The Storm God

Chapter 4094 Win over Yigo! (Please subscribe!)

"Hoo hoo..."

"It's so dangerous, I thought it was going to be cold this time, but I didn't expect to escape so easily, that's the Abyss Demon Team..."

"Zhang Sheng, you are too good!"



On some desolate planet.

Five figures suddenly descended from the sky like dumplings.

However, they were all very strong. Before they fell to the ground, they all stabilized their bodies, and then they landed steadily, and then they began to rejoice.

Zhang Sheng's girlfriend, Lan Lan, couldn't help it even more, hugged Zhang Sheng, offered her sweet kiss, and forcibly fed a handful of dog food again.

This made Li Gou, a single dog who had escaped from death and was very happy, suddenly depressed again.

"Depend on!"

"I'm really fed up with you guys, please, can you be a little bit more concerned about my feelings? Hey, I'm still single!"

"I'm going to freak out like this!"


A posture of strong opposition.

But it's a pity that neither of the couples in the two teams paid any attention to him, and continued to hug Ken Hu, sprinkling dog food wave after wave...


The helpless Li Gou could only turn his head to the side angrily, pretending he didn't see it.

After a while.

The two couples finally had enough.

Only then did His Royal Highness put the topic on the right track, and said: "It's really lucky this time, if it wasn't for the Abyss Demon team being too careless, they didn't use their full strength at the beginning, and Zhang Sheng borrowed the power of the soul gem, If we break through in one fell swoop, we won't be able to escape from Planet Vormir so easily."

"That's right!"

Zhang Sheng nodded and said: "Everyone has seen the strength of the Abyss Demon team. Even if they don't exert their full strength and just stay in human form, they are better than me. If we meet again next time, I'm afraid they won't It will be so easy to deal with."

"So we have to speed up and improve our strength while looking for as many infinite gems as possible. Only in this way can we take the initiative..."

"That's right!"

"Boss is right!"


When everyone heard the words, they all immediately agreed.

Only Li Gou couldn't help curling his lips, and snorted: "It's easy to say, but it's really easy to do, how can it be so easy..."

"Let's not talk about the threat of the Abyss Demon team, and the other teams are not easy to provoke. When I arrested people before, I heard that the power gem has been obtained by the Titan team..."

"Their strength is already strong, and they are extremely durable and resistant to beatings. Now that they have obtained the power gem, it can be said to be even more powerful. It is estimated that even the Abyss Demon Team will find it difficult to defeat them, let alone us..."

"As for the other infinity gems, either there is no clue, or there is an owner, what do you want us to do? Could it be that we are going to grab it from other teams?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

I have to say that although Li Gou's words were indeed a bit harsh, they were all true. Their current situation was really not very good.

Apart from owning the soul gem, there is almost no advantage.

It just happened to be targeted by the Abyss Demon Team.

It's annoying.

Unlike other squads.

Even if they haven't got the infinite gems yet, at least they are relatively safe, or they have established their own forces and borrowed the power of the natives to search for clues to the infinite gems.

Now they can only hide in the dark, because once they appear, they may be chased and intercepted by the abyssal demon team.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

To this.

Zhang Sheng was also helpless.

Having said that, it was a coincidence to learn that the Soul Gem was on the planet Vormir, but unexpectedly, he and the others became pawns of the Abyssal Demon Team.

Fortunately, they escaped.

But the disadvantages are not without, at least the Abyss Demon team will not let them go easily, and with the pissing nature of the opponent, I am afraid that they will also release the news that they and others have soul gems, attracting more reincarnation teams to come to fight for them. Rob.

in short.

It is estimated that Zhang Sheng and others will not have a good life in the future. Thinking of this, their brows couldn't help but frown.


We are so hard!


Zhang Sheng recovered, looked at Li Gou, and said with a sneer, "Then what good way do you have to solve the predicament in front of you?"

He knew Li Gou's personality.

If there is no way, it is impossible to say so much, these are just foreshadowing for his follow-up speech.

as expected.

Hearing Zhang Sheng's inquiry, Li Gou suddenly smiled: "To be honest, I really have a solution. Collector Tiwan, you should know?"


Everyone nodded.

Lan Lan was puzzled and said: "Tiwan the Collector used to be the biggest leader of the dark forces in the universe, but he was killed by T'Challa Star-Lord and others, and now the forces are also falling apart. I heard that the Power Gem is here. The time period is wandering outside..."

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?"


Not only him.

The other three were also full of puzzlement.

After all, Collector Tiwan was dead, and a dead person couldn't help them.

Li Gou said with a smile: "Indeed, the dead are of little help to us, but don't forget, the collector Tiwan has the richest collection in the universe..."

"Although he died, those collections did not disappear with him, but were all divided up by the younger brothers under his command..."

"I mean, maybe we can snatch some of the more powerful weapons and equipment to enhance the strength of ourselves and others..."

"Although most of the collections are dispensable to us, they are rubbish gadgets that can't be of much help, but there are also some top-notch treasures..."

"It's like the embers of creation!"


Speaking of which.

Li Gou paused for a moment, and seeing that everyone was thinking, he continued: "It only needs a dozen grams of that thing to completely fill a planet with life. If it is used to make medicine, it is definitely comparable to fairy beans." God-level life-saving baby..."


"We can still use it for transactions, like Mars Ego, whose space expansion plan was blocked, I believe that the embers of creation will help him make a comeback..."

"Using the embers of creation, we can win Egg over!"

"Although this guy's body is very fragile, as long as his body is well protected, his combat power is still very terrifying..."

"The most important thing is that Yi Ge's seeds plan to spread all life planets in the universe. With his help, we will have an unparalleled super intelligence network, which will help us find infinite gems. can be of great help.”

"What do you think?"


After hearing these words, Zhang Sheng and the others were all stunned.

Apparently, they never expected that Li Gou, who is single, had thought so much. The key point was that the plan seemed to be pretty good.


After some simple discussions, Zhang Sheng and the others quickly approved Li Gou's plan, but immediately after that, the problem came again:

In whose hands are the embers of creation now?

as well as……

Has Egg been wooed?

Li Gou said: "Don't worry, I've already heard about the embers of creation. It's in the hands of Thanos' daughter Xing Yun, and Yi Ge hasn't been wooed by anyone now. It's probably because people look down on him, a brainless trash." , all chose to ignore..."

"all in all."

"This is definitely our chance, but time waits for no one, so I think that next we should split into two groups. One is to persuade Yi Ge, and the other is to find Nebula and find a way to grab the embers of creation!"

"I think the latter suits me better."

"What do you think?"


Li Gou finally revealed his purpose.


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