The Storm God

Chapter 4085 He is mine! (Please subscribe!)

no way.

Bai Xiaofei is too strong, too terrifying!

Although the ghost Kleisto has never seen Bai Xiaofei, Thor knows it. From Thor's memory, he can fully feel Bai Xiaofei's majesty and terror.

after all……

They have six infinite gems.

Even a peerless fierce man who is as strong as Infinity Ultron, who can fight hard and win, is just possessed by Thor, the god of thunder, and has a soul gem.

How to fight with Bai Xiaofei?


If you don't run, you have a problem with your head.

But the crux of the problem is, can he run? Why did Bai Xiaofei come here? Whether it's the Mind Stone or Thor, these two Krestors stand out.

How could it be possible to let the other party leave.


And just when Bai Xiaofei was about to make a move.

The wreckage of the mountain that collapsed and shattered and buried Thanos before was suddenly jumped away, followed by Thanos who was in a panic, roared, and rushed towards this side directly.

Coincidentally, the direction in which Cresto fled was this way.


The two directly hit each other.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, and stopped planning to make a move, and then continued to watch the show, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, wanting to see if Thanos is the opponent of Blackening Thor.

"Go away!"

Krystal is irritable and anxious.

Facing Thanos who came back to kill him again, he was immediately furious, and his attacks became more ruthless and domineering. With the hammer in his hand, Meow Meow released the most terrifying energy in his life.

The billowing thunder, like a waterfall, directly submerged Thanos' figure.


Cresto dare not neglect.

Regardless of whether Thanos is dead or not, without any hesitation, he turned around and changed direction, and continued to run.

But the next moment.


Thanos' tyrant's battle blade spiraled, like the flywheel of a cutting machine, and rushed towards his lower back, making Kresto have to resist.

And with such a block of effort, his escape plan was completely declared a failure.

Its violent impact and concussion force, it was a coincidence that it directly "sent" Kresto to Bai Xiaofei's side...

In other words, after wandering around for a long time, instead of running far, Cresto got closer to Bai Xiaofei.

With that in mind.

Cresto couldn't be more depressed.

Seeing the smile at the corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth getting brighter and brighter, and shaking his shoulders, he completely removed the golden armor on his body, exposing Thanos who was full of tendons, and rushed towards him like nothing happened.

Kleisto, who was completely desperate, made a crazy decision in an instant.

I saw an illusory figure floating out of Thor's body, and then flew into the sky, ready to escape.

Good guy!

In order to save his life, this guy gave up Thor, a great puppet body, decisively, and wanted to escape with the soul gem.


If Kresto didn't hold the Soul Gem, but simply wanted to escape, then Bai Xiaofei might let him go.


Krystal is too greedy.

If you run for your life, you run for your life, but you still can't bear the soul gem.

Didn't he know that Bai Xiaofei came here for the soul gem? If you do this, what is the difference between courting death?


Only Bai Xiaofei snorted coldly.

The sky changed color instantly, followed by an invisible terrifying force, like a mountain, crashing down, directly suppressing Kresto who was about to escape.

Just like Sun Wukong was crushed under Wuzhi Mountain by Tathagata.

At this moment, Kresto was suppressed under the invisible mountain, almost unable to move, and his own soul and body power was also being crazily worn out and consumed.

At this speed, I am afraid that in less than a quarter of an hour, Kresto will be completely suppressed to death.

until then.

Bai Xiaofei's icy voice came faintly: "Greed is the greatest original sin, you run away if you say you want, and you still have to bring the Soul Gem..."

"It makes me feel helpless when you do this."


at the same time.

The terrifying power directly penetrated into Kleisto's body.

The Soul Gem seemed to be called by something, and it floated out of Kresto's body automatically, and finally landed in Bai Xiaofei's hands.

"forgive me……"

Seeing this, Kresto was completely desperate. He quickly put on a pitiful look and begged Bai Xiaofei for forgiveness.

Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, and said: "Sorry! It's too late now, instead of begging me, you should beg the victim more..."

"The victim?"

Krystal was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he realized that Bai Xiaofei was referring to Thor, the God of Thunder.

Turning his head to look, as expected, at this time Thor, the god of thunder, had slowly stood up from the pit, his expression and eyes were full of crazy and violent anger and killing intent.

And the other side.

Thanos also stopped attacking, looking suspiciously at Krystal, who was forced to separate, and Bai Xiaofei, who had obtained the Soul Gem, with question marks all over his head.


His IQ is not low.

Even if no one explained it from the side, they quickly understood what was going on.


Thanos' wrath also fell on Krystal.

"You are the culprit of everything?"

"Give back my daughter's life!"


Thanos shows no mercy.

Kill as soon as you say kill, the whole person bends his legs and flies towards him like a cannonball.

Even with bare hands, it is full of terrifying lethality. Before the person arrives, the terrifying murderous aura and power are enough to smash everything in front of him.

It can be seen how deeply Thanos has deep feelings for his daughter.

"he's mine!"

Thor, the God of Thunder who was also full of killing intent towards Kresto, became anxious when he saw this scene. He roared angrily, and the Meow Hammer in his hand was thrown out by him...

It hit Thanos!


Poor Thanos didn't guard against Thor at all.

As a result, he was smashed right on the spot, and the person flew out again, and the attack was interrupted. As a result, the ground on the battlefield was once again conservatively destroyed and ravaged, making it even more dilapidated.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Thanos didn't react slowly. After bouncing on the ground a few times, he quickly stabilized his figure, then glared at Thor, the god of thunder, and shouted angrily.

"he's mine!"

Thor summoned back the Meow Hammer.

Facing Thanos tit for tat, without giving an inch, he gritted his teeth and said, "I want to kill this bastard with my own hands! It's him who filled my hands with the blood of relatives and friends!"


Thanos fell silent.

To be honest, he understands Thor's current mood very well. After all, his daughter died in Thor's hands. Even if he knew that the culprit was not the real Thor, but the ghost Cresto, Thanos couldn't bear it. Zhu was full of murderous intent towards Thor.

But thinking about it the other way around, as the most direct party and victim, Thor's mood is definitely more grief and self-blame than himself. It is also reasonable to want to kill the ghost Kresto himself.

But understanding is understanding, whether you support it or not is another matter.

after all……

Thanos also has his stand.

After a moment of silence, Thanos suddenly spoke and suggested, "How about we attack together and see who is faster?"

The implication is that both parties rely on their own abilities, and whoever can kill it will be theirs.


Thor hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded in agreement.

As a result, at this time.

Bai Xiaofei, who was watching the play next to him, couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly, and then said to the two of them, "You two should stop acting in bitter dramas. Let me tell you the truth, those people who were killed before have all been killed. I'm resurrected..."

As soon as these words came out, Thor and Thanos were stunned.

Especially Thor.

Only then did he realize that Bai Xiaofei was a terrifying guy with a whole set of infinite gems, and with a snap of his fingers, he could change everything in the universe.

With this big guy around, I'm still struggling. Instead of trying to fight Thanos for the head here, it's better to ask Bai Xiaofei to help save people.

Thanos doesn't know about Bai Xiaofei's existence.

Therefore, when he heard this, his first reaction was not to believe it, but his sensibility told him that he would rather believe that it was necessary, after all, it was related to his daughter.

He naturally hoped that his daughter was still alive.

"What you said is true?"

Thanos looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice.


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