The Storm God

Chapter 4089 Meet reincarnation members again! (Please subscribe!)


As soon as he arrived at the planet Vormir, Bai Xiaofei keenly felt that besides himself, there were other living creatures on this planet.

This is very abnormal.

"Could it be..."

In an instant, Bai Xiaofei realized that someone might have come here first and wanted to obtain the soul gem.

Although unexpected, it is not surprising.

after all……

This is Marvel's parallel universe. Even T'Challa has become a star-lord, and Thanos has been cleansed. What else is impossible?

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei quickly restrained his breath.

Just in case, he also escaped himself into a dimensional space of different dimensions, and then quietly flew towards the altar on the mountain.


The top of the mountain.

On the edge of the altar, several men and women were hesitating and struggling. The guardian of the soul gem, the Red Skull, floated aside, watching the show silently.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei, who was hiding in the dark and "watching the screen", couldn't help complaining: "The fate of the Red Skull is really hard, no matter what others do, he seems to be very strong..."


His eyes fell on the strangers.

There were five people on the other side, three men and two women. Whether it was the clothes they wore or the aura of strength, they all gave Bai Xiaofei a sense of strangeness.

This made Bai Xiaofei almost immediately believe that these people in front of him might be outsiders.

That is, members of the reincarnation space.


The strength of several people is not low.

Although in Bai Xiaofei's eyes, it may be nothing, but for Marvel's Chaoying at this stage, it can be called a super boss.

If I had to make a comparison, it would probably be at the level of Gu Yi.

Every one of them.


Bai Xiaofei fell silent for a moment.

I couldn't help but said speechlessly in my heart: "Damn! The problem of Ultron hasn't been solved yet, and a group of reincarnation members with high strength have emerged..."

"Do you want to be so exciting!"


Bai Xiaofei immediately decided to grow up obscenely and resolutely not to be a fool.

Even if his current strength is far superior to that of his opponent, it's the same if he can crush the opponent to death with just one finger. God knows if there is a more terrifying boss behind the opponent.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years!

in addition.

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told him that the disappearance of T'Challa and others probably has something to do with these reincarnation members.

Hiding in the dark is more conducive to his understanding of the truth.

"what to do?"

And it doesn't matter what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

This side of the altar.

The five reincarnation members were a little confused and helpless. One of the women, who looked very Yujie, frowned slightly and said: "I never thought that this soul gem would sacrifice the person I love the most. Do we really have to follow each other's rules?"

In words, full of unwillingness.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused strong sympathy from other people. Another girly woman who was slightly shorter and looked very kawaii said:

"That's right!"

"This soul gem is only useful in the Marvel universe. It's really not worth it to exchange your own life like this."

"In my opinion, let's find another way!"


hear this.

The blond man next to the girl frowned and said, "Although that's the case, what else can I do?"

"Could it be possible to go to another place and catch a loving couple?"

"What if it's a lie?"


He spread his hands.

He curled his lips and said, "We can't test one by one, right? This will seriously delay our task progress, and it will easily attract the attention of others..."

"In the end, it might make us lose even more!"


All in all.

The blond man meant to support the sacrifice.


He is single.

In the team, he was the only one who ate dog food all day long.

And the rest of the two men and two women are in pairs, very affectionate. Now that he finally encountered such a specific sacrifice condition, as a single dog, he naturally had to fight back against the abuse.

Tell you to sprinkle dog food every day!

Ha ha!

Xiu Enai died quickly.

Now let's see if you are stupid or not, and whether you abuse dogs or not!

The blond man yelled inwardly.

The other two men were completely opposed. After all, they both had wives, so naturally they didn't want to pay such a painful price.

One of them, a tall, handsome man with silver waist-length hair, immediately showed a dissatisfied expression when he heard the words, and said unhappily:

"Li Gou, don't make trouble here!"

"Although what you said is indeed somewhat reasonable, it is not insurmountable. As long as we try out the friendship level of the sacrificial chess pieces in advance, we can save a lot of trouble!"

"And even if it is exposed, the other party will face the same situation as us. If the other party chooses to sacrifice, it will be cheaper for us. We only need to take action to grab the soul gem at that time."

"But if we sacrifice, it will greatly weaken the team's combat power. If the enemy hides in the dark and ambush, wouldn't it be in vain to benefit the other party?"

"That's why I don't agree to sacrifice my own people!"

"Zhang Sheng, what about you?"


The latter sentence.

It was for Sister Yu's boyfriend.

This man named Zhang Sheng was impeccable in appearance, temperament, and figure, but his eyes were closed from beginning to end.

at the same time.

He is also the strongest among the five.


Hearing this, Zhang Sheng immediately nodded in agreement, and said, "Killing Your Highness is right. Before we see the soul gem, we must not easily compromise our combat power..."

"How about this……"

"Lanlan, Xiaoxue and I will stay here and stay here to prevent others from taking the lead. Kill Your Highness, you and Li Gou will go outside to find qualified couples, or couples come here to sacrifice to get soul gems..."

"What do you think?"


Although it is a sentence of inquiry.

But this Zhang Sheng's tone was full of domineering meaning. It gave people the feeling that it was not an inquiry, but a notice and order.


Killing His Highness spread his hands, shrugged and said nothing, but the meaning was very obvious, and he unconditionally supported Zhang Sheng's statement.


He even glanced at Li Gou with a sneer.

It's like saying: Dude, it's four to one, so tell me what to do?

Li Gou: "..."

Depend on!

You dogs and men, you know how to bully me, a single dog!

You wait for me!

When I, Li Gou, get out of the order, let's see how I get back with revenge!


Think about it, do it.

There are five members in the team, and four of them agree. Even if he objected, it would be useless, and it would cause trouble instead, so he had no choice but to agree.

Li Gou said that he wants to go to the planet Xandar, which is beautiful and rich, with a high degree of freedom, and it is relatively easy to find a loving couple.

Everyone agreed.

Killing His Highness didn't want to be with Li Gou, so he set his target on other planets.


The two left and split up.

Only Zhang Sheng and two beautiful women with very different styles are left on the top of the sacrifice mountain of Vormir planet to guard it.


And the Red Skull who was force-fed dog food.

Red Skull: "..."

Depend on!

Although I am a ghost, you are really not human.

Is there such a cruel dog?


If it weren't for being unable to fight, Red Skull would have tortured these dogs and men to death.

Bai Xiaofei watched the play silently, watched the changes, and did not express any opinions, because no matter what these people did, the person who would benefit in the end would only be him.

Time passed slowly.


After ten hours.

Killing His Highness and Li Gou returned to Planet Vormir almost at the same time, and they all brought some people with them more or less.

no doubt.

Those people are tool lovers, or husband and wife, who are used for sacrifice.


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