The Storm God

Chapter 4107 Kill Li Gou in seconds! (Please subscribe!)

Planet Zelfar.

This is an incomparably huge living planet, with land area accounting for almost 85%, lush vegetation, and mostly mountains and basins.

Seen from a distance in the universe, the unusual charm of this planet almost exudes a strong color of vitality. Even its two satellites have layers of meteorite rings. , looks beautiful.

The intelligent life living on this planet is a kind of alien creature similar to shrimp. Its technology is average, and most of them are tribes.


The strength of these shrimp people should not be underestimated.

They have several pairs of fists and feet, whether it is movement speed, jumping ability, or attack power, they have derived their own special system.

Like the gun prawns.

Its swollen huge, special physiological structure like a biological cannon allows it to instantly eject a terrifying air compression cannon.

With one blast, it was so powerful that it could even shatter a mountain.

Cooperating with other special types of shrimp people, even if they don't have high technology, they are enough to fight some high-tech troops with great vigor and vigor, regardless of the outcome.

But alas.

The development of the tribal situation was ultimately no match for the might of the empire.


The planet Zelfa was still reduced to a colony of the Kree Empire, and once became one of the favorite research materials of Kree scientists.

Things are better now though.

Because the war between the Kree Empire and the planet Xandar has completely ended, the planet Zelfa will soon usher in a peaceful and stable day.

But today.

The planet has welcomed some unexpected guests.

Li Gou of the Sanctuary team, following the clues, landed a fighter plane in a basin in the east of the planet Zelfa, and quickly locked on the target.


After an open and unannounced visit, followed by a sneak attack by the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, Li Gou successfully defeated Xing Yun hiding here and her father Thanos with absolute advantage.

Have no idea.

The body of Nebula in this world has not been mechanically transformed by Thanos on a large scale. Most of the body is still a living body, and its strength is just that.

At most, it is better than Chara.

As for Thanos?


That's even more stretched.

As the saying goes, blackening is three times stronger, and whitewashing is seven times weaker. The ancients really did not deceive me.

Now Thanos, whose idea of ​​family planning has been completely reversed, is a standard good guy, except that he likes to brag to others about his awesome past, but his strength is a mess of weakness.

According to T'Challa.

At this time, Thanos may not even be able to beat his former subordinate Black Dwarf, and it is almost 50-50, which shows how hard it has been weakened.

Crucially, he was injured.

Meeting Li Gou in the reincarnation space, the result can be imagined.

Not to mention the current Thanos, even if it was a Thanos who had never been cleansed, it is estimated that it would not be Li Gou's opponent, who was easily beaten and suppressed, without exception.

This moment.

Thanos was dropped in mid-air.

The surrounding area is full of corpses of local indigenous shrimp people, including soldiers, old people, and children, all of which were done by Li Gou.

Who told them to protect Thanos and Nebula?

Naturally, Li Gou would not be polite to them, he slaughtered them all, then hung up Thanos, and followed in front of this father, as if he had ravaged Xingyun.

To know.

The nebula in this world is still very beautiful.

Tall and hot, with lush golden wavy long hair, it is extremely seductive, except for the blue skin, it is impeccable.


As a single dog, Li Gou has quite the appetite. The first time he saw Xingyun, he couldn't help but want to applaud for love with her.

It's a pity that Xingyun doesn't like him at all.


There will be everything that follows.

Li Gou, who became angry from embarrassment, became murderous. Seeing that he was not soft, he planned to be tough, and he was even psychopathic. He wanted to forcibly occupy Xingyun in front of his father, Thanos.

Of course.

The reason why he did this was to satisfy his animal desires, and to force the other party to reveal the hiding place of the embers of creation.

Compared with women, Li Gou is undoubtedly more concerned about the embers of creation.

after all.

Women can be found anywhere.

But such extremely precious treasures as embers of creation are not common.

In any case, it must be obtained.


"You bastard, stop! If something comes at me, don't touch my daughter. If you dare to hurt my daughter, I swear I will never let you go!"

"Damn devil, you must die!"


Thanos was suspended in mid-air.

He roared at the top of his voice, but unfortunately, his words and curses didn't have any effect. Apart from making Li Gou more excited and proud, they couldn't stop the opponent's evil actions at all.

Just listen to "嗤".

A piece of the blue long dress on Xing Yun was taken off by the grinning Li Gou, revealing her slender and beautiful thighs, and she was happy.

"Jie Jie..."

"These legs are simply invincible! Although the complexion is blue, but with your face and big golden waves, it's quite interesting."

"My dear, don't be afraid, I will treat you well..."


Between the words, the lust arose.

While drooling, Li Gou's big hand slowly stretched out towards the depths of Xingyun's thigh, ready to carry out his evil actions.

Poor Xingyun, the whole person was imprisoned by Li Gou with a special method. At this moment, except for the eyes that can move and the mouth that can make a whimpering sound, the rest of the body cannot move at all.

He could only watch Li Gou helplessly, stretching out his evil hand and slowly approaching his body.

But even so.

Xing Yun did not choose to give in either, and in his eyes full of tears, there was a look of determination, without concealing it, making it clear that even if he was humiliated and died, he would never tell the other party the whereabouts of the embers of creation.

And just when Li Gou's big hand was about to fall deep in Xingyun's thigh, there was a sudden "buzz", and Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared in front of Li Gou out of thin air.

Li Gou was so frightened that he jumped three feet high, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and immediately put on a defensive posture, retreating tens of meters away.


Li Gou asked with a solemn expression.

Although he doesn't know who Bai Xiaofei is, one thing is certain, the guy who has the means to cross the starry sky and descend out of thin air, no matter which world he is in, is definitely not an easy person.

So Li Gou didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and immediately put on his armor and entered the fighting state, intending to fight or run away if there was any disagreement.


Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he appeared at such an inopportune time.


Come here.

And also seeing the key characters Xing Yun and Thanos, Bai Xiaofei naturally wouldn't talk nonsense with Li Gou, because the other party has no use value now.


Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, looked at Li Gou who was nervous and serious, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Remember, the one who killed you was my Supreme Sword Xiu Haotian!"

The voice did not fall.

Then there was Wushuang's terrifying sword intent, wrapped in a terrifying sword energy, which turned into a giant sword holding up to the sky, and slashed at Li Gou in the air.

Li Gou's eyes widened immediately.

His intuition told himself that this sword must not be forcibly received, otherwise even he might be killed.

He wanted to dodge.


It wasn't until this time that Li Gou discovered to his horror that his body was imprisoned by an indescribable terrifying force at some point.

At this moment, he was like a fixed target, he couldn't move, he could only watch Bai Xiaofei's unmatched sword intent and slash his head.


There's no after that.

A member of the dignified Sanctuary Team, Li Gou, who had a high-level God Emperor Realm, died so easily in Bai Xiaofei's hands, without even surviving for a second.


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