The Storm God

Chapter 4106 Hidden Earth! (Please subscribe!)

Team Reaper is gone.

The destruction on the earth side, as well as the innocent people who died, all recovered as before when Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers to lift the space blockade.


Bai Xiaofei did not forget to teleport Doctor Strange back.

After all, the earth is his territory. Without the protection of Odin, the king of Asgard, and others, the earth can only rely on Doctor Strange.

"Who are those people?"

As soon as Strange returned, he couldn't help asking about the origins of the members of the Reaper team.

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei shook his head, and said, "I'm not very clear, anyway, it's right that you're not from this universe."


Strange was speechless.

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to care about his thoughts, shrugged his shoulders, and changed the subject: "Let's not talk about that for now, let's talk about the follow-up questions..."

The earth is very dangerous now.

Not for anything else, just because of the Time Stone. Although the Reaper Team is gone, the other members of the Samsara Space don't know about it. It's hard to guarantee that they won't come to trouble Strange again.

And with the urgency of those guys, if they found out that the time gem was taken first, they would definitely not let it go, and would most likely vent their anger on Strange and the earth.

Although Bai Xiaofei is not the Holy Mother, he does not want the earth to suffer.

after all……

He also accepted Strange's favor.

You can't pretend that you don't know anything, and then ignore Strange and the fact that the earth was obliterated and destroyed by people in the reincarnation space, right?

But it is absolutely unrealistic for him to stay here all the time.

Bai Xiaofei also has his own mission.


Strange is not stupid.

He understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning almost instantly, and smiled wryly: "I don't have anything to do anyway, why don't you help me find a way?"

The strength of the enemy is too terrifying and powerful.

Even if Strange's current magical attainment has been close to that of Ancient One, or even surpassed him, he has no confidence that he can keep the earth.


He could only turn to Bai Xiaofei for help.

Bai Xiaofei was also inked, and immediately said after hearing the words: "Alright, according to my point of view, there are two main points, one, I will release the news that the Time Stone is in my hands as soon as possible, so that those people can come to me as much as possible, and Not to Earth..."


"It's to hide the whole earth, so that some guys with ulterior motives can't find the right owner even if they want to make trouble. It's the safest way to do both."

"what do you think?"


Bai Xiaofei asked.


Strange had no objection.

He nodded in agreement, and then asked: "If you need help, just ask. Although my strength is not as good as yours, I can still do a little favor."

In his opinion.

Hiding the entire earth is quite a huge project.

No matter how powerful Bai Xiaofei is, I'm afraid he will have to use some tricks or something, and no matter how bad he is, he should be able to beat him or something.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile when he heard the words, and said: "No need, it's just a mere earth, I have plenty of ways to transfer it, the key is which one is the most suitable..."

"Actually, the safest way is to put it in my small world, and then return the earth to its original place after everything is over. In another universe, that's what I did..."

"But there is a special reason for that. The earth doesn't need to be so thorough. You just need to use the power of the infinite gems to completely cover up the earth's dimensional space coordinates and other information."

"Unless the strength of the enemy exceeds the upper limit of the infinite gems, it is impossible to unravel the fog and find the location of the earth under its power."

"And for me, it's a snap of the fingers."

"So I don't need your help."


While talking.

Bai Xiaofei raised his right hand and snapped his fingers again.

Although everything around him didn't seem to have changed in any way, Strange could clearly feel that the location of the earth had been completely covered and hidden.

In the vast universe and endless dimensions.

At this time, the earth seems to have disappeared suddenly. Not only the coordinates and other information are completely gone, but its own existence is also directly placed in a special dimensional space.

Without Bai Xiaofei's permission, it is almost impossible for anything from outside to enter the earth, unless the opponent is stronger than Bai Xiaofei + infinite gems.

"Thank you!"

Strange was emotional for a moment, then thanked Bai Xiaofei, and then asked: "Then what are you going to do next? Continue to deal with those people to find the infinite gem?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "This is necessary, the importance of the Infinity Gems is self-evident, those guys must also be taken care of, otherwise let them do whatever they want, God knows what terrible consequences will happen..."

"And what I'm most worried about is that Unlimited Ultron will get involved with these guys. If this is the case, it will be completely troublesome. Even if it's me, terror can't do anything."

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing deeply.

The current Marvel world has completely exceeded his understanding and cognition, especially the comeback of Infinite Ultron and the chaos of reincarnation space.

The superposition of these two scourge factors is not as simple as one plus one.


He must break the situation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, things will only get out of hand as time goes by.


Although Strange didn't know all the things involved, he could feel the difficulty of Bai Xiaofei's mission. He couldn't do anything about it. He could only say to Bai Xiaofei: "Good luck."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Then he left the earth and went to the universe.

The matters on the earth side are almost settled, and for the rest, he can only go to the universe to find the answer, and the next stop, Bai Xiaofei is locked between the Kerry Empire and the Skrull Empire.

after all……

There have been rumors before.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube has appeared between the two sides, and a fierce battle has been launched for this.

Whether it's true or not, Bai Xiaofei has to go over to confirm it, it's naturally best if it's true, and it doesn't matter if it's fake.

To know.

The Kree Empire, Xandar Planet, and the Skrull Empire are the three most powerful interstellar forces in Marvel. Whether it is Bai Xiaofei who wants to spread the news that the Time Stone is in his hands, or looking for clues to other Infinity Stones, it is all important. It is a very good choice.


Captain Marvel seems to be on good terms with the Skrull Empire.

Bai Xiaofei went, even if he didn't find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he could use Captain Marvel's relationship to quickly develop his plan.

For example, use the connections and forces of the Skrull Empire to help find clues to Star Lord T'Challa, Nebula, Thanos and others.

It's better than his aimless search alone.

in addition.

Members of Samsara Space.

It is also possible that after learning about cosmic magic, he will go to the Skrull Empire to do things. Bai Xiaofei is going there now, just to fish in troubled waters.

In short.

This trip can be said to serve multiple purposes.

And with Bai Xiaofei's level of strength, it is absolutely easy to reach the Skrull Empire, as long as there are accurate coordinates, it is an instant.


Bai Xiaofei didn't do that.

The first place he came to was not within the scope of the Skrull Empire, but a certain planet under the jurisdiction of the Kree Empire.

Because here.

Bai Xiaofei felt a familiar sign message - Li Gou from the Sanctuary team he met on planet Vormir before.

Li Gou threatened earlier that he would go to Xingyun and get the embers of creation.

Then Bai Xiaofei stopped paying attention.

What a dream.

At this moment, the other party ran to a certain planet under the jurisdiction of the Kerry Empire. Bai Xiaofei's intuition told him that Li Gou might have found clues to the nebula and the embers of creation.

So without hesitation, he teleported over immediately.


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