The Storm God

Chapter 4105 Be careful! (Please subscribe!)


Upon hearing this, the captain of Death Team agreed to Bai Xiaofei's condition without any hesitation, and said, "I can give you the information, but you also have to meet our request, say your name..."

to be honest.

If not conditions do not allow.

Naturally, the Reaper team would not leave so easily. After all, their team members were all killed by the opponent. If this spread, it would definitely be ashamed.

But unfortunately...

Now it's a team fight!

The situation is complicated, and short-term gain is not necessary, otherwise, it is very likely to be calculated by others, and it will be completely reduced to a pawn and cannon fodder, and there is no possibility.


It is also impossible for them to leave in a grievance.

At least know the name of the enemy.

The meaning is very simple.

Keep this account in mind for the time being, and I will settle it with you later.


Bai Xiaofei thought it was some kind of request.

That's it?


What a whore.

It would be a fool not to agree!

In order to show his sincerity, Bai Xiaofei directly told the other party his name, "My name is Hao Tian..."


Yes, he lied.

The name told to the other party is completely the identity of Jianxian Haotian of the dream team under the command of the Dream God Murphys. After all, Bai Xiaofei's name is a taboo existence in the reincarnation space.

If you really told these people your identity, you would be a fool. No team battles or infinite gems are as important as Bai Xiaofei.


The captain of Death Team was startled when he heard the name, and looked at Bai Xiaofei with obvious disbelief and suspicion.


He has heard of Haotian's identity. But the rumored person doesn't seem to match the guy in front of him very well.

"Do not believe?"

Bai Xiaofei had expected this a long time ago.

Seeing this, he immediately smiled coldly, and then erupted with his extremely strong sword intent, the surging and terrifying power of unparalleled killing and cutting sword cultivators swept the audience immediately, making the members of the death team feel a huge shock immediately. threats and pressure.

All of a sudden.

Team Reaper had no doubts anymore.


Rumor has it that Jianxiu Haotian of the fantasy team is an out-and-out lunatic, impulsive, irritable, and extremely belligerent, but he is extremely talented and his strength grows extremely fast.

As for why Bai Xiaofei doesn't quite match the rumors.

This is also easy to understand.

after all.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and his subordinates haven't shown up much for a long time, and the rest of the forces suspect that they may be going to copy again.

It is very likely that the other party has obtained some huge improvement in the dungeon world.

It's not that the people of the Reaper team will make up their minds.

But in the space of reincarnation, belonging is a very common thing.

Except for some people who went all the way to the black, the vast majority of people have more than two or three kinds of system powers, or even more.

To know.

Samsara Space is not a charity.

Strength is king here, the weak prey on the strong, no matter how they become stronger, those who have strength have the right to speak, otherwise they can only be bullied.


Bai Xiaofei is very powerful.

For the sake of the overall situation, the Reaper team dare not take the initiative to fight with them.

Naturally, it is impossible to conduct a deeper investigation and investigation of Bai Xiaofei's identity, because it is completely meaningless.

They just need an excuse.

Whether this identity is real or fake, it doesn't matter, after all, they are all members of the reincarnation space, everyone sees each other without looking up, and sooner or later we will meet again.


For various reasons.

After seeing Bai Xiaofei's unrivaled sword cultivating power, the captain of Death Team resolutely put away his doubts, and very straightforwardly told Bai Xiaofei all the information his team knew.


Whether it's really all, doesn't matter.

As an outsider, Bai Xiaofei was enough to get some information.

Anyway, he has two Infinity Gems of this world in his hand, and he has already taken the great initiative. Even if he does not have these information, or lacks some information, it will not affect anything.

Without the Reaper team, there are other teams.

As long as you release the news that you have infinite gems in your hand, you don't believe that others will not be tempted, but come to him to snatch infinite gems.

When the time comes to beat one another, won't the information come here?

It doesn't matter if it's true or not.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is not a fool either, he took a little bit from this trick, took a little bit from that trick, and after a comprehensive analysis, the result would come out naturally.

In short.

In this deal, Bai Xiaofei didn't lose at all anyway.

"Can we go?"

After finishing the information, the captain of Death Team immediately got down to business. If Bai Xiaofei dared to deceive them, even if they took huge risks, they would still fight Bai Xiaofei to the end.


Bai Xiaofei smiled, spread his hands and said: "Do I seem to be a person who says what he says? This will open up the space confinement for you, and I wish you all the best..."


A finger snapped out.

The surrounding space environment changed in an instant, and immediately returned to the original appearance of the earth.

And this elusive operation made everyone in the Reaper team secretly frown in amazement. They didn't see it before, but this time, they saw it clearly.

At first they thought it was Bai Xiaofei who used some special treasure.


People just snap their fingers.

It's outrageous!

"Could it be..."

At the same time, everyone in the death team couldn't help but have a bold idea in their hearts, that is, Bai Xiaofei may have collected a full set of infinite gems.

But after thinking about it, it didn't feel right.

If Bai Xiaofei really had a set of infinite gems, why did he come to grab the time gems?


Shouldn't the point of the question be that there is only one set of infinite gems?

What's going on?

Could it be...

More than one set of infinite stones?

In short.

A snap of Bai Xiaofei's fingers not only lifted the geographical restrictions and spatial confinement, but also brought great shock and confusion to the Reaper team.

But it's a pity that someone is destined not to give them an answer.

Even, his operation was done on purpose, the purpose is to let the other party know that even though he is alone, he is not easy to provoke.

So that the other party will brighten their eyes in the future, so that it's okay to provoke me.

Although Bai Xiaofei wasn't afraid of the other party, he didn't want to cause trouble either. After all, some abilities in the Death God world were still very perverted.

Such as omniscience and omnipotence.

The words of the great monk, etc., which one is not a bug in the rule system.

If we really want to get it right, even if Bai Xiaofei is stronger than the opponent, I'm afraid he won't get any practical benefits, and even being counter-killed by the opponent is not out of the question.

To know.

In the face of certain special forces, sometimes the so-called realm and strength are useless at all. For example, King Quan in Dragon Ball, despite his small stature, he seems like a silly and cute little Douding, but if he really wanted to make a move, it would be extremely terrifying.

Can the combined Zamasu hang?

How about being wiped clean with one finger by Quan Wang, who seems harmless to humans and animals!

the same way.

The ability in the world of the god of death, the more advanced it is, the more abnormal it is.

The abilities of the members of the Reaper team are almost all related to the Reaper's world. Maybe some guys are possessed by the Emperor Ou and have gained extremely terrifying abilities.

Even if the realm of strength may be a little lower, there is no guarantee that he will not leapfrog to kill people.

Now Bai Xiaofei is relying on being in the Marvel world and collecting a complete set of infinite gems, so that he has enough confidence to dare to fight with the opponent.

If it is changed to other places, it is really hard to say.

Of course.

Bai Xiaofei is not without cards.

It's just that it's worth it, and it's hard to say whether it's worth using it on these people. In a word, there is no big mistake in being careful, it is better to be cautious.

And the members of the Reaper team are not inked.

After taking a deep look at Bai Xiaofei, he quickly opened his black mouth again, turned around and left the earth, and went to an unknown place.


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