The Storm God

Chapter 4098 Black Wing Emperor! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

"And it's a spell that I've never seen before. This feeling seems to be activated by soul power, but how can a person have such a terrifying and powerful soul power?"

"Who are these people?"

"Could it be..."

Regardless of what Mills thought.

Within the big array.

Doctor Strange was shocked by the methods of the Reaper team, frowning and looking at the wall of light rising into the sky, forming a large blockade formation, thoughtful.


He also immediately assumed a defensive posture.

But it's a pity that no one cared about him at all, all the attention was almost on Bai Xiaofei, even though the latter was still standing there like a normal person.

"It really is the means of death."

"The teleportation just now, is it Shunpo, or Ring Turn? Or an enhanced version after mastering it? And this special blockade formation, is it also transformed from the ghost way of death?"

"These guys seem to have thoroughly researched everything in their Death God world, but they just don't know how capable their Zanpakuto is?"

"Just to be on the safe side, it's better to be cautious."


Bai Xiaofei was relaxed on the surface.

But in fact, he was full of vigilance in his heart. After all, losing is not losing, no matter how strong the enemy is, first hold the momentum first.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei is not without cards.

With the Infinity Stones and the Marvel universe, Bai Xiaofei is almost an almighty god who can do whatever he wants.

As long as you don't make all kinds of waves, there is no possibility of losing.


This is only theoretical. If you encounter some abnormal and bug abilities, it's really hard to say who will win or lose.

Just like the god of death.

The Yuhabach in it is omniscient and omnipotent, and he wants to eat as much as he wants, but in the end he is still confused by Aizen's illusion, and is finally hacked to death by a kitchen knife.

It's just as outrageous as it is.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to be like that guy, so he raised his spirits from the beginning, especially when he saw Mills and pulled out his own Zanpakuto.


As soon as Mills' Zanpakuto was pulled out, there were bursts of buzzing sounds, as if excited and cheering. At the same time, a special soul power also emanated from it, and merged with Mills' soul power. Together.

this moment.

Mills' strength has improved significantly.

But the magnitude is not very large.


He shouted: "Spread your wings, Black Wing Emperor!"

With the liberation of Shijie's real name, the Zanpakutō in Mills' hand began to change shape in the bright light.

at the same time.

Mills' strength also improved rapidly like a rocket.


Zanpakuto has completed its transformation.

The light faded away.

The former blade was gone, and replaced by a strange robe as black as ink. The robe had huge and ferocious black wings, shaped like a bat, and there were terrifying bone claws at the joints of the wing bones, showing their sharpness.

Mills' hands turned into slender and sharp claws.

The cold light flickered, extremely frightening.


The most surprising thing is undoubtedly the appearance of Mills.

At this moment, he actually has an extremely ugly animal face. Judging from his appearance, he looks a bit like a mouse, but he has terrifying fangs.

With his current shape, he is very similar to a vampire.


Seeing Mills' special shape, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help widening his eyes, and said in a daze, "I'll go, this is the shape? Isn't it the beginning solution, but the return blade?"

In the settings of the god of death.

There are several special power systems, and the most talked about among them are undoubtedly the release of Zanpakutō and Xu's return to blade.

And the so-called returning to the blade is to return the broken body to its original appearance.

Of course.

This is not simply a change from what it used to be.

Rather, these voids were all boosted by Beng Yu, and then the final power after strengthening was sealed in the form of Zanpakutō.

Returning to the blade is equivalent to the liberation of the Shinigami Zanpakutō, and it will regain its original appearance. At the same time, the power of the seal will also be liberated, and its strength will be greatly improved.


Returning to the blade can also restore the previous injuries, which can be said to have many benefits.

At first, Bai Xiaofei thought that Mills was a god of death. From this point of view, it should probably be the ghost after breaking the face, otherwise he wouldn't suddenly turn into a monster.

But the strange thing is that Bai Xiaofei didn't find a void in this huge vampire-like monster.

Generally speaking.

But whatever is empty, there will be empty holes.

Xu hole is like the human heart, it is the fatal point, if it can hit there, it will cause great damage to Xu.

But on Mills, Bai Xiaofei didn't find a void.

That is to say, the other party may not be Xu, but if it is not Xu, then what is going on with this monster now?

Could it be that it was optimized and improved by the reincarnation space, so you can't see the virtual hole?

Think about it too.

after all……

Whether it is the void or the god of death, they are all soul bodies.

But these guys in front of them are not like that, they are real living people, but their soul power is extremely powerful.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei no longer struggled with this issue.

Instead, he directly manifested a sword with his terrifying and vast soul power, intending to use this sword to deal with the enemy.

To know.

Whether it's Void or Reaper, their attacks all have the dual attributes of physical and soul, if they don't carry out special protective treatment, they will inevitably suffer losses.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei, who knows something about Zanpakuto, and his soul power is extremely powerful, and he has profound attainments, so he can use this method to fight against these guys.

If it were someone else, it might be a sad reminder.


Doctor Strange next to Bai Xiaofei.

Although he also knows some soul-type magic, but if he wants to use it to fight against it, playing with the power of the death god system in terms of soul power, it is a bit tricky.


Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to remind Strange: "Leave it to me to deal with it. What you have to do is to stay as far away from the battlefield as possible, so as not to be affected by the fish!"


"These people are best at attacking the soul. Be careful yourself. They are not weak. Even I may not be able to save your life."

"Or, you can try to leave."


Someone has a good heart.

After all, the current battle has nothing to do with Doctor Strange. The main purpose of these people is the time stone.

And the Time Stone is now in Bai Xiaofei's hands.

"Thank you for reminding."

Doctor Strange was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said sincerely: "I will pay attention, you don't need to worry about me, you should concentrate on fighting."

No intention of leaving at all.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't force it either.

At this time, Mills, who had transformed into a giant bat vampire, had spread his huge bat wings and attacked Bai Xiaofei.

With just a light flap of a pair of giant Wupeng's wings, there is an endless gust of wind, turning into a tornado all over the sky, wrapped in a large number of spiritual power blades, strangling towards Bai Xiaofei.

Not only that.

Before the tornado's spiritual power blade arrived, Mills' terrifying ultrasonic waves had already arrived first, turning into circular real ripples all over the sky, bombarding down circle after circle.

True. Talkative. Noise attack.

"Come on, take your life!"


No matter what kind of attack it is, it has the lethality of both physical and spiritual attributes. In terms of power, it is also extremely domineering and terrifying.


Faced with these, Bai Xiaofei did not rush.

Seeing that Mills' sound wave and tornado blade were about to bully him, he unhurriedly raised his hand and swung his sword. At the same time, he softly shouted: "How dare you use an axe for such a small skill? I'll let you see it today." See how powerful I am when I cut the sky and draw the sword!"



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