The Storm God

Chapter 4103 I think you are courting death! (Please subscribe!)

"Let's go!"

Captain Reaper sighed, then said indifferently to the surrounding players, obviously he had completely given up on Mills.

Not that he was heartless.

But relatively speaking, Mills' ability is not very important to the team.

In short, one more person is not much, and one less person is not much, so naturally people will not take it seriously, and belong to the type that can give up at any time.

This is also a tradition in the Reaper team.

Except for a few important core members, the rest must have some cannon fodder.

Unfortunately, Mills falls into this category.


In the face of a lone wolf who can act alone in a team battle, it is impossible for any slightly normal team to let Mills do anything like this.

Because this may provoke an extremely terrifying existence to the team.

As a result, the Reaper team just did it.

It's not that they are stupid.


This person is not the core at all, just a cannon fodder.

Even if they are sacrificed, it will not cause too much damage to the team. On the contrary, they can use the combat data of cannon fodder to let them know more about their opponents.

Like now.

The captain of the Reaper team thought that Bai Xiaofei was formidable and invincible, so he directly gave up Mills as a pawn.

After collecting the information, the special bomb placed in Mills' body was directly detonated.

On the one hand, it completely solves the future troubles, and on the other hand, it can delay the enemy.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.


Following the words of the Death Team captain, the void was instantly torn apart.

A mouth-like crack was torn directly, and the inside was a piece of darkness, and it was completely unknown where the other party was.

This is the special method in the god of death - the black cavity.


This ability, obviously strengthened by the reincarnation space, has become a special space transfer method for the Reaper team, similar to the space gate, allowing them to instantly transfer to other places.

The black cavity opened, and the members of the Reaper team were about to step into it and leave the earth.

But at this moment.


Bai Xiaofei's sneer suddenly resounded in the void: "Want to leave? How can it be so easy, I am really here as an inn, you can come and go whenever you want?"

"I can't afford this gift, you should take it yourself!"


next moment.

In the black cavity, Mills's fat and swollen ugly figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, causing everyone in the Reaper Team to look horrified.

"How can it be"

"That is a special magic circle transformed by the god of death and ghosts. It was jointly cast by the few of us. Even a saint can't escape easily."

"How did he do that?"


A group of people are full of disbelief.

But unfortunately, no one answered, only the figure of Mills, which became more and more swollen, and then in a blink of an eye, it swelled to the limit, and finally exploded completely


Before the Reaper team could react, poor Mills exploded completely.

The terrifying impact of the explosion not only instantly shattered the space channel of the improved version of the black cavity, but also its terrifying shock and shock force shocked the Death Team like a flat boat in the sea, and the formation was thrown into chaos almost instantly. up.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei launched a sneak attack honestly and unceremoniously.

With the sword in his hand, the sword intent surged, and the terrifying sword intent of reincarnation shuttled freely in the void, wantonly harvesting the blood of the enemy.

But alas.

The core members of the Reaper team are not easy to follow.

Their reaction was extremely fast. Although Bai Xiaofei's attack was extremely quick and fast, they were still reacted in time and barely blocked it.

Only two people were slightly injured.

The captain, who seemed to be the god of death, almost easily resisted Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword intent, as if he already had a deep understanding of Bai Xiaofei's ability.

It took no effort to block Bai Xiaofei's sneak attack.


When Bai Xiaofei's attack was blocked by the opponent, he showed a look of astonishment, and thought to himself: "How could they have the means to counter their reincarnation sword intent so quickly, could it be that the opponent saw the flaw in the previous battle? "

all in all.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei felt that the matter was extraordinary.

His intuition told himself that the remaining guys might not be as easy to deal with as Mills, and it was very likely that it would be a tough battle.

But no matter what, Bai Xiaofei didn't regret it at all.

after all

The reincarnation space is his sworn enemy.

No matter what forces the members of these teams are, they are basically his enemies.

For Bai Xiaofei, the sooner he can get rid of these people and understand the enemy's methods, there will be a lot of benefits.

at the same time.

Because of Bai Xiaofei's intervention.

Mills' self-destruction was directly teleported by Bai Xiaofei to the core area of ​​Heiqiang, so more than 90% of the opponent's self-destruction power was borne by Heiqiang.

This allowed the space of the earth to reduce the huge impact and shock, coupled with the resistance of Bai Xiaofei and the Reaper team, this did not lead to more tragedies.


Even if it is only about 10% of the aftermath of the explosion, it is enough to completely destroy the earth. After all, the opponent is a master at the peak of the God Emperor Realm.

Anyone with a little means and ability can open up their own small universe.

In a world like Marvel where the rules are extremely loose, a little bit of strength could completely destroy the earth.

The key to being safe and sound now is Bai Xiaofei's protection.

Of course.

None of this matters.

Bai Xiaofei's main purpose now is to understand the strength and methods of the members of the Reaper Team, as well as the specific rules and regulations of the team battle.

after all.

After passing this village, there is no such shop.

If he doesn't take good care of it, even if he sneaks into the Sanctuary team in the future, he may be full of loopholes and easily show his flaws.

So for these experience packs that came to his door, Bai Xiaofei decided to digest and absorb them all, even if these people were hard to mess with.

Who made the other party a member of the reincarnation space?


The concussion impact of Mills' self-detonation completely dissipated.

Bai Xiaofei's figure, who did not know when, appeared outside the blockade formation, standing alone in front of the Reaper team, and said with a sneer: "Guys, leave without leaving anything behind, it would be too contemptuous of me Are you in?"

While speaking.

The power of infinite gems is released instantly.

Just for a moment.

The space region where everyone is located is directly transformed from the sky above New York on the earth into the vast and endless universe of stars.

A group of people stood in the ring of countless stars, surrounded by darkness and dots of stars, they didn't have to worry about everything on the sidelines, and they could release their combat power to their heart's content.

Of course.

There are definitely limitations.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's purpose was to keep these people and then take the opportunity to obtain some useful information, so naturally he would not let the Death Team members leave easily.

Using the ability of the infinite gems, Bai Xiaofei directly locked the current dimension of space, unless he was hit, or the strength of the opponent far surpassed Bai Xiaofei.


The Grim Reapers don't want to leave here.


Feeling that the surrounding space barriers have been completely strengthened, and he and others cannot leave easily, the expressions of everyone in the Reaper team suddenly became extremely ugly.

One of them was wearing a white beret and a short short skirt. He looked a bit neutral. He didn't know if he was a male or a female team member. He shouted angrily, "You bastard, who do you think you are? How dare you follow me?" We talk like that?"

"I think you are courting death!"


While speaking.

Raising his hand, a scarlet flash blasted towards Bai Xiaofei.

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