of Thanos flying upside down accelerated instantly, and with a faster speed and impact force, he smashed into the mountain thousands of meters away, and the latter collapsed and shattered immediately, completely burying the perpetrator.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and commented: "As the saying goes, blackening is three times stronger, and whitening is three times weaker, as expected!"

Think about Thanos in the movie, how awesome it is.

The Big Three and others who fought against the entire Avengers alone were not at a disadvantage, but in this case, they couldn't beat a Meow Hammer version of Thor.

Although this Thor has an enhanced strength, and also has a mind gem, after all, it is not the deity who is controlling the body.

The person who controls this body to fight is actually the ghost inside Thor.

It's quite surprising.


Extremely stretched.


Blackened Thor succeeded in one blow, but he was not happy, but looked at Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared with a vigilant expression, the Meow Hammer in his hand, the thunder flashed, and he was obviously ready to strike at any time.

Whenever Bai Xiaofei made any unruly actions, the next moment, the terrifying thunder and lightning would completely erupt and bombard the enemy.


Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to the thunder of Meow Hammer at all, looked at the controlled Thor with a sneer, and said, "I should be asking you this question, right?"

While speaking.

The Eye of Primordial Mist activates instantly, completely bringing into view Thor's blackening situation.

And in Bai Xiaofei's special vision, he saw that Thor's body actually resided in two soul bodies with completely different energies.

One of them shines brightly, occupying most of Thor's brain area, and at the same time has a special connection like a vein, connected to the mind gem on Thor's chest.

And the other, seems to be suppressed.

At this moment, he is being squeezed into the edge corner of the brain area, in a daze, with no power to resist. Similarly, there is also a vein here, connected to the soul gem.


It is different from the previous context.

This one, the energy transmitted by the Mind Stone, seems to counteract the latter.

Undoubtedly, the reason why the latter was excluded and confused was largely due to the influence of the power of the mind gem.

And this man is the real Thor.

The former is what Rocky and others said, the ghost who possessed the soul gem first.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know how strong this ghost was before.

But at this moment.

He can clearly feel it.

After possessing Thor's body, the power of this ghost is strengthening all the time, and the soul gem is the most solid backing and support for the other party.

Given time.

I'm afraid that Thor's soul will be completely crushed by the opponent, and then completely swallowed, and replaced by Thor, who will completely own everything Thor has.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning even tighter.

So hanging.

Fortunately, I came early.

Otherwise, if it was later, the consequences would be unimaginable. I don't know where this ghost came from to make such a big thing.

The most important thing is that the other party seems to know a lot about the infinite gems.

Let's not talk about the location of the power gem.

Not long after I got the Mind Stone, I was able to use it proficiently, and even use it to control Thor's body. This ability is very terrifying.

Don't see you.

Another user of the Mind Stone, Vision, has a level of performance that requires more dishes and more dishes, and Ultron can prove it.

With the same body and gems, the latter can easily instantly kill Thanos who has five gems (in the previous chat, Hei Qi told Bai Xiaofei that the observer said it).

Although this ghost didn't reach that level of perversion, it was pretty good.


Thor was slightly taken aback, but did not speak.

He seemed to be thinking.

next moment.

Seeing Thor's dazed expression, and then his face changed drastically, he frowned and said, "It's you! In Thor's memory, that powerful and terrifying alien traveler!"


This guy not only occupied Thor's body, but also read his memory.

That's why he was able to recognize Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said, "Since you know me, you should also understand that with your current strength, it is impossible to defeat me..."

"If you are sensible, leave Thor's body quickly, give up the soul gem, and then answer my question obediently, so maybe I can spare your life..."

"Otherwise, I can only make you feel like a fine wine."


While speaking.

An unparalleled terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the body that exploded, pressing towards the opponent like a mountain.

"So strong!"

Feeling Bai Xiaofei's terrifying power, Thor looked terrified and horrified. After uttering these two words with difficulty, he turned around and ran away.


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