The Storm God

Chapter 4101 Initial settlement! (Please subscribe!)

In the sky.

Seeing the fierce battle between Bai Xiaofei and Mills, the captain of the Reaper team, in the big formation below, he frowned slightly and remained silent.


A member with half of his head bald and long hair with a shawl on the other side came to the captain with his eyes squinted, and said in a low voice:

"team leader……"

"I have carefully inspected the perception, and found no trace of other people. There should be only one person. Should we..."


In the end.

Since the murderous intent is surging, I can't help but want to do it.

Not only him.

The same goes for other members around.

"Not urgent."

However, the captain of the Reaper team narrowed his eyes, shook his head slightly and said: "No matter what the origin of this person is, since he dares to fight us alone, it shows that he has enough cards and self-confidence, and it is unwise to act rashly. "

"Wait a little longer."

"Since this person wants to play, let Mills play with him well. It is naturally the best if he can test out the opponent's cards. Even if he can't, it doesn't matter."

"We are waiting for work at leisure, just wait and see how things change."


The captain deserves to be the captain.

Whether it is mood or calculation, they are far from comparable to other players.


The man was a little puzzled when he heard the words.

Puzzled: "Captain, the time gem is in the opponent's hands. If we let him escape like this, then we will be passive..."

"Now the Titans have obtained the Power Gem, the Sanctuary has the Soul Gem, the Light Religion has the Soul Gem, and I don't know which team has the Reality Gem..."

"The only two remaining Infinity Stones are the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Time Gem. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is being targeted by the Abyssal Devils, so it's not easy for us to grab it..."

"If the time gem is lost again, then our Reaper team will be completely passive. You know, there is not much time until the initial results of the team battle are settled."

"If we can't get infinite gems, we will be liquidated at that time..."



You must not miss this time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the other people suddenly sank. Obviously, what this person said was completely to the point, so everyone also looked at the captain.


Why doesn't the captain of the Reaper team know this?

It's just that it's easier said than done. Although the strange man below doesn't seem to have much ability, for some reason, he feels extremely dangerous.

If it was the last critical moment, the captain would naturally not have any hesitation, and both left and right would die, so why not fight it out?

But the key point is that it hasn't reached that time yet.


He doesn't want to take any chances.

But the team members obviously couldn't understand what the captain was thinking, and now that the team member said it, the captain couldn't help explaining it.

After sighing helplessly, he could only say: "Of course I know what you said, but now we still have time, unless it is absolutely necessary, we must not mess up..."

"There are infinite gems, but the number of reincarnation teams is far more than this. You should be very clear about what this means."

"Before the initial results are settled, the sooner you get the infinite gems, the greater the danger you will face..."

"If we have an absolutely powerful force, we naturally don't have to worry about this, but unfortunately, we are not the strongest team."

"So we can only choose to forbear. If we miss it, we will miss it. It is better to rush for a while. As long as we lie dormant, there may not be no chance of a comeback."

"Otherwise, do you think that the Ragnarok team, whose strength is not weaker than the Abyss Demon team, why has there been no movement for so long?"

"It's not time to wait for the initial results to be settled, and prepare to be ruthless."


After a few words, the team members were speechless immediately.

until now.

They were shocked to realize that what they thought was really too simple. It turned out that there were so many things and Taoism in it.

How else can I say that he is the captain and he is the team member.

This is the gap.

That's all.

Several team members were completely convinced.

No more extra thoughts, and then all the captain's orders, calm down, and silently watch the battle between Bai Xiaofei and Mills below.

at the same time……

Each of them is also saving their strength in case of a rainy day.


In the large formation of enchantment.


Mills released his big move.

The death entanglement rolled up the endless bloody piercings of the sky, completely trapping Bai Xiaofei in the center, combined with endless hatred and resentment, making it impossible for him to escape.

And Bai Xiaofei is not a good stubble either.

Sitting cross-legged, like a Buddha, reciting scriptures in his mouth, golden light radiates from his body.

next moment.


Endless practice, finally completely closed.

It turned into a huge blood cell, trapped Bai Xiaofei in it, and then quickly shrank, intending to crush and kill it.


Soon, the blood cells encountered huge resistance.

When it shrinks to a certain extent, it can no longer shrink. Not only that, but also some kind of change seems to have happened inside, so that the blood cells are like blowing up balloons, expanding instead of shrinking, and expanding again in a blink of an eye.


Millston was taken aback.

While being shocked in his heart, he also understood that this must be Bai Xiaofei using means to resist, so he couldn't help sneering: "Thought it out? Don't think about it!"

"Blood Curse. Forbidden!"

The blood knife in his hand waved again.

A large piece of blood gushed out directly, and then turned into a bloody star ring, surrounding the blood cell, spinning rapidly, forming a terrifying pressure, helping the blood cell to suppress the resistance inside.

Don't say it.

This trick really works.

The inflated blood cells stopped moving immediately, and then slowly began to shrink. Although the range was small, it finally overwhelmed the force inside.


"Now let's see what other tricks you have, just wait to be turned into blood by my blood curse."


Millston smiled momentarily.

Seeing that the blood cells stopped expanding and were still shrinking, his eyes were full of complacency, and he felt that he would definitely win this battle.

Although the opponent is indeed very strong, he is still not as good as himself after all.


I haven't used my full strength yet.

It's really boring.


And just when he was triumphant.

An obvious crack suddenly popped out from the surface of the blood cell, followed by a second, third...more and more.


Mills is not blind.

Immediately discovered the abnormality, the smile disappeared, and his face changed greatly: "How is it possible that the blood-colored imprisonment has been torn apart? Could it be that the strength he has endured has reached the limit, it shouldn't be..."

next moment.

Before he could react.

Hearing a "boom", the entire blood cell, including the bloody star ring outside, was completely exploded by an incomparably terrifying force.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's figure also appeared in front of everyone again.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei at this time is not what they saw before, but his whole body is in a mysterious and incomparable glass state, radiant and majestic, like a reincarnated Buddha, full of force.

See this scene.

Millston was dumbfounded: "Damn, what kind of ability is this?"

Not only him.

The other members of the Reaper team who were watching the show outside the large barrier formation also had their eyes widened, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Obviously they were all shocked by Bai Xiaofei's method.


"Didn't you mention my ability? That's right, because I created it myself, and there is only one in the world. You are lucky to see me in this state..."

"Next, I'll show you how powerful I am, the Immortal Eucharist!"

"Take my move Tathagata God's palm first!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei pretended to slap his palm suddenly.


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