The Storm God

Chapter 4092 Fishing in troubled waters! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of what Zhang Sheng and others are thinking.


Bai Xiaofei's attention had already shifted to the five people who were just teleported to Planet Vormir, who were almost all dressed in the same attire.

These people are strong!

Even in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, he is considered a relatively powerful character.


This does not say.

They can put pressure on Bai Xiaofei.

If you really want to use your hands, Bai Xiaofei can hang and beat such a group with one hand. The reason why they are said to be powerful is because of their strength attribute.

In these bodies, Bai Xiaofei felt the familiar evil and darkness.

in short.

These guys are not going the right way.

But heretics!

Not only that.

In Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng's vision, the physical appearance of these people is just an illusion, their real body is actually a very ferocious and terrifying demon.

Because the power is so pure that even Bai Xiaofei couldn't tell for a while, whether these people became like this because they practiced demons and heretics;

But there is one thing that Bai Xiaofei can be sure of.

That is Zhang Sheng and five people, there is a high probability that they will not be the opponents of these demons and heretics. According to Zhang Sheng and others, these seem to come from a group organization called the Abyss Demon Team, and they are only at the third level.

Doesn't this mean that above them, there are second-level, first-level, and even super, or special-level or something?

The third level is so scary, isn't the superior who is more powerful than them even more terrifying?

To this.

Bai Xiaofei can only say that it is worthy of the reincarnation space.

This is similar to the method of raising Gu, and it has really cultivated a lot of powerful characters. Not to mention the Oneiroi and others before, this Abyss Demon team alone is definitely not easy to mess with.

"If you encounter it in the future, you have to be careful."

Bai Xiaofei secretly reminded himself.


There was one more thing that caught his attention.

The invasion of the reincarnation space seems to be not just one person, or a group of people, but some kind of team battle...

Speaking of this.

The first thing that came to Bai Xiaofei's mind was a certain chicken eating game, and he thought: "Could it be that the reincarnation space borrowed this template to let these team members under his command fight each other?"

With that in mind.

At a certain moment, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help thinking of a bold plan: "Since it's a team battle, it means that there are definitely not a few members entering the reincarnation space this time..."

"It is impossible for the members of these reincarnation spaces to know all of them. At most, they have heard of each other's name, but how about the real deity, I guess they know more or less..."

"In this case……"

"Then can I take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and sneak directly into the reincarnation space? Although there are also undercover agents there, it is not as efficient as sneaking in by myself..."

"As for identity, don't worry about it. As long as you move fast enough, you can take advantage of the other party's reincarnation wristwatch and other identity marks before they are destroyed, and then change your body shape and appearance. It is estimated that the reincarnation space will be destroyed. Can't detect..."

"Of course, it's not impossible to fail, but since the previous undercover agents have nothing to do, it means that it's not impossible to get away with cheating the reincarnation space..."

"With my strength and means, the probability of success is still very high."

"The only problem is that the current reincarnation members have found too little. Except for Zhang Sheng and five people, they are from the Abyss Demon Team..."


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but paused slightly, and then smiled wryly: "Don't even think about the Abyss Demon team, they are all a group of demons in human skin, although it's not impossible to pretend to be them, but it's too tiring, and there may be more monsters inside. In a complicated situation, the possibility of exposure is extremely high..."

"in comparison."

"It's still easier for Zhang Sheng and the other five, especially that single dog Li Gou. His interpersonal relationship doesn't seem to be very good, and he pretends to be a thief..."

"Even if it doesn't work, I can use them to contact more reincarnation members..."

"Well, that's it, let's wait and see what happens for now. When they fight in a while and both sides will suffer, I will fish in troubled waters, and the oriole will be behind..."

"If you want to do it, then come to Boda!"


Someone quickly made up his mind.

And this time.

The five members of Zhang Sheng were also ready, and they used their own methods one after another, ambush for ambush, and energy for accumulating energy, waiting for the abyss demon team to approach and smash each other to the end.

Poor Red Skull, as an innocent spectator, is in such a terrible environment. He can't stay or run. It's a dilemma. Don't mention how sad it is.

no way.

Although it is in the state of a ghost now, ordinary attacks and the like have no effect on the Red Skull, but people like Zhang Sheng are not ordinary.

Just ghosts.

Not to mention the low strength of Red Skull itself, even if his strength has increased to a certain extent, at this moment, he is just a slightly stronger ant in front of Zhang Sheng and others.

The Red Skull can easily be wiped out.


Even more frightening are those guys from the Abyssal Demon Team. The opponents are real demons and heretics. They are born with an absolute advantage over spirits such as ghosts.

Because a large part of their source of strength comes from this.

It is no exaggeration to say that in front of the Abyssal Devils, the Red Skull is pure rations, the most wonderful food in the world!

After finally breaking the curse of the soul gem and regaining his freedom, he was suddenly involved in such a terrible battle.

This moment.

Red Skull cried in his heart.


If I had known this, it would be better to lift the curse. At least I have the protection of the power of the soul gem, and I also have the buff of immortality, so it's better now...

It's so straight to the end!


No one cares about him.

The Red Skull didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only pretend to be calm, put on his previous high-cold appearance, and continued to stand on the side of the sacrificial circle, trying to minimize his presence as much as possible.

Fortunately, his operation was really successful.

At the very least, Zhang Sheng and the others took the Red Skull seriously, but simply regarded it as a dispensable weak chicken NPC, and completely forgot about it.

And the other side.

The goal of the Abyss Demon team is the soul gem, as well as Zhang Sheng and others.

They really don't have much interest in the rations of a weak chicken, at least for now. As for what will happen later, they don't know.


The two waves of teams met.

The two sides confronted each other on the top of the sacrificial mountain. As soon as they met, Zhang Sheng opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.


The five members of the Abyss Demon Team didn't give him a chance to speak at all. They came up with a roar, followed by a terrifying evil force, which turned into dark clouds all over the sky, rolling up endless darkness and frost, and moved towards Zhang Sheng and others. People smashed their brains over.

"Damn it!"

"These guys have no intention of letting us go, everyone, don't hold back, show your real skills, and fight with your life!"

"Otherwise our end will be a dead end!"

"Fight with them!"


Zhang Sheng is the boss.

As a matter of course, they started the mobilization work, and took the lead, immediately burst into strength, rushed to the forefront, and had a head-on confrontation with the evil power of the abyssal demon team.


Just for a moment.

Zhang Sheng flew upside down several meters away as if hit by a car.

Obviously, although his strength is very strong, it is still far behind the guys of the Abyss Demon team, so he was repelled in one round.

And this time.

Killing His Highness, Lan Lan, Xiaoxue, and Li Gou also took action one after another, each using their means to block the evil force that wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

The two sides launched the first round of stalemate.


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