The Storm God

Chapter 4102 Really ruthless! (Please subscribe!)

This palm.

Although it looks ordinary, it contains great terror.

Especially for Mills, the first time he saw Bai Xiaofei's palm, he seemed to see the monstrous power of destruction rolling towards him.

"So strong!"

Millston was horrified.

When he reacted and wanted to dodge, he was forced to find that Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm was already in front of his eyes, and it turned into a force to cover the sky.

This palm.

All spaces and escape routes have been blocked.

There was no way for Mills to retreat, so he could only fight hard with this palm, but this palm contained dozens of terrifying powerful forces, such as thunder, lightning, storm, space, and extinction.

Etc., etc.

Any kind, imposed on the body, may not matter to Mills, but with so many terrifying forces fused together, even he dare not underestimate it.

His intuition told himself that if the palm was firm, the precipice would be the same as Sun Monkey, and there would be no possibility of turning over.


Without any hesitation.

At the juncture of life and death, Mills let out a roar and finally erupted with his strongest power. He saw a terrifying blood-colored power suddenly gushing out from his body, and then turned into a ferocious and domineering blood-colored sword.

The big knife and the blood knife in Mills' hands perfectly fused together, as if it had come alive, buzzing, roaring, and greedily devouring and absorbing all the power of blood within a radius of 10,000 meters.

But alas.

Within the enchantment, there are already no living people.

Except for Mills and Bai Xiaofei, it was just a pile of ruins, and there was no extra blood energy for it to absorb.


The Scarlet Broadsword could only devour and absorb Mills himself.


Mills is also a tough guy.

Knowing that the situation was not good, without any hesitation, he immediately mobilized his energy, feeding on his own blood, and poured it into the bloody saber.

next moment.

The blood-colored saber swelled suddenly, and turned into a huge golden blood knife with a height of 100 meters. Then, as if it had its own consciousness, without Mills' control, it slashed brazenly at the overwhelming Tathagata palm.


Knives and palms clashed.

The sky trembled instantly.

The entire formation is also crumbling, almost falling apart.

The worst thing was the ground in the formation, as if it had been baptized by a nuclear bomb, the core of the burst of power was directly smashed and crushed into a huge pit.

This pit is bottomless, like an abyss.

The rest of the ground is also horrible, as if it has been ravaged by countless thunders, it is full of dark mess and billowing smoke.

But Bai Xiaofei, the instigator, stood in the sky, motionless like a mountain. On the other side, Mills' face was pale, and his breath dropped very forcefully.

The most important thing is.

His blood knife has returned to normal, and the blood color has dimmed a lot.

It is clear at a glance which of the two sides is strong and which is weak.

This battle.

Bai Xiaofei clearly had the upper hand.

Even though Mills had exerted all his strength, and even used the strongest Heaven-shattering Slash, he still couldn't completely resist Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm.

Don't look at him on the surface now that there is nothing wrong, but in fact, he has received some internal injuries.

At least

The blood energy just now was not in vain.

Even if the level of strength has reached the level of Mills, he can't bear the sudden loss of so much blood, let alone some law power in the palm of Bai Xiaofei Tathagata, which has invaded Mills' body and is raging crazily.

This moment.

It's not that Mills doesn't want to move, it's that he can't move at all.

One must know that Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm is not only beautiful, but also contains dozens of terrifying law powers, which are definitely not something ordinary people can easily bear.

Even Bai Xiaofei himself can only use this Tathagata Palm perfectly when he is in the state of using the Immortal Eucharist.

Because Bai Xiaofei in his normal state couldn't bear the ultimate destructive power fused by dozens of terrifying law powers.

Although Mills' counterattack offset most of the power of Tathagata God's Palm, there was still some aftermath, which hurt him and invaded his body.

If he didn't die on the spot, Mills was already considered amazing.

But it was impossible to move again.

after all

Thunder among them.

The terrifying paralyzing effect is not just for fun.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Mills at this moment is as if he has been fixed, life and death are all in Bai Xiaofei's thoughts.


After realizing his situation, Mills' eyes were filled with fear and despair. Obviously, he never thought that he would lose so quickly.

And so thoroughly.


Until now, he didn't know how he lost.

But none of that matters anymore.

The important thing is, who will save him now? If no one comes to help, Mills now has only one dead end.

Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry to act.

Instead, he raised his head to look at the other members of the Reaper team in the sky with a cold expression, and said in a deep voice, "Are you still going to watch the show?"


The members of the Reaper team in the sky were all silent.

The players were shocked, bewildered, and unbelievable, because they were all like Mills, and they didn't understand at all how they lost.

Not that they were blind.

The main reason is that Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata God's Palm fused too many power factors, but those whose strength level is not enough, can't see the subtlety at all.

This is like the backward natives who cannot understand the various capabilities of mobile phones. There is too much difference in level, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Only the captain of the Reaper team squinted his eyes and looked thoughtful, as if he could see some clues from it.


Just to be on the safe side.

The captain didn't dare to act rashly, so as not to involve himself in it.

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, the captain was slightly taken aback, and then said with a smile: "Your Excellency, your strength is beyond imagination, and you have won the respect of our Reaper team. Regarding the matter of the Time Stone, why don't you let it go?"

Good guy.

This is directly subdued.


Do so.

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei couldn't do it anymore.

My heart said, shit, isn't it, is it so direct? If you don't even try to rescue him, you just admit to being cowardly? Could these guys be fake reincarnation members?

I don't know.

It's not that these people are too cowardly, but that they don't think it's worth it.

Because of the team battle rules of the reincarnation space, even if they failed to get the time gem, they hadn't failed completely. Naturally, they would not be impulsive and risky, and completely take the whole team into it.

after all

The moment of desperation has not yet come.

Otherwise, without Bai Xiaofei forcing them, they would fight to the death with Bai Xiaofei, because there was no other way, both left and right were dead, so naturally they had to fight to the end.

Closer to home.

The captain of Death Team is not discussing with Bai Xiaofei.

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's reaction, he winked at the players around him, turned around and left, and at the same time said to Mills in the large formation with regret:

"Mills, you can go in peace, we will miss you."

"My God is with you!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei keenly discovered that Mills, who was paralyzed and unable to move by his own power of law, began to swell rapidly.

This terrifying scene immediately reminded him of the scene when Cell blew himself up in Dragon Ball, because the two are so similar.


Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly changed.

You know, this guy is a real master of the God Emperor Realm. If it explodes completely, let alone the earth, I am afraid that the entire solar system will be completely destroyed.

No wonder those guys left so simply, they were not afraid of chasing after them at all. It turned out that they took Mills as a bomb and stayed to cause trouble!

How cruel!

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