The Storm God

Chapter 4091 Abyss Demon Team! (Please subscribe!)


His Highness Zhang Shenghe looked at his girlfriend, who was actually raising the morale of the enemy and destroying his prestige, and his mood was complicated.

Although they also know that what the girlfriend said is the truth.

However, if you know it, you know it, and if you keep saying it clearly, the meaning will be different. After all, there is a single dog Li Gou next to him.

This guy has a lot of bad intentions, so he can't be completely trusted.

If you don't keep it neat, there will be some ghosts.

This moment.

If it made him feel completely hopeless, he might be tempted to defect, so he had to guard against it.

Speaking of this, they are quite speechless and helpless.

no way.

This team battle mission is too urgent.

Zhang Sheng and the others didn't have any preparations. They were on a mission, so they were directly put into the team battle dungeon. It was already pretty good to find someone like Li Gou to cooperate with.

Don't see you.

The other groups and squads were either destroyed by the group or existed in name only.

The few people who can persist until now are not only due to luck, but also because Zhang Sheng and others are careful enough, and they have not encountered too terrifying enemies.

The Profound Demon Team is different.

Even if it is a third-level team, each of them has terrifying strength like a profound demon.

To know.

The entry criteria for the Abyssal Devils team are some powerful characters who used to be all-powerful, and they have to go through layers of screening and selection.

Its power is strong, one can imagine.

In short.

None of them are good stubble.

Now, five members of the Abyss Demon team appeared all at once, and it was still a small team, so it was even more difficult to deal with.

It is normal for Lan Lan and Xiaoxue to not have confidence.


Just know it in your heart.

If you say this directly, it will affect the morale of the army.

His Highness Kill was comforting his girlfriend Xiaoxue, while looking out of the corner of his eye, as expected, he saw some kind of strange light shining deep in Li Gou's eyes.


This guy must be thinking about something.

"Lan Lan..."

And this time.

Zhang Sheng suddenly said: "Perceptually, have the space barriers of this planet and the surrounding cosmic space nodes been blocked..."

The meaning is very simple.

If they are not blocked, then they will retreat with all their strength and try not to fight against the Abyssal Devils, after all, the chances of winning are too small.

But if there is no way out, then no matter how reluctant they are, they can only give it a go.


Lan Lan nodded.

Immediately, he immediately released his ability, and Bai Xiaofei felt that there was a terrifying breath of thought power extending towards the universe.

That is not pure thought power, but mixed with some kind of special law power, so that the opponent can perceive a super wide range of intelligence information with a very small force.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that this sister Yu should be a sensory support player.


You can't underestimate the opponent because of this.

After all, he came out of the reincarnation space, and Bao Buqi has some terrible props on him, or a hole card to save his life. Any carelessness in underestimating the enemy is irresponsible for his own life.

next moment.

Yujie Lanlan opened her eyes, and said with a bitter face: "Brother Sheng, you can't, all the space nodes around are locked, and the space barriers are also frozen."

"I knew it!"

The girl Xiaoxue pouted and said, "The abyss demon team must have been eyeing us a long time ago, otherwise they wouldn't have waited for us to get the soul gem before appearing, and they made it clear that they wanted the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole, and kill His Highness later. Son, you must protect me..."


So he looked at his boyfriend with a pitiful look.

Killing His Highness immediately softened her heart, and hurriedly agreed: "That's necessary, Xiaoxue, you are my favorite, even if I die, I will definitely not let you suffer any harm..."

What a wave of dog food!

The single dog next to him, Li Gou, immediately rolled his eyes angrily, and said speechlessly, "Hey, I said that the enemy is at hand, can we talk about something practical?"

He glanced at Xiaoxue.

at last.

He looked directly at Zhang Sheng.

Who made Zhang Sheng the leader of this team, and he is the strongest. In order to protect himself, Li Gou can only rely on these people at present.

He frowned and said: "Zhang Sheng, you are the strongest, and you have also fought against members of the Abyss Demon team. What do you think we should do now?"

"Should I be direct and tough, or ambush?"


"Hand over the soul gem, and pray that the other party will let us go?"

"Anyway, give me an opinion!"


Zhang Sheng also frowned.

However, his eyes were closed from beginning to end, so no one could see Zhang Sheng's eyes, and could only guess what the other party meant through subtle facial expressions.

But it is undoubtedly difficult.

At least.

Li Gou couldn't guess Zhang Sheng's thoughts from Zhang Sheng's face.

His Royal Highness Kill and others have known Zhang Sheng for a long time, so they can understand some of it naturally, but before Zhang Sheng opened his mouth, they would not talk nonsense.

after all……

Relatively speaking.

Li Gou wasn't really a member of their squad yet.

Must be on guard.

To know.

This time the whereabouts were exposed, which was strange in itself.

And the biggest suspect is Li Gou, who came in halfway. This is also something that can't be helped, who called the team battle in Samsara Space this time, requiring each team to have at least five people.

All those who don't have enough numbers can only temporarily gather team members in the dungeon world to complete the task together. As for whether they can survive, it depends on their luck and ability.

And this time.

Their luck is obviously not so good.

He even ran into the famous Abyssal Demon Team. If he didn't plan well, he might end up here today.


It was rumored that almost none of those who fought against the Abyss Demon team survived.

Zhang Sheng is one of the few exceptions.


This is also related to the fact that the Abyss Demon team he met back then was not the main force, but only the outermost members, but what he encountered today was a third-level team.

Although it is not the first level, it is quite terrifying.

At the very least, in the reincarnation space, this level is enough to sweep almost all teams of the same level.

If not, Xiaoxue would not be so desperate, her first thought was to run away.

It's not that she is cowardly, but that the enemy is too strong.

to be honest.

If possible.

Naturally, Zhang Sheng didn't want to provoke the Abyssal Demon team. After all, their task was to obtain at least one infinite gem, not to fight with other team members.

But the crux of the problem is that there are only a few infinite gems in total, but there are more than 20 teams participating in the battle!

The monks have less meat, so the result can be imagined.

Fighting is inevitable.

As for Zhang Sheng and the others, the main reason for their safe survival up to now is to keep a low profile. Unfortunately, it is impossible for God to always take care of them.


They are being targeted.

Whether it's because of the soul gem or something else.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng had to make a choice, whether to surrender without a fight, give up the soul gem, or directly confront the opponent.

Anyway, it is impossible to escape.

after all.

The other party is not a fool.

Don't come early, don't come late, but wait for them to get the soul gem and reappear. Obviously, they have already made all the preparations. How could they let Zhang Sheng and others leave so easily.


"In addition to the number of personnel, we also have soul gems. Maybe I can use the power of soul gems to fight against the abyssal demon team..."

"Although the odds of winning are still slim, it's not hopeless after all..."

"That's the decision!"


Think twice.

In the end, Zhang Sheng still chose to be tough, he was really unwilling to give up like this, the soul gem that he finally obtained.


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