The Storm God

Chapter 4097 Reaper team! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was depressed at that time.

Obviously, he didn't expect that his luck would be used up so quickly. Before the gems were in his hands, someone came to him.

The moment he saw those men in white robes, Bai Xiaofei had already confirmed the identity of the other party, he was definitely a member of the reincarnation space.


Bai Xiaofei was too familiar with the style of clothing they were wearing.

Pretend to be dead!

And it's the white version of the captain's class.

The difference is that these people's white robes are not branded with the name and number of the team, but a big word "death".

I'm afraid that people don't know how to write dead characters.


None of this matters.

The most important thing is that these guys are very strong.

Although the level of strength is only around the early stage of the God Emperor Realm, but based on the clothes of these people and the daggers that exude terrifying soul power on their waists...

According to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, if there is no accident, it should be Zanpakuto of the God of Reaper. The current state of these guys should be only at the normal level.

Once the Zanpakuto at his waist is pulled out, or there is a means of breaking the face and blurring, the strength of the opponent may increase several times in an instant.

That is.

This group of people must not be underestimated.

Even if their strength is the same in Bai Xiaofei's view, the power of the god of death cannot be measured by common sense.

Especially those rule-based Zanpakuto, or special abilities, with abnormal bugs, even Bai Xiaofei is helpless.

And just when he was depressed and shocked, the man with the cockscomb head teleported in front of him, and then directly started to take away the time gem.

"Want to grab the time gem?"

"No way!"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became angry.

Fear is fear, but it doesn't mean that Bai Xiaofei is afraid of the other party.

Seeing that these guys dare to ignore their own existence and directly grab things, Bai Xiaofei immediately decided to give them some flair.

next moment.

The sneering Bai Xiaofei shouted angrily, and also kicked him.


Kick two feet together.

Terrible power instantly erupted into terrifying sound waves and air waves, and the man with the cockscomb head flew out as if he had been hit by a high-speed train.

And this time.

His hand was only about 0.1 centimeter away from the Time Gem in Strange's hand, and after that, there was no more.

The man with the cockscomb head was kicked out by Bai Xiaofei.

His body was like a cannonball, and it knocked down countless nearby buildings in an instant. From a distance, he could see a huge and long dreadful ravine, which severely tore apart the entire city.

Numerous buildings were destroyed because of this, and many people died because of it.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

Big deal, just snap your fingers afterwards to restore everything.

The most important thing right now is to get the time gem, and then kill these reincarnation members, and then pry out some useful information from the other party.

Bai Xiaofei was still worrying about not being able to find a suitable partner. The appearance of the white-robed man and others was like sending a pillow when he fell asleep, so timely.

"Mr. Strange, since you are so generous, I won't be polite to you. Facts have proved that your decision is still very wise. It is safer to keep the time gem with me!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile.

at the same time.

Stretching out his hand, he directly took the time gem from Doctor Strange's hand, and then put it back into his small world in an instant.

Only in this way can nothing go wrong.


Doctor Strange was speechless.

In the sky, those men in white robes standing in the air, watching what happened below, also remained silent, their eyes full of astonishment.

There was even a little doubt and fear in the eyes of the leader.


Bai Xiaofei's kick just now.

Others can't see the power, but he can see some clues.

He thought to himself that if it were him, he might not be able to stop Bai Xiaofei's kick, and the result would be just like Mills, being kicked away by the opponent, making him very embarrassed.

There are not many guys with such strength in Marvel.

The other party is so unfamiliar, it is expected that he is not an aborigine, could it be other team members in the reincarnation space? But why is he the only one?

Could it be a lone wolf?


If this is the case, the situation will be even more dangerous.

Although our ability is equally powerful and terrifying, it is not invincible. This time it is a team battle, and the opponent dares to act alone, which shows that we have absolute confidence...

Shall we withdraw first?


I'm so unhappy.

The Time Stone is clearly right in front of you, and if you don't even hit it, you will be withdrawn. If word of this gets out, where will the dignity of our Reaper team be put?

Let's try it out first.

If there is really something that cannot be done, there is no way to do it, even if it is withdrawn, no one will say anything...

With that in mind.

The leader immediately made a decision.

But just when he opened his mouth and was about to say something, a terrifying and powerful energy suddenly burst out from the ruins of the building that was knocked out of a huge ravine of nearly a thousand meters in the distance.

That power aura, like a volcanic eruption, is terrifying.

The air wave alone smashed all the buildings within a radius of tens of meters to pieces, and the shock wave spread, forming a huge open area immediately.

The white clouds in the sky were completely dispersed, and the weather became agitated and chaotic, so that the light that the sun shone down was greatly distorted.

And the source of all this was the cockscomb-headed man who had just been kicked away by Bai Xiaofei.


"Unexpectedly, Mills I, the wise one, stumbled here. If I don't get this place back today, how will I mess around in the future?"

"Boss, don't let any of you stop me. I want to deal with this nasty guy myself. You just need to grab the time gem."


As he rose from the ruins, he said to himself.

But he didn't notice that his boss and others were speechless and embarrassed when they heard this, and they are still grabbing the time gem.

The Time Gem has been snatched away by someone long ago. Let's put it away.

Let you come, we can only watch the show!


After the embarrassment, the captain of the Reaper team quickly laughed and said to himself, "Since Mills is so active, let him do the probing task."

"As for Doctor Strange, don't worry about it at all, after all, he no longer has the Time Stone in his hands..."

"But if the other party doesn't know good from bad, then we can only send him on his way."


I thought so in my heart.

The captain of the Reaper team also didn't have idle hands.

I saw his hands dancing quickly, revealing countless complex imprints in an instant, and chanting some special spell faintly in his mouth.

next moment.

Six beams of golden light descended from the sky and turned into six beams of unidentified light, which were respectively inserted in six directions about a hundred kilometers away from the Holy Sanctuary in New York.

When the beams of light landed on the ground, there was a sudden induction between them, and then a nearly substantive light was quickly stimulated, connecting and converging with each other, forming a huge Wupeng blockade formation.

Bai Xiaofei, Strange, and Mills were all enveloped in the big formation, while the rest of the Reaper team were all outside the big formation.

The intention is obvious.

The blockade restricts the actions of Bai Xiaofei and Doctor Strange to ensure that they will not escape, but if the situation is not good for the Reaper team, it will be convenient for these people to escape.

As for Mills' safety?


I understand everything.

It's a pity that Mills at this time was completely dazzled by anger, and all he could think about was seeking revenge from Bai Xiaofei, without realizing this problem at all.

Or maybe he knows, but doesn't care at all.

In short.

him at this moment.

Already planning to fight Bai Xiaofei to the end.


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