The Storm God

Chapter 4099 Bloodthirsty Demon God! (Please subscribe!)

It was just an unremarkable sword, but it erupted with extremely terrifying and terrifying power, as if punished by the gods, when the sword came out, the world was at peace!

next moment.

The terrifying ring-shaped sound wave that seemed to be real, the violent tornado blade, was directly divided into two, and then instantly wiped out by the sword energy, completely annihilated.

Not only that.

Even their masters were pierced by the sword energy like lightning and flint.

A line of blood burst from the center of Mills' eyebrows, and then extended all the way down to his perineum, and then, the whole monster's figure was completely separated.

The pitch-black blood and weird internal organs immediately spilled all over the floor.

"How, how is it possible..."

The monster Mills turned into two halves, but still did not die on the spot, but under the influence of a certain effect, he quickly gathered towards the middle.

Just for a moment.

The two halves of the body that were split by the sword rejoined into one.

But his face was already full of dread and horror, obviously frightened by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength, "This is why I was not killed because of my immortal body, if it were someone else..."

The consequences were simply unimaginable.


And on the ground.

Seeing that the monster Mills was not killed by himself with a single sword, it was no exception.

after all……

These guys are all masters of the God Emperor Realm.

Moreover, he is also proficient in the power of the god of death, or the ability of Xu, the power of the soul is terrifying, how could he be easily beheaded by him?

Unless Bai Xiaofei can find out the opponent's weakness, even if the strength is stronger than the opponent, it will be difficult to completely eliminate him without any countermeasures.


compared to this.

What Bai Xiaofei is more interested in is undoubtedly the abilities of these people.

Based on the analysis of Mills' attack just now, combined with its appearance and means, Bai Xiaofei reckoned that the opponent's abilities should be related to vampires, bats, etc.

Of course.

This is just his preliminary guess, the specifics will not be known until he fights.

However, the ability of this immortal body is quite in line with the setting of some vampires, but I don't know where is its core?


Or other parts?

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, too lazy to think so much, sneered and said: "Since a sword is not enough, let's use something more ruthless, I don't believe you can still live if you read it into powder!"

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei decided to take the initiative.

Before Mills regained his senses, he stepped down a little, and the person instantly moved into the sky, and then directed at Mills, who was showing a horrified look, a move [Wan Jian Gui Zong].

In an instant.

Infinite sword radiance, sword energy and sword intent surged out of Bai Xiaofei's body like a blowout, and then turned into a vast ocean, blasting towards Mills overwhelmingly.


Millston was horrified.

Frightened in his heart, he said, "What the hell kind of ability is this? With such a terrifying power with just a single sword strike, I'm afraid this person has already reached the level of Dzogchen at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, right?"

this moment.

He no longer has any contempt.

The big black wings on the back quickly wrapped himself up, and at the same time erupted with his strongest strength, like a mainstay, forcibly resisting Bai Xiaofei's Wan Jian Guizong.


After the sword move, he also had a hard time.

The whole person seemed to be put into the sulfuric acid, the body was completely corroded, and the flesh and blood were blurred like a pool of rotten flesh.

And Mills' momentum has also weakened a lot.

But he still blocked Bai Xiaofei's attack after all, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but nodded secretly, and then praised Mills honestly: "Well, it's a good thing, but I didn't get wiped out by my Wanjian Guizong. They have a lot of cards."

Everything just now seemed simple, but it was not.

Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eye can see clearly, if only Mills' own strength, it is absolutely impossible to resist Wan Jian Guizong.

in critical moments.

Mills, who was wrapped in black wings, swallowed some special medicine, which gave him enough strength to support his body from being wiped out by Wan Jian.

"Damn bastard!"

It was good that Bai Xiaofei didn't mention this, but when he mentioned the trump card, Millston became even more angry, because what he took just now was a life-saving pill that was acquired at a huge price.

It was originally reserved for life-saving at critical moments, but unexpectedly it was used in the hands of a stranger so easily...

It just doesn't make sense.


Mills, who was getting more and more angry as he thought about it, suddenly couldn't care about anything else. While roaring wildly, the power in his body began to run wild again.

Like the water of a river that has broken its embankment, the infinite power is gathering momentum to explode.

And as he zoomed in, the vision reappeared in the sky, billowing dark clouds quickly swept in, and thunder and lightning as thick as a bucket also frequently flashed everywhere in the world.

The weirdest thing is.

In the city, the blood of countless ordinary human beings seemed to have consciousness and soul. With the outbreak of Mills, they voluntarily broke away from the shackles of the original owner, and crazily seeped out from the facial features and pores of his body.

Then it turned into countless torrents, flew into the sky like a frenzy, poured into Mills' body, and finally turned into a blood-colored giant cocoon to wrap Mills.

During this period.

Storms, thunder and lightning, are shown in turn.

These are not background boards, but rather a breeding ground for Mills. All of them are concentrated in the blood-colored giant cocoon, providing it with a good flashy environment.

at the same time.

The incomparable soul coercion hit the sky and the sky in bursts.

The sky is okay, I can't feel anything, but the ground is completely suffering, as if the gravity of the earth has suddenly been increased by dozens of times, all the buildings and creations in the entire blockade array, in an instant , all collapsed and collapsed.

Even the whole earth sank to a depth of several meters. And the instigator of all this is the giant bloody cocoon that Mills turned into in the sky.


Bai Xiaofei's strength was strong, but he didn't receive any influence.

But on the ground, Dr. Strange, who has been reduced to the background board and watched the play silently, was in bad luck. If he hadn't reacted quickly and saved himself with a magic amulet in time, he might have been with those people by now. Just like ordinary people, they were directly turned into mummy corpses, died completely, and then were crushed into powder by the coercion of terrifying power.

But even so.

Strange also had nowhere to go.

It was as if a hundred thousand mountains had been crushed on his body, not to mention how hard and uncomfortable it was. Moreover, as time passed, Strange was under more and more pressure.

"Bai, Mr. Bai..."

While Strange struggled against the terrifying coercion, he couldn't help asking Bai Xiaofei for help: "Are you just watching them do whatever they want?"

"Feel sorry……"

Bai Xiaofei scratched his head embarrassingly, and said: "I forgot about you, the battle here is far beyond your understanding, I think you should go to other places to avoid it first, or I will still score points." I take care of you..."


It doesn't matter how Strange reacts.

With a thought.

A familiar fire-colored space magic circle suddenly appeared, and then moved quickly, directly trapping Strange in it.

Doctor Strange was transferred away.

And this time.


The blood-colored giant cocoon that Mills turned into in the sky finally cracked a gap, followed by the second and third...


In the thunderbolt of billowing dark clouds, the entire blood-colored giant cocoon, like an eggshell, was completely exploded by the figure inside, and shattered into fragments that filled the sky.

But keep on.

These blood-colored giant cocoon fragments that were bounced out were sucked back by the gestated figure, and turned into a pair of evil and awe-inspiring blood-colored armor, which attached to the opponent's body.

However, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the blood-colored sword in the opponent's hand.

"Slaughter, Bloodthirsty Demon God!"

The familiar voice of Mills came again.

At this moment, he has finally completed the final transformation, and his level of strength has also successfully broken through to the level of the peak of the God Emperor Realm.


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