The Storm God

Chapter 4086 Travel again! (Please subscribe!)

"Naturally it is true!"

It was Thor who spoke.

Others don't know how awesome Bai Xiaofei is, but he knows it very well.

So after hearing Thanos' inquiry, he immediately acted as an explanation, introducing Bai Xiaofei to Thanos, his words were full of admiration, like a little fanboy.


Thanos was stunned when he heard that Bai Xiaofei was talking so loudly.

For a long time.

Only then did I come back to my senses.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei seriously, and said solemnly: "Mr. Bai, if all this is true and my daughter Xingyun was really resurrected by you, then I owe you a huge favor this time..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded indifferently.

All the Infinity Stones have been obtained. What he wants to do most now is to take Thor away with him. Like Captain Marvel and others, he will give Thor a small stove and train quickly.

After all, no one knows how much time is left for him.

As for Thanos' favor?


Am I short of that?

Thanos didn't care about Bai Xiaofei's attitude, and after thanking Bai Xiaofei, he left Morag, saying that he was going to find his daughter.

He directly gave up the right to dispose of Kresto to Thor.

after all.

He is the most qualified.

Thor gritted his teeth and looked at Krystal, who was suppressed on the ground and kept begging for mercy. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you die easily, because that would be too cheap for you!"

The implication is that this is to treat Kresto so hard that his life would be worse than death.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have any objections.

How to say that sentence, don't persuade others to be magnanimous without suffering from others. If this happened to Bai Xiaofei, he would definitely be more ruthless than Thor.

Bai Xiaofei just asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"


Thor thought for a moment.

Then he replied: "I don't know yet, why not bring it back to Asgard first."


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "It just so happens that all the infinity gems have been collected, and it's time to leave here and go back, so let's go now?"


Thor looked at Bai Xiaofei, blinked and said, "Is it you, or me?"

"Let me do it."

Bai Xiaofei shrugged helplessly: "Although the Rainbow Bridge is pretty good, but there is a delay after all, my method is faster..."

The voice did not fall.

The space passage leading directly to Asgard has been torn open by Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei stepped in first, and Thor followed behind with the restrained Krystal, and as the space passage was closed, the two disappeared completely.




Through Heimdall's eyes, Odin and his wife knew everything that happened around Bai Xiaofei, so when Bai Xiaofei came back with Thor, they were not surprised or surprised.

There were only strong thanks, and the joy of my son's safe return.

Not only them.

Those little friends who went with Thor to find the Mind Stone before were all taken to Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge.

Although Thor was controlled by Kresto, the person who did it was Thor after all, so His Majesty the God King should show it well.


Most importantly, Thor himself.

Fortunately, these little friends are also very reasonable, after Odin promised N many benefits, and Thor also returned safely, and expressed his apology seriously.

A group of people continued to enjoy the wine of Asgard Beer, which completely turned the matter over.

And the culprit who caused all this, Kresto, was imprisoned in the most terrifying cell by the guards of Asgard, and immediately began to suffer endless pain and torture, so as to pay for the crimes he committed.

until complete death.


Bai Xiaofei asked about some things.

For example, how did Krystal know about the Infinity Stones? You know, even Thanos doesn't know this.

If there is nothing tricky in it, even if Bai Xiaofei is killed, he would not believe it.


Things were a little unexpected.

According to Kresto, he also learned of the existence of Infinity Gems by accident, and some relevant records have been preserved in certain inheritances of the planet Savac.

This made him understand the location of the Infinity Stone far better than ordinary people.

It was not the outsider that Bai Xiaofei thought.

"Am I thinking too much?"

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly: "After all, this is the Marvel world of the infinite multiverse. God knows how the plot will mutate and develop..."


Bai Xiaofei completely lost interest in Kresto. Although this guy has some talents in the operation and utilization of infinite gems, that's all.

What's more, he also offended Thor and others.

No matter what, it is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to choose such a guy to help him. He can guarantee that once Cresto gets the entire set of infinite gem sequences, this guy will turn against him in an instant.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to have a bomb by his side.

That's all.

Three days passed.

On this day, Bai Xiaofei, as usual, meditated to comprehend the mystery of the power of the Infinity Stone, but Thor suddenly found him and said, "Mr. Bai, I'm ready."

Seeing his refreshed look, it is obvious that he has done almost all the things that should be done in these three days.


He tortured Kresto severely, and avenged his hatred.

Or, run to the earth and applaud for love with his little girlfriend Jane Foster, completely lingering or something.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei can quite understand.

After all, after this trip, no one knows if he can come back alive, if it were him, Bai Xiaofei would definitely relax.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

After telling Thor the method of internal integration of the six infinite gems, he sent him into his own small world, just like the ancient mage and captain surprise, let him train and understand the meaning of infinite gems in the trial tower Strength, and strive to maximize its power.

Except for Thor.

They were sent into the small world together for training, as well as Thor's good friends, such as the flame lord Surtur, Loki, Yondu...etc.

Although they may not be of much help in the peak game, they can barely do enough to play in the rest of the field, top the number of people and so on.

In the face of Thor and God King Odin, Bai Xiaofei will give favors no matter what.

so far.

Except for Bai Xiaofei's own.

In his hands, he now has three sets of Infinity Gems sequences, but Bai Xiaofei still feels that they are too few and not safe enough.


He decided to go to other parallel universes to complete one or two sets, and by the way, find some characters to serve as teammates to improve the quality of his team.

After much deliberation, Bai Xiaofei finally chose the parallel universe where his old acquaintance T'Challa was.

That is, T'Challa's version of Star-Lord's world.

That world was similar to the world where this incongruous version of Thor lived. The development of the plot deviated seriously from what Bai Xiaofei was familiar with.

Although this will make Bai Xiaofei lose control of the plot, it will also allow him to completely let go and do whatever he wants.

in short.

Unlike traveling through the past and being timid, Bai Xiaofei can do whatever he wants in the time and space world of T'Challa's version of Star-Lord in the "now".


Listen to T'Challa.

In his world, there is also a very special and powerful substance called embers of creation, which can turn a planet into a living planet with just one ounce.

Bai Xiaofei was very interested in this.

In his opinion, since this thing can be named as the beginning of creation, if it is not complete, it will involve some special secret at the cosmic level.

Anyway, left and right are options, so why not find a more interesting one?


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