The Storm God

Chapter 4095 The skull is green! (Please subscribe!)


Hearing this, the four of Zhang Sheng had complicated expressions on their faces.

Although Yi Ge's strength looks rubbish, his attack is extremely high. If he uses it well, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Anyone with a little brain in the reincarnation space will probably think about it.

Even if a better candidate is chosen, it is estimated that someone will play Yi Ge's idea.

after all……

Marvel Universe at this stage.

There are only a few masters who can do it.

In order to win, it is normal to do whatever it takes. Li Gou asked himself to wait for others to win over Yi Ge, but he was looking for Xing Yun to snatch the embers of creation...


No matter how it looks, it looks like a scam.

But thinking about it carefully, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this plan, because no matter what the situation is on Yigo's side, forming an alliance with him is the best choice for Zhang Sheng and others.

The difference is that this trip does not include Li Gou.

Of course.

Li Gou, you guys are keen to find Xingyun and the embers of creation, and the purpose is naturally not simple. Zhang Sheng and others speculate that the treasure is fake, and the desire to satisfy the desire is the truth.

To know.

The nebula in this world is not the bald mechanical appearance of other versions, but a big beauty with long golden hair. Although she has blue skin, she can't stand her figure.

In addition, Li Gou is a standard single dog, and he can guess it with his toes. Li Gou's purpose of going to Xingyun must not be pure.

However, Zhang Sheng and others didn't say anything.


Whether you see through or not, you are still good friends.

The opponent is still his teammate at present, so there is still a minimum tolerance.

The key point is that in the entire team, Li Gou is the only one who is single, and the two of them are lovers, who throw dog food at every turn, and abuse the dog in a fancy way, which is justified.

Now what face is there to blame others for looking for beautiful women to relax?

Anyway, Zhang Sheng and the others are ashamed.


So that's it.

After Zhang Sheng and the others looked at each other, they readily agreed.


The five discussed the details of the plan in detail, and after confirming that there was no major problem, they parted ways, divided into two groups, and each started to implement the plan.

Zhang Sheng and the others rode a black-tech interstellar fighter purchased from the reincarnation space, and galloped straight to the location of the living planet Ego.

Li Gou, on the other hand, transformed into a green-skinned Skrull, drove a small fighter plane purchased from Xandar, and left this unknown, desolate planet.

And what they don't know is.

All the plans of the five people were fully understood by Bai Xiaofei.


When they escaped from Planet Vormir, Bai Xiaofei also followed, and continued to watch the play silently until Zhang Sheng and others separated.


Bai Xiaofei's chance came.

However, he was not in a hurry to show up, but was ready to reap the rewards.

You know, the development of this world is completely messed up now, and the development of the plot itself does not conform to the main line, and a large number of members of the reincarnation space have entered into chaos to engage in some kind of team battle...

Just a mess.

Without complete assurance, Bai Xiaofei would not make a move easily.

not to mention.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't know the clues about Nebula and the embers of creation, so it's better to let Li Gou do it for him than to search for it himself.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei had already marked them.

As long as Li Gou finds the nebula and the embers of creation, Bai Xiaofei will be able to sense it immediately, and then he will take action in an instant and replace them, it will be so cool.


During this period.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't do nothing.

In addition to paying close attention to the situation of Zhang Sheng, Li Gou and others, he also turned into an interstellar predator, drove a miniature interstellar fighter, and came to the land of nothingness, ready to investigate other clues.


Apart from the known Zhang Sheng five, the Abyss Demon team, and the rumored Titan team, are there any other members of the Samsara team.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.


T'Challa's clues also need to be searched. After all, this is one of Bai Xiaofei's main tasks here. The appearance of the reincarnation team is purely accidental.

It is worth mentioning that.

The current place of ignorance is completely different from what Bai Xiaofei remembered.

The dark deep space of the universe is filled with a group of flocculent clouds, and the stars in the distance shed light, making the surface of the clouds reflect colorful, dreamlike, and the magnificent and magnificent scene is shocking.

In the center of the cloud, there is an extremely huge head floating.

This is ignorance.

After countless years, this head has been unable to get a glimpse of its true face, and it is more appropriate to call it a skull with its empty eye sockets.

The original ignorance, from a distance, looks like a huge human skull as a whole, and the bareness is terrifying.

Only when you enter the world of Neibu can you feel the prosperity and busyness inside.

And now...

This huge head floating in the cosmic nebula has completely turned into a vibrant green, and large tracts of unknown green plants almost cover the entire head.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't been sure that the coordinates of the place of nothingness were indeed correct, at this moment, he would almost doubt whether he had come to the wrong place.


Today's Nihility Land almost doesn't have the appearance of a skull. From a distance, it looks more like a huge tree of life.


Built on a gigantic tree that resembles a skull.

Even though he knew for a long time that the culprits of all this were T'Challa, Xingyun and others, but when he saw it with his own eyes, Bai Xiaofei still couldn't help being slightly surprised.

He sighed secretly in his heart: "Is this the power of the embers of creation? It's just a few small particles, but it can have such power..."

"Absolutely the ultimate treasure!"


The former land of ignorance was the domain of the collector Tiwan.

All the rules are specified by the collector, but now, with the fall of the collector Tiwan, this place has completely become a free place without any rules.

Of course.

The so-called "no rules" is also relative.

In fact, here, there are still certain rules, which are roughly the same as before, but they are much less restrictive and mandatory.

After all, there is no absolute strong force to suppress, and it is easy for lawbreakers to challenge the majesty of the rules, even if several strong figures who have risen to take advantage of the chaos have carried out joint management.

In the final analysis, their strength is not strong enough.

Think before.

When the collector Tiwan is here, who dares to make trouble? There is no need for him to send someone to do it, the rest of the people will spontaneously settle all the troubles for him.

Because doing so can be exchanged for a bounty.


If you perform well, you may even get a top-quality collection from the collector Tiwan. With the benefits, there must be a brave man.

But now it is different.

Although the collector Tiwan died, his collections are still there, but they were acquired by different people and forces, but the forces of several parties could not be unified, so that no one had enough threatening power.

As a result, ignorance has completely become a paradise for some people.

Just like outlaws.

If you are lucky, you may be able to make a lot of money with just one order, and you will reach the pinnacle of your life and realize the freedom of wealth.


Today's ignorant land is more mixed than before, killing people in the street, robbing property and women, has almost become the norm.

Only those who are truly powerful and capable can run amok and walk freely.

And Bai Xiaofei is one of them.


He came to the interior of Nihility, a bar where missions were given.

Here, as long as you have enough money and rewards, you can issue almost any reward task and make people work crazily for it.

Bai Xiaofei came here to inquire about news.


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