The Storm God

Chapter 4090 Arrest and sacrifice! (Please subscribe!)

"You are finally back!"

"So many people have been found, have they been followed or caused suspicion?"


As soon as the two of them arrived at the top of the mountain with a group of people, Xiaoxue ran over and asked non-stop, like an elf.

She is the girlfriend of His Royal Highness.

For the girlfriend's questioning, the feeling of killing His Highness is just like a spring breeze, refreshing, and then blowing all kinds of blows at the girlfriend.

But Li Gou was more depressed.


to him.

This is force-feeding dog food.

He said that he would not eat, snorted coldly, and went straight to the topic: "I have never made a mistake in my work, so stop talking nonsense, people have already been found, let's start!"


Zhang Sheng closed his eyes and nodded, and said: "Time waits for no one, we have already spent a lot of time here, which has had a slight impact on the follow-up team battle, so we must act faster in the follow-up... "


Then he nodded to his girlfriend Lan Lan.

The latter will understand.

Immediately, Xiaoxue and Xiaoxue began to help group these captured couples, or couples, and send them to the sacrificial circle one by one.

The minds of these captured people have been controlled.

Like puppets, they are silent and obedient. Only when they are sent to the sacrificial circle will they be released from the control and restore their minds.


This is Li Gou's job.

After all, he is the only single dog in the team, and no one is more enthusiastic and fond of breaking up others than Li Gou.


"From now on, the two of you can only live as one. As long as your feelings are true, the one who survives will get a gem..."

"Get the gem for me, everything is easy to talk about, otherwise the other one will never live!"

"Then choose."


What the villain brings in is a vivid one.

A couple on the pitiful cliff altar, faced with an invincible and terrifying enemy, had no choice but to make a painful choice.


After a fight to say goodbye.

In the end, it was the man who was even better and jumped off the cliff first.


The woman wept bitterly.

But unfortunately, their feelings were not recognized. A full half an hour passed, and the woman did not get the soul gem.

Immediately, Li Gou was so angry that he kicked the woman down, then looked viciously at His Highness Kill, and snorted coldly: "Next!"


Almost the same scene reappeared.

Even killing His Highness, he couldn't get the soul gem, and the poor man who was left couldn't escape the bad luck. He was kicked off the cliff and died.


Li Gou became ruthless again.

After that, kill His Highness.

The two took turns to go into battle, consuming the couples they brought one by one, trying to obtain soul gems through them.

But it ended in failure time and time again.

in the process.

Whether it was Zhang Sheng or the two beauties, their expressions were as indifferent as ever, as if those killed by them were not human beings, but livestock.

The eyes have always been Gujing Wubo's indifference, as well as deep disappointment and depression.

Not one, even the slightest sympathy.

This scene.

He directly asked Bai Xiaofei to draw the five people in front of him into the blacklist.

There is a saying that people who kill people will always kill them.

If God doesn't open his eyes, then he, Bai Xiaofei, is willing to do justice for the sky and eliminate harm for the people. Not for the so-called justice, but for a glimmer of light in my heart.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, almost all the lovers and couples captured by His Highness and Li Gou were sacrificed. Now there are only a pair of blue-skinned Kree people left, and there are no red-skinned alien couples. was sacrificed.


This pair is an interracial love affair.

on this...

Li Gou was very pessimistic about it.

Because of the successive failures, his complexion turned into the color of the bottom of the pot.

Zhang Sheng sighed, and said: "Hey... things are really more difficult than expected, forget it, this is the last couple, let's continue, what if it succeeds..."

Having said that.

But it is obvious that there is no hope for this couple who crossed races.

But unexpectedly.

It happened to be such a couple, but they succeeded.

When the red-skinned alien woman realized that she was holding a gem in her hand with tears in her eyes, Zhang Sheng and others who were watching were all stunned.

"I rely on it!"

"It turned out to be successful, it's unscientific..."

"What a surprise!"


After the surprise.

The five people were more surprised and excited.

Li Gou, a single dog, snatched the soul gem, carefully looked at it again and again, and then couldn't stop laughing: "What the hell, after all this time, the soul gem still falls into our hands ah!"

As for the red-skinned alien woman, he kept his promise and didn't intend to hurt her. Unfortunately, that woman had no love in her life. After the soul gem was snatched away by Li Gou, she resolutely jumped off the cliff. Chose to die for love.

This scene shocked and surprised Lan Lan and Xiaoxue.


The two were silent for a while.

Maybe it was infected by the love of the other party, and he looked in a trance, and became a little ashamed, but it was fleeting, and it was replaced by the joy of obtaining the soul gem.

Bai Xiaofei, who was on the sidelines, was also deeply shocked by the interracial love of aliens. Obviously, he did not expect that this couple who were least expected to win the recognition and obtained the soul gem.

And at this moment.


Near the high mountain of planet Vormir, a large teleportation array suddenly lit up.

follow closely.

A group of heavily armed soldiers stepped out of the formation.

They are all dressed in pitch-black battle armor, holding sharp weapons, and have a cold and terrifying aura, full of evil and darkness, giving people the feeling that they have walked out of hell.


The appearance of the teleportation array immediately attracted Zhang Sheng's attention: "No, it's the guys from the Abyss Demon team, our position is exposed!"


With his closed eyes, he looked directly at His Highness Kill and Li Gou.

The meaning of questioning guilt is very obvious.


His Highness Kill frowned and explained: "The planet I chose has not many people, and I am very cautious in my actions, it is impossible to be discovered!"

"It must be Li Gou!"


"It must be him!"

"He chose the planet Xandar, which has a large population and is one of the three famous empires in the universe. He caught so many people at once, he must have exposed it!"

"Everything is his fault!"


He glared at Li Gou viciously.

"I'm damn!"

When Li Gou heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to curse back.

But at this moment.

But Zhang Sheng frowned and shouted sharply: "Okay! Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The top priority is to find a way to solve the Abyss Demon Team first!"

"How to deal with it?"

His girlfriend Lan Lan asked: "The strength of the Abyss Demon team is far superior to ours, and the cooperation is also extremely tacit. Unless the number of personnel is far superior to them, it will be difficult to defeat them at the same level..."


Xiaoxue also said with a look of despair: "Although our strengths are not bad, our cooperation is far inferior to the other party's. Why don't we run quickly?"

It's not that she is cowardly, but that the Abyss Demon team is really scary.

In the reincarnation space, that is an absolute dominant existence, not one of them, even if the current team is only a third-level team under its command.

There are only a handful of people who can defeat them, although it is not impossible.

Unless the more bullies the less!


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