The Storm God

Chapter 4087 Star Lord lost contact! (Please subscribe!)


next moment.

Bai Xiaofei came to the parallel universe where T'Challa's version of Star-Lord is located, and the first thing he felt was that there was a terrifying familiarity and special power spreading in the universe.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, quite puzzled and surprised.

"This feeling is..."

"So familiar!"

At this time, the place where Bai Xiaofei appeared was a certain country on Earth.

Because the coordinates are random, there is no fixed location, but within the scope of the earth, and according to Bai Xiaofei's spiritual scan, he finally knows what this familiar feeling is.


To be precise, it is the universe expansion power of Igo, a member of the Celestial Race!

With the help of countless sons with divine power, to activate the seeds that Egg had scattered in the stars of the universe for countless years, so as to make himself the only true god.

Although the seed on the earth has stopped growing, it has not completely died. It just has no power supply and has stopped.

That is.

As long as there is a re-injection of divine power, this seed will continue to grow, and then the entire earth will be swallowed up.

Bai Xiaofei had absorbed Xingjue's DNA, so he also possessed the ability of the Celestial Ego, and it was even worse.

That's why this kind of seed makes him feel very familiar.

If this plot develops, then the current time period should be Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but Bai Xiaofei also knows that the development of this world is completely different from the movie.

Because it was not Bitquiel who became the star-lord, but T'Challa, the prince of Wakanda, the fate of many people has undergone tremendous changes.

And the biggest among them is undoubtedly Thanos, the director of the Family Planning Commission.

Under T'Challa's three-inch tongue, the purple potato spirit completely gave up his plan, disbanded all his forces, and chose to join the Predator's teammates.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted to say, T'Challa is amazing, with the power of talking, I would call you the strongest!

Speaking of T'Challa.

He remembered his plan of action.

To be honest, T'Challa's version of Xingjue is not the ideal candidate for Bai Xiaofei, but for the sake of the other party's destiny, he can still consider it.


The premise is that the world has not been invaded by Ultron.

According to Bai Xiaofei's spiritual scanning and observation, the situation is still very good. Although Captain America, Thor and others are all gone, it's not because of Ultron.

It was the work of Tywan the Collector.

That's right.

This collector is the collector in the land of ignorance.

T'Challa told Bai Xiaofei that after Thanos gave up his plan, the Collector relied on his incomparable financial resources and influence to successfully accept the dark sect that Thanos didn't want, and once became the biggest evil in the universe. Power groups, none of them.

In the entire universe, there are countless people or planets that have suffered because of this.

Just like the earth.

The shield of the US team has become a collector's collection, and the result of becoming a collection is basically the death of the original owner.

Not just Earth.

Even Thor, the god of thunder in Asgard, and Hela, the goddess of death, such powerful masters were all buried in the hands of collectors without exception.

Its iconic weapon, Meow Meow Hammer, and Hella's helmet, etc., have all become collectors' collections.


T'Challa, Yondu, Thanos, Xingyun and others jointly used tricks to sneak into the void and disintegrate the power of collectors.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yi Ge, who is a Celestial Race, jumped out to make trouble again.

T'Challa was summoned by the Observer to deal with Infinity Ultron when he was saving Bitquil, the son of Ego on Earth.

As for what happened after being sent back, Bai Xiaofei didn't know.


It's his first time here too.

With that in mind.

With a thought in his mind, Bai Xiaofei came directly to Wakanda, Africa.

But unfortunately, T'Challa is not in Wakanda. The helpless Bai Xiaofei can only go to the palace and find T'Challa's father.

I believe the other party must know Techara's whereabouts.


Bai Xiaofei met T'Challa's father, the current King T'Chaka. Speaking of which, he was considered an acquaintance of Bai Xiaofei.

In another Marvel world, the first thing Bai Xiaofei came into contact with was the king, followed by his son T'Challa.

"Who are you……?"

Facing Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared, King T'Chaka was only slightly taken aback, showing a strong enough ability to accept.

after all……

After the son returns.

After seeing too many extraterrestrial races in the universe, T'Chaka's vision has been raised to a very high level, so even if he sees something incredible at this moment, he will not be shocked or frightened by it.

Because he has long been used to it.

"I'm Bai Xiaofei."

Bai Xiaofei bowed to King T'Chaka very gentlemanly, and then introduced himself: "I am T'Challa's friend, and I have fought side by side with T'Challa. This time I came to Wakanda to ask T'Challa for a favor. But I didn't feel his existence..."

The meaning is very simple, I am here to find your son.

do you know where he is

"Bai Xiaofei?"

T'Chaka was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said excitedly, "So you are the Mr. Bai that T'Challa mentioned. You are indeed imposing and heroic..."

"such a pity."

"T'Challa is not on Earth at the moment. A few days ago, he said that something major happened in the universe, and then he left with his teammates. I don't know where he went exactly..."

"But T'Challa left me a contact information..."


Speaking of which.

The king took out a small black technology device from his pocket and explained: "As long as there is nothing wrong there, I can contact T'Challa by pressing this..."

Think about it too.

The universe is too vast and vast.

The son ran outside at every turn. Others went abroad, but he went out to play football. As a parent, no one is worried. T’Challa was deceived by Yondu before, thinking that the earth has long since ceased to exist. Since all misunderstandings It's all untied, so naturally I won't continue to worry my parents.

Every time you go out, you must leave a special contact information, so as not to worry about family members.

This alone is much better than Aunt Surprise.

"Then I will trouble you."

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile, he was not polite to His Majesty the King.

Although he can also rely on his own ability to find T'Challa, but if he can save effort, who would spend all that time foolishly.

"It's okay!"

His Majesty the King smiled, and then activated the communication device in his hand.

It's just that the black-tech device that can be connected with almost one touch is unexpectedly not connected at this moment, but it shows that the other party is not in the service area...


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help asking curiously: "What's going on? Could it be that the distance is too far, beyond the range of contact?"

"It shouldn't be!"

His Majesty the King frowned and explained: "T'Challa said that this communication device is built with almost the most advanced technology in the universe, no matter where he is, he can contact him, unless..."

Speaking of which.

T'Chaka couldn't help but pause slightly.

Although he didn't continue to say the following words, the clever Bai Xiaofei already understood what it meant: "You mean, what dangers and accidents T'Challa might have encountered?"


King T'Chaka was worried, nodded and said: "Yes, otherwise it is impossible not to be in touch. In this way, I will try to contact other people. Those friends of T'Challa, I also have some contact information..."


With trembling hands, he had already pressed different contact methods, but unfortunately, there was no pressure in the results, and all of them showed that they could not be connected.

His Majesty's face suddenly sank.


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