The Storm God

Chapter 4088 Asgard is gone! (Please subscribe!)

"Something really happened..."

Although I really don't want to admit it, the current situation makes King T'Chaka have to recognize the reality, otherwise, how could it be possible that everyone could not be contacted at the same time?

Something must have happened.


His Majesty the King looked at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were full of hope.

If there is anyone who can save all of this, it can only be Bai Xiaofei in front of him, because T'Challa once said that this existence is more powerful than Infinite Ultron.


T'Chaka directly asked Bai Xiaofei for help.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Obviously, he didn't expect that things would turn out like this, and he said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best to find T'Challa..."

"Then thank you so much!"

Hearing this, His Majesty the King felt a lot relieved.

Then he asked: "Mr. Bai, I know your strength is very powerful and terrifying, but I still want to ask, is there anything we can do to help?"

After all, T'Chaka wanted to do something when it came to his son.

"Need not."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head.

He understands the other party's mood very well, but understanding is nothing more than understanding. Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to bring a group of oil bottles by his side, as long as he is alone, he can do whatever he wants.


Bai Xiaofei bid farewell.

"His Majesty."

"Since T'Challa is not here and may encounter some trouble in the universe, then I will not stay here any longer, and I will go to the universe to find clues..."

"Don't worry too much. Believe me, T'Challa is not a short-lived person. Even if there is any accident, it will definitely turn bad luck into good fortune."

"That's it, I'll go first."


The voice did not fall.

The whole person has teleported away.


Bai Xiaofei didn't immediately go to the cosmic civilization beyond the earth, but came to the Holy of Holies in New York, preparing to pay a visit to the contemporary supreme mage.

Although the fate of Xingjue has changed because of Yondu's mistakes, so that the fate of many people has changed due to this.

However, the fate of some people still stands firm, resisting the influence, and continuing to walk on their original track.

Just like Strange.

That's right.

The current supreme mage is not the ancient one, but Strange.

Also known as Doctor Strange.


This Doctor Strange is also very similar to the one in the movie version.

Whether it is the trajectory of life, the background of the story, or the path of growth, there is almost no big difference from the film version.

The only difference is that the Doctor Strange in this world is younger, has great potential, and is far more powerful than the movie version in terms of strength.

When Bai Xiaofei saw him for the first time, he had the illusion of facing the Ancient One directly.

This also shows that the Doctor Strange in this world has reached the level of the Ancient One Mage in terms of magic attainment.

Even worse than that.

"Who are you?"

Strange looked at Bai Xiaofei who came suddenly, and frowned slightly.

But he didn't put on a defensive posture like Wang at the side, but looked at Bai Xiaofei curiously, the doubt in his eyes was obviously more than vigilance.

"Bai Xiaofei."

Bai Xiaofei said his name.

In order to avoid trouble, he even showed some of the iconic spells of Karma Taj magic - holding "cake" in both hands, a fire-colored magic circle, which made the king relax a lot in an instant.

"So it's my own..."

Having said that, his vigilance and the magic in his hands did not decrease much because of this, but his face softened a little.

after all……

Karma Taj is not without traitors.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about this either, and directly explained to Strange the purpose of his visit, saying, "I'm here to ask for help, just to borrow the Time Stone..."

"You don't need to rush to answer immediately, because I will leave the earth soon to find other infinite gems. I hope that when I come again, you have already made a choice..."


After speaking, it doesn't matter how everyone reacts.

With a thought, Bai Xiaofei disappeared in front of everyone without warning, leaving Wang, Strange and others dumbfounded and speechless.

Who is this.

It suddenly appeared, and after a few words, it disappeared straight away...

Simply inexplicable!

Can be followed.

The thoughtful Doctor Strange used time magic in the chamber of secrets to start a cheating operation to spy on the future, trying to get some clues and answers from it.

But it is a pity that apart from the chaos and the huge magic backlash, this contemporary supreme mage whose strength is no less than that of the ancient one mage can't spy out anything.


He wasn't completely unrewarded either.

Because such a situation itself represents a very terrible answer.


Regardless of what's going on with Doctor Strange.


Bai Xiaofei first teleported to the space coordinates of Asgard, but as far as he could see, he didn't see the familiar gorgeous place, there was only darkness and nothingness, and...

A sky full of debris.


Brow slightly wrinkled.

The scene in front of him made Bai Xiaofei immediately realize that the Ragnarok prophesied in Asgard seemed to have happened.

That is.

Not only Thor died, but Hela died, and even the whole of Asgard was gone.

After all, T'Challa is just an interstellar predator, and he just saw or heard some information about the items of Thor and others from the collector Tiwan.

But exactly what happened in the middle is not clear.

For example, in Ragnarok, when Bai Xiaofei and T'Challa were chatting, the other party never mentioned it, and they obviously didn't know about it.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also very helpless.

Originally, he wanted to see what was going on in Asgard in this world, but now it seemed that he didn't need to think about it at all.

The whole of Asgard is gone, what a mess!

"never mind!"

"Let's go and see if the Reality Gem is still there, but according to the development of the time period, it should not be there..."

"But not necessarily, after all, the plot has changed..."


Between words.

Bai Xiaofei's figure had disappeared.

When it reappears, it is the place where the ether particles are sealed. Fortunately, the ether particles have not been taken away, and are still suppressed in the boulder.

It made Bai Xiaofei happy.

after all……

Much less hassle isn't it.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei used his means to take out the ether particles from the boulder, compressed and solidified them into reality gems, and put them into the small world.

It's over here.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei didn't need to stay any longer.

Tear the space apart and teleport away again.


Bai Xiaofei just left, followed by this special space, a jet-black space door appeared, and a man in black-blue armor walked out from it.

The man soon came to the boulder, saw that the ether particles in the middle were gone, his expression changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! Someone got there first, who is it?"

In anger.

The power of terror overflows and spreads.

All the strange boulders in the entire space were instantly reduced to dust.

Even the space trembled.


Bai Xiaofei chose the planet Vormir for his second stop.

On the other side of the earth, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is gone, and most likely it was taken by a collector. After all, the other party killed Captain America and got the Zhenjin Buckler.

It's not too much to take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube away, right?

The power gem was found by T'Challa at the beginning, and later in order to obtain the embers of creation, he used the cosmic spirit ball as an excuse to trade with the collector.

Although the opponent was finally dealt with, the cosmic spiritual ball was also in the process of fierce fighting, and it was unknown where it fell, so Bai Xiaofei didn't need to go to Mo La Ge.

The six infinity gems, besides the certain time gems and reality gems, are the soul gems of the planet Vormir, which are currently the easiest for Bai Xiaofei to obtain.


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