The Storm God

Chapter 4104 Accept it when you see it! (Please subscribe!)


The power of the false flash is still strong.

At least it is at the level of the God Emperor Realm, even if it is extremely concentrated and its destructive power is terrifying, even Bai Xiaofei would not dare to underestimate it.


Bai Xiaofei smiled, then easily dodged away.

Xu Shan missed his figure and directly bombarded the stars behind him. The latter exploded and exploded, turning into endless wreckage fragments.

Starburst with one hit!

This meant that Bai Xiaofei had moved the battlefield ahead of time, otherwise if he was still on Earth, people all over the world would have to be buried with him.

The previous Mills was nothing more than a pioneering temptation.

The blockade array also protects the earth.

but now

In the universe starry sky.

Naturally, a group of people have no worries, and their actions are the real level of combat power. No matter how the sky falls and the earth shatters, the stars explode, they only want to hurt people and kill the enemy!


This time, the captain of the Reaper team didn't say anything to stop him.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's attitude was already so obvious, they naturally wouldn't be polite to Bai Xiaofei, "Wise, since you have already made a move, then this person will be given to you, a quick decision!"


Wise was overjoyed when he heard this.

But immediately afterwards, the captain of the Reaper team said again: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Mills died because he was too arrogant. Don't keep your strength and fight hard."


Wise pouted helplessly.

Apparently the captain guessed his thoughts, he shook his head in embarrassment, and the next moment, Wise's expression became serious.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei, squinted his eyes and said: "Boy, originally you don't have to die, but you insist on dying, so I can only help you."

"Don't think that if you defeat Mills, you're done with us. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, among us, Mills is the weakest one!"

"Now, just wait to be abused."


While speaking.

Terrifying power also began to erupt from him.

And the Taidao hanging on Wise's waist also changed rapidly in the burst of power, turning into two stylish pistols.

The pistol looks domineering, and there is a sharp blade under the muzzle. Obviously, it can not only attack from a distance, but also progress.

in comparison.

Wise himself has not changed much.

The biggest difference is that the white robe on his body has become a snow-white military uniform, which looks more domineering and cool than the previous robe.


"How about it, young master, am I handsome and cool when I dress up like this?"

"The more handsome ones are yet to come."

"Endless flash!"


Wise laughed triumphantly.


Holding two guns, aiming at Bai Xiaofei is a crazy design, but what is fired from the guns is not bullets, but a terrifying false flash.

Not only that.

Wise in this state, the false flash fired from the gun, no matter in terms of speed, power, or penetration, is far more terrifying than the false flash just now.

The key thing is that this thing doesn't have any cd, unlimited firepower, and can shoot casually.

This is outrageous!


When Bai Xiaofei heard Wise say the name of his move, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and thought to himself: "This name, could it be?"

next moment.

Before he came back to his senses.

Countless false flashes, like a meteor shower, bombarded him overwhelmingly, blocking all directions with one encounter.

In addition to hard resistance, it is tough.

Of course.

That's for people.

Like Bai Xiaofei, an attack of this level is nothing at all.

As long as he doesn't want to, there are no less than dozens of ways to easily deal with Wise's attack, for example, the simplest blur

next moment.

Countless false flashes directly penetrated Bai Xiaofei's body, blasting towards the stars and the void behind, as if what was shot just now was a ray of phantom.


Seeing this scene, Wise couldn't help but widen his eyes.

How can this be?

He is not blind, so naturally he will not shoot wrongly.

Through the positioning of his soul, he can be sure that the person in front of him is Bai Xiaofei, but he obviously hit it, why the attack is ineffective?

This unscientific!

Wise, who didn't believe in evil, couldn't help but increase the firepower. The two guns were immediately used as Gatlings. The berserk and endless firepower bombarded Bai Xiaofei indiscriminately.

But it's a pity that no matter how he hits, Bai Xiaofei is still as indifferent as ever, all the attacks hit him have no effect at all.

Even more irritating.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei sneered at Wise, shook his head and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity, I have to say, your moves are quite interesting, but if you can't hit anyone, it will be more embarrassing."

"Any other tricks?"

"If there is, then use it quickly, otherwise if I fight back, you will really have no chance at all."

"It's okay to ask someone to help."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's gaze also looked at the other three Reaper team members, the provocation in his eyes was quite obvious.

Except the captain.

The other two members of the Reaper team were also immediately stimulated by Bai Xiaofei's attack. They all blushed and had thick necks, and they could not wait to make a move immediately.

But it is a pity that in the Reaper team, the discipline is strict, and without the captain's order, no matter how angry they are, they dare not take action easily.

Except for those less important roles.

Like Mills.


Wise is an exception.

After all, this guy is a good friend of the captain and enjoys privileges.


The captain of the Reaper team looked at Bai Xiaofei silently. After a long silence, he finally couldn't help it and said, "Wise, stop, you are not his opponent."


Although Wise was unwilling, he still chose to stop very obediently.

Like a little daughter-in-law, she immediately retreated to the captain's side, but her eyes still stared at Bai Xiaofei with murderous intent and anger.

As if it would relieve the anger.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

Instead, he looked at the captain of the Reaper team, and his intuition told himself that this was the most difficult existence among them.

"Your Mightiness"

The captain said: "Since you have obtained the time gem and killed one of our team members, we don't plan to continue entangled with you, why are you so aggressive?"

"Aren't you afraid of being taken advantage of by other people?"

"It's better to accept it when you see it!"


The tone is very flat.

Not like an enemy, more like persuasion.

Such an attitude, on the contrary, surprised Bai Xiaofei. He thought that this guy was really cruel. His little brother was killed, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

This guy is definitely an out-and-out ruthless person!

I'm afraid it will be difficult to do!

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

Looking at the four members of the Reaper Team, he rolled his eyes and said, "You can accept it when you see it? It's not impossible, but if you let you leave easily like this, I won't be able to lose face. Why don't you stay? Put something down, and I'll stop here."


He set his own terms.

Hearing this, the captain of Death Team frowned slightly, and said curiously, "Tell me, what do you want? As long as it's not too much, everything is easy to talk about."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "You don't need to pay anything, you just need to tell me the relevant information you know. After all, I am the only one left in my team. I am at a disadvantage in this regard."

Someone tells a lie without writing a draft, just opens his mouth.

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