The Storm God

Chapter 4096 Let's grab it directly! (Please subscribe!)

"No news?"

After inquiring around, Bai Xiaofei returned disappointed, then sat in a corner depressed, frowning, and drank a dull wine.


Drinking is fake.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei took this opportunity to review the various problems and troubles he encountered now, as well as the information about the enemy's situation.


Nature is Infinite Ultron.

This stuff is scary, Bai Xiaofei has seen it before.

After the last failure, Ultron's comeback will only be more terrifying, so it must not be underestimated, its threat level is even far higher than that of the reincarnation team.

At the very least, according to the information Bai Xiaofei has so far, the strength of these Samsara team members does not seem to be very powerful.

Anyway, with Bai Xiaofei's current state of adding infinite gems to his body, it is very easy to kill those guys, but against Ultron, Bai Xiaofei dare not say that he is absolutely sure.

This is the gap between the two sides.


This is where the infinite stones of this world belong.

Although in this bar, Bai Xiaofei didn't find any news about Xingjue and Thanos, but he learned some clues about Infinity Stones through hearsay.

for example……

The power gem, in the hands of the reincarnation space Titans.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube disappeared with the disappearance of the collector Tiwan. There is still no relevant information, but a guy said that he had seen similar things on a planet controlled by the Cree.

Whether it is specific or not, the other party cannot guarantee.

In Bai Xiaofei's opinion, this news should probably be true, because the other party also claimed to have seen Captain Marvel and a very scary orange cat.

It is precisely because of the following information that Bai Xiaofei dares to make such a conclusion.

after all.

Captain Marvel has seen the Rubik's Cube.

It is very likely that because of the Rubik's Cube, there was another conflict with the Cree, and even his pet "Orange Cat" Yuan Devourer was used.

It can be seen how serious the situation is this time.

As for the specific situation, it is unknown. The person who sold the information just took a look from a distance and then fled immediately.

But the result should not be difficult to guess, either in the hands of the Kree or in the hands of Captain Marvel.

As for Captain Marvel, he is relatively close to the Scruis.

The two parties are in a cooperative relationship.

in addition.

That's the clue to the Mind Stone.

There are rumors that a certain group organization has obtained a glittering gemstone, and used it to bewitch a large number of creatures, kneeling and worshiping it like a believer.

so far.

Almost all of the six infinite gems came out.

The Time Stone is in the hands of Earth's Supreme Sworn Strange, so there shouldn't be any danger for the time being, but it's not sure, after all, the space of reincarnation has been invaded.

It is very likely that they will be robbed by reincarnation members.

"Would you like to go back to Earth first?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled helplessly.

Immediately, continue to analyze and summarize the information: "The Reality Gem is in my hands, the Soul Gem is on Zhang Sheng's holy clothes, and all six gems have their own owners."

"To me, the most unfamiliar ones are undoubtedly the Titans and the holder of the Soul Stone. According to the analysis of the situation, the latter is likely to be a member of the reincarnation space."

"After all, I haven't heard of anyone developing believers in Marvel."


Thinking of this.

A pink-skinned female alien suddenly walked up to Bai Xiaofei, and said respectfully and enthusiastically: "Mr. Bai, your task has been released, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No thanks."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, and then very readily took out some extraterrestrial coins, and handed it to the other party as a tip: "If there is any new progress in the mission, please inform me in time, and the benefits will definitely be yours."

"Thank you Mr. Bai, you are so generous!"

The female alien was overjoyed immediately, and looked at Bai Xiaofei with gratitude, and even more enthusiasm, as if she wanted to melt Bai Xiaofei.

after all.

Someone as good-tempered, handsome, and young and rich as Bai Xiaofei is very rare. For this, they are very willing to have something to do with him.


They are doomed to be mere fantasies.

After drinking the last drink in the glass, Bai Xiaofei turned around and left.

next moment.

His figure disappeared into nothingness.

at the same time.


New York, Holy of Holies.


Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful and unparalleled divine sense swept out immediately, taking a panoramic view of the entire Sanctuary of New York.


"Fortunately, those members of the reincarnation team haven't visited the earth yet, Doctor Strange's time stone is still there, it seems that my luck is still okay..."

"To be on the safe side, get the Time Stone first."

"At least it can take some initiative."


Bai Xiaofei secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Doctor Strange also sensed Bai Xiaofei's arrival, and flew out directly, with a complicated expression, "You're finally here..."


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "What's the situation? He seems to have been waiting for me for a long time. Could it be that he noticed something?"

He was about to ask.

But Strange didn't give Bai Xiaofei a chance to speak at all, and while casting a spell, he took out the time gem from the Eye of Agamotto on his chest, and said to Qianqian: "The disaster is about to come, I think time It’s better to leave the gem to you for safekeeping temporarily, I hope you won’t let me down…”


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly even more confused.

I rely on!

I haven't said anything yet, you just gave me the Time Stone? Do you want it to be so easy, or do you, like Master Gu Yi, have a premonition from the future?

In amazement.

Bai Xiaofei didn't take the time gem right away, but looked at Strange in a daze, wanting to ask something: "Well... did you see something? It's about the future? Can you tell me about it?"

The voice just fell.

Before Doctor Strange could open his mouth, he heard a loud "boom", which came directly from the outside. Not only that, but also bursts of terrifying energy shocks and shocks.

next moment.

The Sanctuary of New York, as if it had been attacked by a shell, was instantly torn apart and shattered. The main structure of the entire building was almost destroyed.


Because the interior is protected by magical power, the damage suffered is far less serious than it looks on the outside, and there are no casualties.

And masters like Bai Xiaofei and Strange naturally wouldn't be injured because of this, but the sudden attack made them frown.

follow closely.

Several faces in white robes with stern faces appeared directly above the Holy of Holies, looking down on Bai Xiaofei and Strange below from a height.

One of the men ordered in a deep voice: "Doctor Strange, if you don't want to die, hand over the Time Stone immediately..."


I'm only halfway through.

They saw the scene where Strange was holding the Time Stone and was about to hand it to Bai Xiaofei in the Holy of Holies after the smoke and dust had passed.


The man froze when he opened his mouth.

Not only him, but the rest of the men in white robes were also shocked when they saw such a scene, and their eyes widened.

One of the men with cockscomb hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes couldn't help shouting: "Damn it! Boss, it's so dangerous. If we slow down a little bit, the Time Stone will fall into someone else's hands..."

"The situation is like this, what a waste of time."

"Go ahead and grab it!"


The words are not finished yet.

The whole person instantly moved in front of Bai Xiaofei, while thinking about Bai Xiaofei with one foot, at the same time, his right hand stretched out to snatch the time gem from Doctor Strange's hand.


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